"I don't know where Ye Chen got these two guys, and they may not be worse than us!"

"If it weren't for my rich experience, I would have been killed by the two of them!"

Aokiji said solemnly.

The words came out.

Garp and Kizaru next to them were a little surprised.

Whether it is Galio.

The women who appeared in front of them were never seen before.

Fortunately, Galio said, at least there was some news.

But the blue-haired woman, they really have no news at all.

Pause time.

Kizaru's face became solemn, without the hippie smile of the past, and he didn't want to paddle much in his heart.

It is certainly not easy to make Aokiji feel so embarrassed, and to speak such words.

If he continues to paddle or look down, he is likely to be torn apart in the next battle.

"Where is Kuzan, Ye Chen and Akainu?"

"I'm going to meet that guy for a while!"

Garp laughed.

Aokiji pointed to the 17th area next to him: "They are right there!"

The voice fell off.

Garp rushed over without looking back.

See this scene.

Acedes activated his ability, and an ice dragon appeared instantly, biting towards Garp.

"You can't stop his Acedes!"

With a helper.

Aokiji suddenly gained a little more confidence, and almost simultaneously used the same ability to stop Acedes's ability in mid-air.


The two collided together, like a huge mountain colliding, bursting one after another, and the ice cubes fell below like rain.

Garp took this opportunity to rush into it instantly.

And this time.

Kizaru's eyes widened, turned to look at Aokiji, and asked, ‘Kuzan, what’s the matter? How can that guy have the same ability as you! ’

"Don't ask me, I don't know either!"

"If you want to know, ask her yourself, but she may not say it!"

Aokiji spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

He also wants to know why Acedes has the same ability as him.

This is so strange.

Generally speaking.

The ability of Devil Fruit is unique.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It is impossible for a second identical ability to appear. Although some capable persons are similar, they are only somewhat the same, and will not be exactly the same.

But Acedes's ability is almost the same as Aokiji's.

This is surprising.

"Is anyone in control of the ability to replicate Devil Fruit?"

Kizaru's eyes flickered, and he has something to do with the Ministry of Science and Technology of the World government.

Know some things how much.

The Ministry of Science and Technology of the World government is now vigorously researching Devil Fruit, trying to unlock the mystery of Devil Fruit and apply it elsewhere.

The world government's research on Devil Fruit has reached an extremely terrifying level, and Devil Fruit can already be used on objects, such as firearms, or other things.

Through Devil Fruit, wisdom is born to other things.

However, the biggest research topic of the Ministry of Science and Technology is to copy Devil Fruit's ability. If this can be researched out, they will be able to get a large number of Demon fruit power units.

Once researched out, various Demon fruit power can be mass-produced, such as Aokiji's ability and Akainu's ability.

If these abilities are mass-produced, no one in this world will be an opponent of the World government, and the Four Emperors will be crushed.

It's just that this research project is too difficult. Although a part of it has been researched, it cannot be copied perfectly.

Kaido's Animal Ability Corps is also a researcher project, but it hasn't made much progress.

To copy Devil Fruit perfectly, this is too difficult.

Kizaru thought it was impossible before.

But before Acedes used the ability similar to Aokiji, Kizaru couldn't help but think about it.

It's impossible.

Is anyone really able to copy Devil Fruit successfully?

If it succeeds, it will overturn the world.

No matter who it is, it must be treated with caution.

Kizaru said in a deep voice, "Kuzan, Galio, I will deal with it. As for the girl, you have to deal with it, but you must remember that you must not let her die!"

"I see!"

Aokiji nodded.

Although he doesn't know much about the Ministry of Science and Technology, he also knows some secrets.

To this.

He quickly understood what Kizaru meant.

Ace Des.

It is likely to be the product of copying Devil Fruit. If she can be captured by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the World government, this will bring a great breakthrough to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

It can even break through this difficult problem.

Even if it can't break through.

You can also learn some news through Acedes.


Kizaru's figure flickered and turned into a ray of light that rushed past, and came to behind Galio in an instant, saying: ‘Mr. Galio, have you been kicked by the light? ’

What a fast speed.

Galio's eyes flashed. Although he knew Kizaru's speed was astonishing, he was shocked the first time he saw him.

This speed is so fast that it is almost impossible to catch with the naked eye, and Observation Haki is even more difficult to catch.

By the time he reacted, the countermeasures had already come to him.

Galio said nothing, Armament Haki covered his body, while holding his arms, his wings closed, a magic circle looming!

"Duran's shield!"


Kizaru kicked Galio fiercely, and the huge impact came, and the ice under the feet of the two directly exploded.


After Galio's figure went backwards a few meters, he immediately stopped.

Galio spread his wings and smiled honestly: "Mr. Kizaru, this is the power of light. Isn't it too weak?"


Galio grabbed Kizaru.

Kizaru furrowed his eyebrows, his right leg gleamed and kicked again.


Still unable to cause much damage to Galio, he just made Galio back a few steps without leaving even a trace on his body.

"What kind of physique is this, how hard?"

Seeing that Galio was indifferent, and seeing that his abilities were inadequate for the first time, Kizaru's heart Chūnin couldn't help but cursed.

Galio's body was too hard, like a rock, indestructible.

Kizaru's abilities are not able to be used at all. After being kicked, ordinary people will basically be kicked off by him.

Only facing Galio, he couldn't kick off at all, and even Kizaru felt some pain in his feet. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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