As the sun sets, the darkness slowly descends.

Originally, Miyama Town, which was peaceful and lit up at night, was completely plunged into a silent darkness. Some children who wanted to have fun at night were all dragged back to their homes by adults.

The accident that happened during the day added an invisible panic to Miyama, which had been quiet for a long time.

At this moment–

At the junction of Miyama Town and Takayama, three black shadows that other people can’t see with the naked eye are condensed. It is the unique ability of demihumans, the black ghost (ibm).

In the [Nakaha secondhand bookstore] Takemiya Yu, there are also three more visions in his mind.

Takemiya Yu intends to use these three black ghosts (ibm) to eradicate the potential threat of Miyama Town. As long as it is not really supernatural, he is confident to solve all of them.

When three black ghosts (ibm) crossed the passage between the junction of Takayama and Miyama, they found that there were bright lights ahead.

It was Uncle Tian Ye who brought more than a dozen adults, holding torches, flashlights… armed with self-made weapons, patrolling back and forth with a solemn expression.

Because, like Uncle Field, some people have experienced daytime accidents, and they know the horror of old mice like old mice. They only dare to set up some traps around them, and they dare not go deeper into the mountains.

Takemiya Yu controlled the black ghost (ibm) to bypass Uncle Tianye and others, and entered the high mountain.

In the dark night in the mountains—

It was completely invisible, the towering trees and the moonlight emanating from the bright moon completely covered it, and Takemiya Yu found that the vision of the black ghost (ibm) was completely unaffected by the night.

The ability of night vision that he possesses is unique to him, but he does not know whether other demihuman black ghosts (ibm) are the same, or whether he has been enhanced.

Three invisible and invisible black ghosts (ibm) are slowly lurking in the dark mountains, and Takemiya Yu also discovered the problem.

Insects, animals that come out at night… all seem to be silent.

In the entire mountain, apart from the cold wind blowing, there was no movement at all. The silence was terrifying.

“It’s really not right!”

Takemiya Yu controlled three black ghosts (ibm) to stalk into the depths until they came to a place with obvious signs of fighting.

There are dusty handbags on the ground, broken glasses, mobile phones with broken screens, and the large scratches printed on the ground…

This is obviously the place where Uncle Day Field and the others suffered an accident.


Although Takemiya Yu still wants to control the black ghost (imb) to sneak deeper, but the range that he can override the black ghost (ibm) has reached the maximum limit, and if he goes deeper, the black ghost (ibm) ) automatically disintegrates because it exceeds the control range.

This is still after the [Demihuman Ability] has been enhanced. If it was just proposed at the beginning, its override range can only be in the small Miyama Town.

“Let’s go back first and go back to Uncle Tian’s place to prevent those things from coming out of other places.”

Since there is none here, we can only go back first.

He is now able to maintain the black ghost (ibm) outside for forty minutes, and is ready to work all night, rest for twenty minutes every hour, and then proceed to summon the black ghost (ibm).

Just when Takemiya Yu made up his mind to leave.


The black ghost (ibm) at the front seemed to be suddenly attacked by a strong external force and directly hit the black ghost (imb)For the fragile head, it turned into ibm particles and dissipated in the air.

Takemiya Yu suddenly lost a field of vision in his mind, which shocked him and almost made him lose control of the other two black ghosts (ibm).


This sudden change made him aware of the threat he was looking for, and the beast that killed Uncle Haruno appeared.

With the help of the vision of the remaining two black ghosts (ibm), Takemiya Yu finally saw what it looked like that defeated his first black ghost (ibm).

In the mountains in the dark night, there are more than a dozen pairs of beast eyes glowing with red glow, full of rage, and they look a little terrifying.

As described by Uncle Tian Ye, the black mice that are almost the size of a person, their hair is as hard as steel, and the protruding fangs exude a cold and fierce light.

These black mice, or really, as Uncle Field said, are ‘old mice’, and they surrounded the two black ghosts (ibm) in the middle.

“Can they see?!”

This surprised Takemiya Yu right now.

Afterwards, Zhu Gongyu discovered that it was not these old mice that could see, but could feel something abnormal. He read a bit of confusion from the eyes of these old mice and beasts, and let them surround the middle, and even put the first black The ghost (ibm) collapsed, it was all the last leader, or the credit of these old rat leaders.

A black mouse that was several times taller than an adult, and even better than a black bear, stood up, his fierce beast eyes glowed red, and stared viciously at the black ghost (ibm).

Even through the vision of the black ghost (ibm), Takemiya Yu could clearly feel the cold and evil spirit emanating from his body.

That’s why, it is believed that these mice are really the “old mice” that are widely circulated in strange folk tales.

He doesn’t think that mice can mutate to grow into such a body shape.

The new book is uploaded, I hope to support it, thank you! .

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