A man appeared over the warship Esders!

As far as the eye can see, the golden cloak is pressed against the body, the hands are wrapped around the chest, and the long golden hair shawl falls.

It was somewhat surprising that the man had a wooden rudder stuck in his head, causing the man to be somewhat bald.

The most surprising thing is that the man has no legs, his legs are cut off, and two calves are stuck with blades on them.

But it does not hinder the manhood, but looks more domineering.

"Golden Lion - Shiki!"

Esders's pupils were slightly dilated, sure enough, he guessed correctly, who else but this man could control the island floating in the sky?

"Lord Esders!"

Dusty and the others all set their eyes on Estersd.

This man who looks funny but domineering is actually the legendary Golden Lion Shiji, the sea thief with the same name as Roger and Whitebeard!

Even the great underwater prison known as the iron wall did not trap this legendary sea thief, and he cut off his legs and escaped!

Breaking your legs abruptly, this kind of courage is not possessed by anyone!

If this person is the legendary golden lion, then wouldn't they be dangerous or even wiped out here!

Thinking that the faces of these people are full of worry, obviously they just came out with Lord Esders, and actually met the legendary sea thief, what kind of luck is this?

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect that Lao Tzu disappeared for more than ten years, and there were still people who remembered me! Hearing Estes call him, Schi looked at the young navy on the warship.

He dared to bet that this woman was definitely no more than twenty years old, but she had a domineering attitude that did not put everyone in her eyes.

I originally wanted to come down to resupply and catch some animals by the way, but I didn't expect to meet such an interesting navy.

At this time, Estes also put his hands on his chest, slightly raised his head and confronted the golden lion Shiji.

If it is a golden lion in its heyday, Estes will turn his head and run without saying a word, but the strength of the golden lion now must have declined!

The rudder on the head, the loss of legs, the golden lion of the two-handed swordsman is equivalent to losing the strength of the great swordsman.

"Little girl! How about quitting the Navy and following me? Shiki looked at Estes with interest, and he admitted that he was a little moved by this woman's arrogance!

It's like facing Roger, but with ambition that Roger doesn't have, which he is sure will not deceive when he sees it!

"I refuse!"

"Sure enough, it's like this again—I'm bored..." The golden lion showed such an expression, and then his legs crossed and flew out with a slash!

100-meter slash kick out!


Maybe it's normal for the sailors to panic when they see this scene, but the people on the Esdes ship won't look at Esders with everyone's eyes!

Esders is God!


Esders jumped up from the deck, pulled out the slashing knife ice wheel pill, and went straight towards the 100-meter slash!

"Lord Esders! Be careful!

Everyone looked at this scene with worried faces, they really couldn't help this kind of fight, and they couldn't even delay time.

The two-meter figure of Esders is like an ant in front of the 100-meter slash.

The slashing knife resisted the 100-meter slash, and the one-handed force directly reversed the direction of the slashing attack, and slashed on the sea not far away.

"It's too underestimated!"

Almost instantly, the sea surface was cut flat, and the sea even stopped flowing, but it was only for a moment that the sea filled in the impact of the slash on the sea.

In front of the sea, human beings are weak, even if they are as strong as Roger Golden Lion? The Golden Lion knows this well!


He actually let his slash deviate from the direction without much effort, and his strength was not to be underestimated.

Esders stepped into the air with moon steps, shoulder to shoulder with the golden lion, spun the slashing knife in his hand, and then drank softly: "Freeze everything - Ice Wheel Pill!"

As Esders shouted out the original language, the cold qi invaded the entire blade, and even the cold qi in Esders' body was a little stupid.

However, the blade did not change in any way, the only difference was that the cold qi that did not spread at all, all condensed on the blade.

The language of the first interpretation is naturally different from that white hair.

As for why not do it, of course, first see what the remaining strength of the golden lion is, and fight if it can, even if it can't beat the golden lion, it can't help her!

Just because it's the surface of the sea!


"Lion Wei - Sea Tornado!"

The golden lion laughed loudly, and actually met someone who could make himself do it, which is really exciting, finally able to move his muscles!

"Sister Ain, look at the sea around you!" Dusty stretched out a hand and pointed to the sea not far from the naval warship.

Everyone looked in the direction that Dusty was pointing, but Estes didn't even move his gaze, and the golden lion actually wanted to attack him with a stream of water.

A stream of water tens of meters wide rises from the surface of the sea, until the length of hundreds of meters slowly changes into a lifelike water dragon!

"How about this trick?"

Looking at Esders proudly, the most feared thing for the ability is naturally seawater, but he can control the seawater!

Estes was unmoved, and even looked at the golden lion with some mentally retarded eyes, if it was dirt, she really couldn't do anything, but the sea...


"Sea Spout, go!"

Angered by Esders' eyes, the golden lion directly controlled the sea tornado towards Esders, and even several currents gradually formed.

Slowly, it also turned into a dragon!

Several sea tornadoes that were more than 100 meters long and ten meters wide flew towards Esdersd with the power of destroying the heavens and the earth!

This is the old times!

The ability to destroy the world and the earth!


The destructive power of this move can be compared to the power of ordinary tsunamis, can people block nature?

Esders's face remained unchanged in the face of the incoming Sea Tornado, and the arm holding the ice wheel pill was raised to aim at the Sea Tornado.

Behind him, several small birds made of ice slowly formed.

"Icicles of birds!"

The birds made of ice are not worth mentioning compared to the sea tornado, but the golden lion paid attention to it, and that woman was actually a frozen fruit power!

The moment the ice bird touched the sea dragon, the ice bird's whole body shattered, and the ice dragon was frozen inch by inch in the blink of an eye and extended to the sea surface.

The sea surface was also frozen until it extended thousands of meters before stopping.

This is the cold air contained in a few ice birds!

If it is just a freezing of the sea surface, it may not attract the attention of the golden lion, but the energy of the ice dragon that carries the ability of fluttering fruits is quite a lot!

It was actually frozen!

The sea surface was frozen with the warship, and there were several 100-meter sea tornadoes on the ice that were also frozen.

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