"The kid from Form 2!"

Ye Chen shook his head and put away Ryūjin Jakka.

With his current strength, it is easy to kill Ainilu, with the perfect Armament Haki, Ainilu's trickiest ability is of no use in front of him.

At the same time, because Ainilu is a frog at the bottom of the well, he didn't go out to the outside world, and I didn't know that Logia Devil Fruit had a nemesis.

Although the sky island has traffic jams and is not as prosperous as below, it is not that no one knows the existence of Haki in the sky island.

Because empty islands exist in many places, such as New World legends have many empty islands, and even some empty islands are known as the islands of gods like Aini Road. It is rumored that the islands may not be as powerful as the Four Emperors.

But the gap between the two is not that big, even if the Four Emperors have to deal with those guys, it is not a simple matter.

Even if he swallowed it, he would suffer heavy casualties.


Because that force has been very low-key and hasn't continued it often, so many people have forgotten it.

Anilu Ye Chen thought about subduing, but thought that this guy is rebellious, plus Ye Chen is too lazy to train this guy, so I don't bother to subdue it, it's better to kill it directly.

So as not to leave a bomb in the team.

"Come on, Galio, let's go back down below!"

The sign-in reward was obtained, and Ainilu was killed.

Sky Island has nothing Ye Chen can commemorate.

Greeted Galio to leave.

Waiting for the next mission.

After a taste of a nod, Ye Chen is more and more looking forward to the reward for the sign-in task.

after all.

The rewards given every time are extremely rich.

Ryūjin Jakka.


Conqueror's Haki.

No matter which one is the best reward.

And this time with Conqueror's Haki, Ye Chen's strength has gone to the next level. When he meets three Admiral guys, there is no way to deal with it.

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Water Moon Island.

Located on a prosperous island on the Grand Line, because of its geographical location, ships often come here to replenish supplies, including Marine, bounty hunters, and pirates.

However, because of the good reserves and strong soldiers and horses, they are well-known in the first half of the Grand Line.

So there are not many pirates making trouble here.

But it's not without it.

It's just that these troubled pirates are basically dead.

A few years ago, there was a pirate group that offered a reward of more than 200 million yuan to make trouble here, but the latter group was destroyed.

After this incident, the pirates who came here were also much better-behaved.

At the dock.

A Marine warship approached slowly and finally stopped on the dock.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

On the deck.

There are two figures standing, both of whom are women.

One has a delicate face and a tall stature, wearing a Marine justice coat.

The other is a tall and thin old woman with gray hair and wrinkles on her face. She wears two bracelets on her right hand and green earrings on her ears. Her Marine shawl is purple.

The two are impressively Marine Admiral's substitute Taotu Gion and Marine Lieutenant General Crane of Marine Wisdom Civilization.

The two are sisters.

Taotu Gion looked around and saw the Pirate Ship parked on the pier around her, frowning, "Blood Wolf Pirates, Jack Pirates, these guys are not good things, they have done a slaughter before. The inhabitants of the island!"

"These guys can't let it go!"

The Blood Wolf Pirates and Jack Pirates are well-known in the Grand Line because they act unscrupulously and do many evil deeds. As long as they go to a place, they will slaughter wildly and take away the treasures there.

Because of these things, the bounty of the two pirate groups is very high, and the captains both start at 200 million.

No bounty is small.

In the first half of the Grand Line, the 200 million pirates who started are all famous big pirates, and they can be regarded as standing on top of the first half of the pirates.

None of these people are powerful people, at least among the pirates in the first half, they are considered the top.

The crane on the side looked at the flags of the surrounding Pirate Group, and said calmly: "Let's do it, it's their misfortune to meet us!"

The strength of the two pirates is actually very good, but if they meet Taotu Gion and Tsuru, the strength of the two is not enough.

Needless to say, the cranes used to be the pillars of Marine may not be as strong as Sengoku Garp, but they are still not to be underestimated. Although they are now too old, their strength is far beyond the pirates.

As a substitute for Admiral, Taotu Gion naturally lacks in strength. None of those who can become Admiral's substitutes are top players and extremely powerful players who are considered by Marine to possess the strength of Admiral.

If there is no internal recognition of Admiral's strength, it is impossible to become a substitute.


With the strength of Taotu Gion, these guys are far from opponents.

In general, it is not one level.

With the approval of the crane.

Taotu Gion immediately gave orders to Marine on the warship.

Marines who can be on the two warships are naturally elites, not ordinary goods.

Upon receiving the order, the Marine on the warship immediately moved into action.

Crane and Taotu also went down one after another.

In addition to the two pirate groups, Blood Wolf and Jack, there are several other pirate groups on the pier. When they saw Marine, they immediately ordered the crew to leave the pier.

Most pirates are still afraid of Marine.

As for Jack and the Blood Wolf Pirate Group, they were indifferent, as if they hadn't seen them, or were not afraid at all.

The Marines quickly rushed to the Pirate Ship.

Looking at the deserted Pirate Ship, the Marines were immediately stunned.

"I have no one here!"

‘I’m no one here either! ’

They were dumbfounded. Although the pirates would go down to supply supplies, they would basically leave some people on the pirate ship to guard.

And now they didn't even find anyone?

This is too strange.

Are you afraid of being robbed of the contents?

Neither pirate ship found anyone.

Several Marines came over depressed and said, "Lieutenant General Taotu, Lieutenant General Crane, the two pirate regiments can't find anyone, there is no one!"

no one?

Heard these words.

Taotu and Crane were a little stunned.

This is impossible.

Even if you want to go down to supply, there should be some people left behind.

Crane pondered for a moment: ‘Go and check if something has happened! ’

Generally speaking.

The pirate group will leave some people on the pirate ship to guard.

Unless there is something else, there will be no one on the Pirate Ship.

Five minutes later.

A Marine came hurriedly and said: "Lieutenant General, I just got the news that members of the Black Crow Pirates have appeared here, and they have also clashed with the blood wolf and Jack Pirates. Their People are all gone! ’

Taotu Gion's pupils shrank, and said in a deep voice, "Is this news certain?"

‘OK, this news has spread throughout the town! ’

He Shen Sheng said: ‘Gion, let’s go and see what happened! ’

The Black Crow Pirates.

They are no strangers, because Marine attaches great importance to them, especially the captain Ye Chen. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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