A warship slowly left the Chambord Islands!

"Yo roar!"


After repeatedly confirming that the warship had left, everyone in the entire area 1-29 started to revel.

"That female navy is finally gone!"

Even a strong man with more than three meters full of muscles knelt on the ground, shedding tears of joy, and the muscular man with more than three meters was aggrieved like a child.

This day is simply not a place for people, and the days are carefully passed, even if they are dragged into the naval headquarters and tortured one day.

Tables are placed on the street, bottles of wine are placed on it.

Countless unknown dishes were placed on the table, and some people held a microphone and sang loudly there, venting the feeling of depression in their hearts for a short time.

"Binks Wine Toast!"

"Facing the wind and rain and the waves!"

"My favorite flag is flying under the clear sky!"

Hands on shoulders singing, Binks' wine.

A lean man looked panicked and saw the crowd of people who were celebrating hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted: "Stop singing, quickly pack up, I see a warship coming!"

In the blink of an eye, there was still a celebratory atmosphere, and all the crowds began to get busy, without the hustle and bustle just now.

From this, we can see the dominance of Estes over the Chambord Islands.


Looking up at the clear sky, Estes admitted that he didn't have the bad taste to go and go.

The blue sky and white clouds shone on him, and the gentle sea breeze blew on his face.

"It's really good to sail once in a while, but if it's long-term, forget it, I can't stand it."

Estes shook his head and went back to the recliner, feeling the gentle sunshine.

"Lord Esders, Smog has arrived in the Chambord Islands." Tina walked leisurely to Esders's side.

He casually picked up the sunscreen on the table next to the recliner, rubbed it on his hand, and applied it to Esders's tender white skin.

I also untied the bow tied on my back, and spring dawned.

That is, there is not a single male sailor on the Esders ship, but this does not prevent a group of female sailors from watching this scene with drool in their mouths.

I don't know when this kind of good thing can be his turn, and Lord Estes's skin is not envious at all.

Obviously, training has never been absent, but there is no trace of being destroyed by training on the body, and there is not even a cocoon on the hand.

"Lord Esders, you have such good skin."

Tina said enviously, obviously it was all a piece of training, but her skin was slightly rough, not much better than Lord Esders.

"Yours is not bad, come here and I'll paint it for you."

He pulled Tina into his arms, untied his restraints, and wiped his hands with sunscreen.


~" "Lord Estes~"



Karina sneezed lonely in the office and said indignantly: "Hmph! Say that the naval base cannot do without me, and as a result, I myself was left here! "


I didn't bring Karina on this trip, otherwise how could there be no Karina in the sunscreen.

Although she is still relatively young, Karina thinks that she is not lost to Tina, and she is so confident!


"The one who took over my job better come quickly!"

It's not that Estes doesn't want to take Karina with him, it's really that Kalina is paralyzed when he leaves the naval base.

Although Chambord Land was cleaned up by Esders, the workload was quite a lot, and Estes was not interested in this aspect at all.

Tina had to train the navy again, so all the work was lost to Karina.

It can be said that Karina may have more power in her hands than Estes.

All work approval needs to be handled by Karina!

So the naval base is really okay without Esders, but it really can't be without Karina, and even the operation has become a problem.

Knock knock!


Karina didn't lift her head, and she knew without thinking that she was here to report work.


As soon as the door opened, Karina frowned, and a strong smell of smoke poured in.

When I looked up, I saw Smogg, with a cigar in his mouth and a dangling face, swallowing clouds and spitting fog.

Smogg also saw a little girl sitting above the office, a little confused, and quickly extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

Seeing this behavior, Karina nodded.

And Smogg simply felt that it was a little inappropriate to smoke in front of a little girl, in case it affected the development of others.

Seeing this costume, Karina remembered that Lord Estes had told her when she was leaving, that someone would come to Chambord.

This person loves to smoke cigars.

It should be the man in front of you.

"You are Smogg, this is your job, follow me, I will take you to the office."

Skillfully threw Smog a package wrapped in a paper bag, and Smog hurriedly took it.

I was still shocked in my heart: "How is this kid like a little adult?" A

closer look at the desk was actually full of official documents, which would be too much to say.

Let a child work!

"When Estes comes back, he must talk about her!"

Ignoring Smogg's inner thoughts, Smog said to Karina with a smile on his face: "Little sister..." Before

the words could be spoken, Karina directly skipped Smog and said to herself: "Follow me."

Helplessly, Smog had to keep up.

"Sergeant Karina!"

"Hello Sergeant Karina!"

Passing by the salutes of all the two navies, Karina nodded indifferently.

This stunned Smogg, the little girl in front of him was actually a sergeant, and the performance of the navy was actually respectful from the heart.

In fact, Smogg did not know that Karina was a core figure in the naval base.

If strength alone can suppress everything, then the Navy can send a random person.

It can be said that all the things that communicate with pirate bounty hunters and even nobles are Kalina's advice to stabilize the situation in Chambord.

After all, ruling a place is not the same as sailing on the sea.

If you do something, you can pat your ass and leave, and rule needs to worry about a bunch of things that you have, and that's the key.


The day flies by.

"Lord Esders's daughter country has arrived!"

A female sailor trotted over to Estes and Tina.


The windless belt is still more dangerous, and they have come to the daughter's country without danger except for the extraordinary strength of Esders.

There are also new technologies for the Navy, sea floor stones, and propulsion technology.

"Navy ahead! Stop your voyage! "

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