
Friendly reminder: High heels and long legs go together!

It's a pity that the current long legs are not used to see, but a weapon to kill!

Buck didn't react at all, didn't even open the sight, let alone reacted, and the high heels kicked Buck directly in the face.

The flame in his hand lost control and suddenly exploded, and Buck also flew out tens of meters directly, and he was about to fall into the sea.


The pirate brothers looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and the invincible captain was actually kicked away by a woman.

Esders's reaction was the same, looking at Hancock in front of him with some incomprehension, not understanding why Hancock was so angry.

Turning his head to look at Esders, Hancock looked up and down and was relieved to find that Estes was not injured.


..." feeling the female emperor's gaze looking around at herself, she thought to herself, "It won't be because of me that I'm so angry, shouldn't it..." After

all, the two had only seen each other, how could Hancock be so angry because he was worried about himself.

"The mourning family..." Seeing

that Estes was okay, Hancock calmed down, he had no reason to do this, he was completely carried away by anger just now.

Just when Hancock was a little overwhelmed and didn't know what to do, Esders' voice came.

"Be careful!"

It turned out that Buck, who had just been kicked away, did not fall into the sea, but used his ability to instantly condense a flame under his feet.


Huge flames erupted from under his feet, and the flame impact hit the sea.

The sea surface was suddenly hit by flames to form a huge crater, and the sea water evaporated to form water vapor.

Adjusted the direction and flew in the direction of Han Cook, who was struggling with how to speak!

Buck's hand once again condensed energy towards Hancock below, but his 500 million bounty New World sea thief was kicked out by a woman!

Who can bear this!

"Exploding flames!"

The two hands merged together, and a very suction air outlet appeared at the place of merge, absorbing the surrounding energy.

The next moment, a flame with a width of nearly two meters was ejected, and the high-concentration compressed flame appeared a little unstable.

It's as if it explodes when you touch something!

Estes rushed up with one lunge, wrapped his arm around Hancock with one hand, and put the other hand on the deck.

"Ice City Wall!"

The next moment, in the sea, a block of ice tens of meters high and three or four meters wide rose up and blocked the front of the naval warship!


Instantly, flames and ice collided with a strong explosion.

The ice that was blown apart by the flames burst into the surrounding pirates, and the flame explosion damage that sputtered out all hit the pirates on the other side of the ice wall.

Groups of pirates were hit by the fall.


A wild boar with huge fangs rises from the deck of the pirates!

His body even reached the point where it was six or seven meters long and four meters high, helping his boat withstand the scattered ice and flames.

"Don't panic!"

"Yes, Vice Captain!"

Everyone also seemed to have taken a reassuring pill, and the pirates of the new world really could not be underestimated.

"Abominable navy!"

Without looking at his subordinates, who were affected by his combat methods, he stretched out his hand and touched his face, and one place was hard to the touch, without any perception.


With a little force of his fingers, he actually cut a stone off his face!

This ability, coupled with the woman's voice just now, attacked him without a doubt the legendary world's first beauty!

Pirate Emperor - Boyahan Cook!

After all, this is the Amazon lily, who else but her.


Feeling the temperature in Esders's arms, obviously it is cold, why do I feel that my whole body is feverish.

Opening his eyes to look at the delicate face of Estes who was close at hand, Hancock held his face with his hands, and his eyes seemed to appear stars.

"Concubine body, concubine body is so happy!"

I really want this time to continue until the sky is wasted and old, so let yourself grow old slowly in the arms of Esders!

"This kind of happiness, is this the legendary feeling of love!"


" "Are you all right?"

Estes glanced at Han Cook with some worry, how could it be clear that the flames did not burn her, and her body was still so hot?

"The concubine is fine, thank you."

For the sake of his image, Hancock had to slowly straighten up and free himself from Esders's embrace.

"It's okay."

After all, it was considered to have helped herself just now, and it would not be good to let her get hurt.

Mother-in-law and Hancock's two sisters took Samero belatedly and watched Hancock and Estes standing together.

The two actually had an inexplicable sense of compatibility under the moonlight.

Hancock also did not have the look of dying and alive just now, and some little daughters peeked at Estes from time to time.

"That's true!"

Hancock is in love with Esders, and he does not want to marry Esders, but wants to marry Esders, these two concepts are completely different!

"Sister, are you okay?"

Sonia and Marigorud hurried closer to Guan Han Cook's safety, while Samero curled up into a chair.


The ice wall is gone!

Hancock slowly walked to the chair that Samero had turned into, and looked at the pirates in the sky with unkind eyes.


An ice-made chair landed beside Hancock, and Estes lay on it, looking into the air with one hand on his face.

I have wanted to do this for a long time, is it handsome, handsome +10086!

He didn't notice that Hancock was also sitting next to him, slightly shorter than Esdersd's seat.

The two people just sat and watched quietly, shocking the pirates in the audience!

"What a match!"

All the sailors couldn't help but sigh.

Even Han Cook's two sisters and mother-in-law feel this way.

If the female emperor is more attractive as a king, then Estes is domineering and occupies more.

Hancock also did not notice the movement of Estes on the side, and both of them focused on Buck flying in the sky.


Buck looked at the scene below, and now he seemed to be facing two kings, even making him a little afraid!

Then the idea was abandoned!

It's just two women, what are you afraid of, and it's not that Four Emperors Big Mom!

"Little ones, give it to me! Those who took the navy and the daughter country, how to sell it for money!

"Yes, Captain!"

With one order, all the pirates rushed up!


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