"Beep beep!"

A hurried whistle sounded.

Suddenly, the quiet girls' dormitory instantly became noisy.

"Esdes is up, Esders."

Pushing Estes next to him with his hand, saying a good massage, but falling asleep by pressing it, he can't wake Estes up again.

"Huh? Have you eaten. Confused

, he opened his eyes and saw a nervous Dusty calling out to himself.

"Morning training has begun, get up almost Esders."

After waking up Esders, Dusty quickly washed up, and if he was late, the instructor said that he would be punished.

"Five more minutes of sleep, just five minutes."

Estes obviously hadn't woken up from the habits of his previous life, and after glancing outside the door, he found that it was still dark.

Why get up so early.

"No, Esders! You'll be punished! Seeing

that Estes was about to fall asleep, Dusty lifted the quilt and shook Estes's body all the time.

Don't give her a chance to continue sleeping!

"Oops, I get up, I get up."

Can't help Dusty, can only get up, after all, the quilt has been lifted, then sleep a hammer.

"Let's go, follow me!"

Looking at the beautiful Esders, but listless, it is really an amazing contrast, yawning and yawning.

Soon the two walked to a place that looked like a training ground, and on the stage stood a man with purple moxican hair.

All of his body were strong muscles, and he looked at the scattered people in the audience with a serious face.

"Quiet! Stand up! "

Without any amplification equipment, just with his own voice directly stopped the panicked crowd.

Although his face is serious, he is happy to see the fresh blood of the navy, but he cannot show it, and he must make the image of a strict master.

Esders looked at the man on the stage, it was actually the legendary man Zefa!

Estes has great respect for this man, and the navy in her heart does not show much.

He Zefa has the corner!

He dedicated his life to the Navy, and even if his wife and children were killed by pirates, he did not break the rule of not killing!

Is this pedantic?

No! In fact, it is more about faith, because killing the pirate is really simple, but the devil fruit reappears after the user's death.

Moreover, it also gave hope to the pirate, just like the purpose of the siren was to admonish the perpetrator and give him a chance.

It is equivalent to this, if the navy encounters pirates and kills, then the pirates will definitely swear to death, and the harm will be even greater!

This is also the meaning of the existence of the Great Prison Under the Sea!

Not simply to close the pirates, but to restrict the pirates!

His justice is purer than lazy justice, extreme justice, ambiguous justice.

Even if it goes to the extreme in the end, the purpose is to completely annihilate the sea thieves of the new world, which is beyond doubt.

Even Karp has his own black spots, and for the sake of one Roger's child, Karp concealed everything, resulting in all the children born in that year being killed!

There are not hundreds of thousands, but tens of thousands of dead people!

Maybe Zefa is not the strongest, but he must be the most righteous one.

As for being cut off by Edward Wiebull, some people say that it is insufficient strength, this is not nonsense.

As a general, Zefa was middle-aged and elderly at that time, and he was still sick, plus he had to protect the lives of many students at that time, and he could not let go of his hands to fight, which was completely reasonable.

However, at present, Zefa's arm is not broken, but if you can help, you can help, after all, there are not many real soldiers in this world.

"Morning training begins!"

After seeing that everyone had quieted down, Zefa gave an order, and everyone began to run.

Around the headquarters of the navy Marin Fandor!

One lap, two laps... Five laps... Ten laps!

Even with the Demon God Manifestation: Demon Essence Enhancement, Estes is a little overwhelmed, let alone others.

Only a few people can keep up!

Dusty was a little reluctant and trailed for a full lap.

But he still followed closely and never fell behind.

Estes even saw some familiar faces in the team, Ain, Bintz, Sati, Domino.

However, the only ones who can keep up with the front row are Ain and Bintz, and the others are far behind.

You must know that Marin Fando is much bigger than it looks in anime, and these people are not trained, and they can run like this is already very strong.

"Come on Dusty-chan!"

Slowly come to Daschi's side.


Dusty was wet with sweat and looked up at the slightly relaxed Estes with a smile on her face.

"I know!"

Although Dusty did not speed up after mentioning God, he still followed closely behind Estes.

"Oh? There is actually a good seedling. As

an instructor, Zefa naturally ran with the newcomers, and Estes's posture was naturally seen by Zefa.

He came to select outstanding naval cadets and enter elite training camps.

I thought there wouldn't be too many surprises, but I didn't expect to really meet them.

Esders's eyes shine, this time he must win the first ah, this is all fame!

To get stronger!

"Then I'll go first, Dusty-chan!"

There are still a few people around him, and it just so happens that they are speeding up faster than them now.

Then it began to accelerate, and began to overtake them in the astonished eyes of everyone.

"It can actually speed up."

Zefa nodded, but this level is not enough, more talent needs to be shown, but this time the first must be Esders.

"Punch the line!"

After running the finish line, he looked back, and no one could keep up with him, only Ain and Binz were the closest to him.

It's a pity that this has been compared to other people recently.


Without waiting for Esders to be happy, a tall back appeared behind him, and turned his head to see that it was Zefa.

"Chief Instructor Zefa!"

A standard military salute.

"The girl did a good job, give me her name!"

Although it is a little unpleasant to be called a girl, the fact that she has become a woman cannot be refuted by herself at all.


"Okay, I made a note of it!"

After Esders, many people also slowly ran to the end, looking at Esders, who was talking with Chief Instructor Zefa, he couldn't help but show a look of envy.

"Next training..." The

whole day was actually training, except for the time to eat and rest.

The horror is that I haven't felt tired yet, and the physique of the people inside One Piece is simply terrifying!

"But this can't be used for training at all!"

Lying on the bed in the dormitory, Estes couldn't help but sigh.

Your own Demon Essence must be trained to activate better.

"Dusty-chan, do you want to practice with me?"

Glancing back at Dustie, who was flipping through a small book, Estes asked.

If nothing else, it should be the book about the world's famous swords.

"Ah! All right! "

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