Chairman: “The neon has been a little uneven these days. Everyone, be careful when you go out. It’s best not to go out at night.”

Novelist: “What happened?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is very curious. The past few days are indeed not peaceful. There are often reports of missing persons in the news, not fixed in one city.

Originally, there were few police cars on the road, but now the sirens are constantly blaring, and she has been harassed a lot when she writes light novels.

Speaking of not being peaceful, Takemiya Yu also remembered what he had experienced recently, the haunting of the monster old mouse, is it possible that monsters have also appeared in other cities in Neon.

If this is the case, his own enhancement is inevitable.

Miss: “According to my family’s information, it seems that a vicious terrorist organization from North Africa has come to Neon, and all the recent events are their masterpieces, and their purpose is to cause the entire Neon situation to oscillate. What is the purpose of international influence?”

“It turned out to be just an international terrorist attack!”

Takemiya Yu felt relieved in his heart.

Compared with those monsters, these terrorist attacks cannot be regarded as paediatrics for him with [subhuman ability], but it is not a big problem, not to mention, now that [subhuman ability] has been enhanced again, it is enough to summon cohesion Out of nine black ghosts (ibm).

Even if,An elite commando in front of him is not enough to see.

Moreover, Takenomiya Yu did not question the words of the eldest lady. He had already learned that the eldest lady, the president and the three people in the [Tonghao Manga Club] are all real ladies in reality, the eldest lady… …The families of these people have various intelligence channels, and they will no longer conceal and deceive in such matters.

But, what he didn’t know was—

After the eldest lady said these words, everyone understood something subconsciously and kept silent about it.


After Takemiya Yu announced the end of the weekly online gathering, Takemiya Yu went offline.

Not long after Zhu Gongyu went offline, it seems that he will not log in again. The novelist: “Miss, do you know anything about the recent situation?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was very curious about this. She felt that something big must have happened in Neon. Of course, according to the official so-called ‘terrorist attack’, it can be justified, but, relying on a woman’s sixth sense, she told her that things are definitely far more She thought it was more complicated.

this moment–

It’s not just Kasumigaoka Shiyu alone, Eri Li, Touma Kazuha, Gui Yanye, Shimomura Izumi…the only one who is not very curious.

Eldest Miss: “I don’t know too much, but I still know the essence of the matter. A monster has recovered.”

The monster is revived! ! !

Are there really monsters in this world? ! !

Even his actions are unscientific and unreasonable… Demi-human Izumi Shimomura also flashed doubts in his heart, and then a wry smile appeared in his mouth, even pure blood demons, and it is not unusual for monsters to appear.

But, other people don’t know.

Painter: “There really are monsters in this world. The legendary Ibaraki Doji, Otengu, Orochi… do they all exist too?”

Miss: “I don’t know, but the monsters really exist. Now there are a few Onmyoji stationed in my house. I heard that they are from the Yin-Yang family, so the Shining family should be the same.”

Shining: “Indeed, my Onmyoji will be here this afternoon. My father invited him from the Onmyo Hall through the help of a good friend. It is said that he is a very powerful Onmyoji.”

Chief Music Officer: “It’s a monster, an Onmyoji, and the Onmyo Hall. It sounds like an organization department dedicated to Onmyoji. This is a world we are familiar with.”

Miss: “Things we don’t know, they are not non-existent, what’s more, there are even pure-blooded demons, and mere monsters seem to be no big deal.”

Pure blood demon! ! !

At the moment, many people were shocked again, and immediately, they knew who the eldest lady was talking about—

President, the President is really a pure-blooded devil! ! !

The Canna Sidi in “High School of Demons”, the successor of the Sidi family in the underworld, the younger sister of the Demon King Serafuru.

It turns out that the things in “High School of Demons” really exist, not fake.

The others couldn’t help being horrified.

They didn’t doubt Sigong Kaguya, because they knew Sigong Kaguya’s character, and there were some doubts in their previous words, but now they are all positive. Obviously, Sigong Kaguya used some method to confirm the meeting. The true identity of the president, or he went to the private Kuwang Academy to find the president in person.

Heiquan: “It’s like this…”

Shimomura Izumi couldn’t help explaining it to the other members of the [Tonghao Manga Club]. After all, a large part of the reasons that prompted the exposure of the chairman’s identity were her factors.

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