People In Pirates: I Am Invincible After Signing In For Twenty Years!

Chapter 134 Pluton's Fury! Sinking the island in one shot!

"Mr. Ronan, have you named this ship?"

On the deck, a group of people stood in the bow position, watching the waves in the distance, Tom turned his head and asked Ronan.

"In terms of name... how about calling it the Voyager?"

Ronan thought for a while and said, turning his head to look at the other crew members and asking them what they thought.

"The Voyager? It's good, let's call it this name." The girls thought about it, although there is nothing Haki by this name, but the power of Pluton is here, and there is no need for a name to set off.

"Okay, let's call the Voyager!" Ronan smiled and said, this name, like an aircraft in the real world in the past life, Ronan also has high hopes for this Pluton, and this name is also Correspond to the Traveller Pirate Group.

"Traveler, a good name!" Tom also said with a smile: "It just so happens that your pirate group is called Traveler, and the ship is called Traveler, too!"

After a while, the Voyager traveled on the waves and came to a sea area far from the water capital. On this sea area, there is a deserted island. There are no large creatures on the island, and it is a pure desert island. , Which is why Tom chose here as the test gun.

"This is a deserted island. Although it is not large in size, it is a small island and is considered suitable for this main gun test!"

As Tom said, he ordered to start preparations. After a while, the preparations were completed. In terms of energy, Dana had already been charged at the port. Otherwise, the Voyager would not come here so quickly, and there would be no use of spare parts at all. Sails, yes, the Voyager can not only use energy to sail, but also can use sails to prevent the energy from being shut down due to some reasons that cannot be recharged in time. With the sails, it can also be used as a backup for travel. Yamato’s sails are very large. Yamato has four large main sails with six small secondary sails.

After preparations were made, Tom gave Ronan the authority to order the firing, and Ronan ordered the firing.

"Captain Ronan, you can order the cannon!" Tom looked at Ronan and said, the others around were also watching him, excitedly preparing to watch Pluton's main gun: Whether Pluton's Fury is really as terrifying as the legend.


Ronan took a deep breath, then shouted in a deep voice: "Fire!"

The sound fell, and it was transmitted to the main gun control room through a device specially used to transmit commands. In the main gun control room, Dina was also here. This time, she was responsible for the main gun control. As soon as he heard Ronan issue it The command to fire, immediately pressed the fire button in his hand.

Afterwards, the electric light was secretly transmitted in the main gun control room, gathered inside the main gun, and a ball of terror energy flashing with electric light flew out of the main gun barrel.

The entire Voyager's hull shook violently, and everyone standing on the bow deck saw only a flash of lightning, and then the target desert island rang with a loud noise, over the entire island, A huge mushroom cloud rose up. Below, the sea roared and rolled, and the entire island had disappeared. Only the mushroom cloud rising in the sky, after a long time, the mushroom cloud gradually dissipated, and a large amount of dust was scattered into the sea.This horrible scene completely shocked everyone watching.

"This, what a terrifying power!" Irina looked at the scene in shock, with a stunned expression.

"Yes, if this gun goes down, an island is gone!" Karumen also nodded, and said in horror: "This, if it hits a ship or hits a coastal city, then What a terrible casualty it will cause!"

"The power is indeed great!" Ronan also nodded and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "We don't necessarily use the main artillery against the city, but with such a powerful weapon, we can deter the younger generation! "

"Not bad!" Tom was also shocked by the power of Pluton's main gun, and he especially agreed with Ronan's words: "This kind of weapon is mainly used to deter the enemy. It does not necessarily need to be used. Just knowing that you have this weapon is enough. Shocked those guys!"

"Pluton! It really deserves to be the legendary Ancient Weapon!" The other boat craftsmen at Tom Shipyard who participated in the manufacture of the ship were all amazed. They also don't know how powerful it is, but now, they have seen it, and they all know how terrifying the power of its main gun is.

After everyone was amazed, Tom began to take people to inspect the ship, mainly to check the situation in the main gun control room to see if there was any damage to the ship after the main gun bombardment. Under inspection, the ship was intact, and the main gun bombardment did not cause any damage to the ship. Any major damage, only slight damage to the barrel of the main gun due to high-energy bombardment, is normal damage, there is no major problem, and the gun can be fired again after cooling down.

"The material of the main gun barrel is a kind of high temperature resistant material. However, the high-energy condensing of lightning power still caused slight damage to the barrel. The problem is not big. Now this material can fully support the main artillery bombardment more than 100 times, as long as each The interval between the cannons should be more than ten minutes. If the limit bombardment is carried out, the gun barrels will be completely damaged by the continuous rapid bombardment of ten cannons!"

Tom talked to Ronan and Dana about the gun barrel.

"This is not a big problem at all!" Ronan nodded and said, "The gun barrel needs to be replaced after a hundred shelling. This situation is completely within the acceptable range. Who can let me fire a hundred times?"

"Hahaha, that's right, judging from the power of the Pluton's main gun, one hundred bombardments, even the large islands are gone!"

Tom laughed.

The main gun test was completed, and everyone began to return. The Voyager quickly returned to the internal port of Tom Shipyard. The huge hull stood in the port, giving people a sense of horror and oppression.

The manufacturing of Pluton is completed, and the time that Ronan and his team stay in the Water City is basically over. After such a long stay, Ronan has not checked in a few times, except for occasionally going out to some small islands close to the Water City. After signing in, I didn't get a few decent rewards, just some common potions and some items that Ronan didn't like.

Although Ronan has continuously improved his own strength through his own practice during this year, this improvement has been much slower than before. He still needs to sign in to those famous large islands and get better rewards. Row.

Only by constantly signing in and getting rewards can he improve his strength faster. Ronan has not forgotten that now the two-party war in New World does not seem to have much to do with him, but as one of the five emperors, the World government will never turn a blind eye. .

Even the World government will regard itself as a thorn in the eye. The feud that killed the four Celestial Dragons a year ago was ended, and the two sides will inevitably have a battle.

Ronan is very wary of the Yim who is hidden behind the scenes of the World government. Even if he now has Pluton, he must not underestimate Yim. After all, he might have Uranus in his hands. But the first of the three Ancient Weapons, Wei Neng is absolutely very strong.

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