The capital of seven waters!

A quirky-looking girl with orange hair was looking around in shock.

"It's really a city that lives on water!"

This place is completely different from his own village of Cocosia, and he was worried about when he would be able to reach the naval headquarters.

If you continue at this speed, you will soon be able to reach the headquarters of the navy, and then you only need to find Esders!

Along the way, I saw a lot of things that I had never seen before, and if it were not for the kind merchant ships, I am afraid that I would not have been able to get here with my own sailing experience.

And I didn't meet any pirates along the way, and I don't know why, I feel as if many people yearn to become a navy more than pirates.

On the merchant ship when she came, there were many people on it who planned to go to the navy headquarters to become a navy.

The insights along the way made Nami determined her determination to find Estes to eliminate Aaron, and let that Estes help her no matter what.

You must know that Along, as a fish man, is ten times stronger than a human being!

And as the best of the fish people, Aaron is even stronger and outrageous, and Nami has also seen Aaron crush concrete into slag with her bare hands!

"I hope Estes can help me!"

Looking up into the distance, Nami made up her mind that even if she consumed the tens of millions of Baileys she had earned, she would not hesitate.

Thinking of this, Nami's mood became better, and she was stunned in place and began to look forward to a bright future in the near future.

"Go see it!"


"Really fake!"

"Of course it's true, that legendary naval queen has come to the capital of water!"

A group of people put down their things and walked in the direction of the port with excited expressions, which were legendary figures.

I heard that even Mr. Iceberg went over to welcome the arrival of Esders, how could he and others not go to the fun!

Nami, who was stunned, was attracted by the noise, and excitedly grabbed a woman with the same excited expression and asked, "Is the one you are talking about the legendary one, Esders!"

Just when the woman was puzzled, Nami's inquiry dispelled her doubts, and she opened her mouth and smiled: "Yes, that's the one, if you go now, you will be able to see her on the port!"

"That's my idol!"

The woman clasped her hands together with a foolish expression on her face, and Nami, who heard this, took a long leg and ran to the port.

"Be sure to wait for me!"

"The savior of Cocosia Village is here!"

Nami who was running hard looked a little worried, she was afraid that Estes was not Aaron's opponent, and she was afraid that Estes would not help her.

Expressions of excitement, worry, and nervousness all appeared on Nami's pretty face.

"Lord Esders! The capital of water has arrived!

Tina gave a military salute, glancing secretly at the shore.

I'm afraid that not most of the people in the water capital have come!


With a smile, Estes looked at the shore, but he did not expect that his reputation had reached such a point!


The iceberg on the shore that seems to be the head of the water capital, that is, that Tom's disciple.

Also in the same group are his secretary Carifa and Rob Lucci and other CP9 people.

"This is the mythical woman?"

Robluch glanced up at Esders, who was standing at the bow of the boat, it was this woman....

It's ridiculous, I am still considered to be the strongest CP9 in 800 years, but it's just a title.

It's just a god created by the navy, a woman, who can destroy her with a snap of her fingers!

It's best not to disturb your own tasks, your five-year mission has just improved, in case it is not good to be disturbed, you will not show mercy.

At this time, Rob Luqi was just 25 years old, and it was the time when he was in full swing, and he was not afraid of the sky!

I'm not satisfied with my undercover mission!

Estes glanced at Robluch and didn't care, if he was a woman, it would be another matter, but unfortunately he was not....

As soon as he got off the boat, the iceberg came over with a smile on his face, and he was very interested in this woman who was in the newspaper every day.

As far as he knew, many of the inside stories were about Esders, and there were even rumors that Estes had been selected as an alternate marshal.

This honor is not something that ordinary people can afford.

"Mr. Iceberg is polite, I came this time to have some personal matters."

After a few pleasantries, Estes led the people and slowly walked towards the office with the iceberg.

Even on the way to the way, he would glance at Kalifa from time to time, and Kalifa did the same, secretly looking at Esders.

Although I don't think this Estes will be stronger than Robluci, there is no doubt about it!

"Borrowed! Excuse me!

Nami's somewhat thin figure tried hard to squeeze out the crowd of onlookers, and at a glance she saw the figure of the starry moon.

"This young lady, what's wrong with you?"

Tina glanced curiously at Nami, who was trying to break out of the crowd, I am afraid that she should be a fanatic fan of Lord Esders again!

"I, I have something to find Lord Estes!"

"This..." Looking

at the pleading look on Nami's face, Tina was a little hesitant, knowing that Lord Esders' signature can be fried for 1 million Baileys on the black market!

Nami shouted loudly to Estes in the front, "Please wait!" Lord Esders!

"Please save my hometown!"

Nami's voice was already crying when she said the second sentence, and Tina, who was attentive, also noticed the pattern on Nami's arm.

That seems to be the sign of a pirate group?

Thinking of this, Tina couldn't help frowning, this little girl is a pirate, but what about saving her hometown.

Everyone's eyes were on Nami, and at this time, Nami did not have the psychological endurance a few years later, and suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

Estes also turned around when he heard the voice at this time, and immediately saw Nami squatting on the ground crying.

Stunned, he pretended not to recognize and slowly walked to Nami's side and hugged her thin body due to malnutrition.

At this time, Nami has been living under the rule of the evil dragon for four years!

I actually forgot about this file!

"What's wrong, tell me what happened in your hometown, I'll help you!"

The voice is no longer like the previous voice, mixed with gentleness.


Hearing such a thoughtful and gentle voice, Nami's psychological defense seemed to collapse, from the age of ten to the present.

No one has ever done this to her!

She has to be strong in front of the villagers, obedient in front of Along, and even stronger outside, but a little gentleness breaks her strong and fragile psychological defenses.

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