People In Pirates: I Am Invincible After Signing In For Twenty Years!

Chapter 139 The Power of Pluton! shock the world!

Ronan’s Voyager really shocked the world. In the newspaper the next day, Morgans would certainly not let go of such a breaking news. He has always followed Ronan’s movements closely, but it’s a pity. In the previous year, he thought that Ronan would participate in the New World battle. As a result, Ronan stayed in the Water City for a year. This disappointed him a bit. But now, Ronan is starting to take action. He immediately A reporter was sent to follow, and sure enough, it didn't take long to see such a wonderful battle.

After the newspaper went on sale, the news really shocked the people all over the world. What shocked the whole world even more was that the newspaper also wrote a reporter’s conjecture about Ronan’s ship, and the conjecture about Ancient Weapon Pluton, which made the whole world. Something that everyone feels scared.

"Ancient Weapon Pluton? God, why does Ronan have such a powerful weapon!?"

"Yes, this is Ancient Weapon, how could he have it?"

"It seems to be said in the newspaper that Ronan has stayed in the Water City for a year and has been in contact with Tom Shipyard... Now that I think about it, he must be building a new ship, and this new ship is this one. Pluton!"

"Fuck, this Tom Shipyard is so powerful? Can even Pluton be built?"

"Quickly, get out of the way, I'm going to Water Capital, I'm going to find this Tom Shipyard!"

"Why? Do you want to build a Pluton? Hehe, Ronan, who is so capable, has built it for a year. I don't know how much it cost. Do you have the money to build it?"

"Huh, how about no money? If such a news comes out, not only I am interested, but the top pirates, even the World government and Naval Headquarters will be interested. Then he will have to build the Tom Shipyard. , Money or something, can't you grab it?"

"You are so courageous, haven't you heard of it? Ronan's Pirates of Travelers, but there is an extra boatman who is a disciple of Master Tom. What do you think someone dares to do to Tom Shipyard? How? I don’t want to live anymore?"


. . . . . .

Similar to what these pirates said, when the whole world hears that Ronan’s ship may be Ancient Weapon Pluton, all of them are not calm. There is greed in his eyes. That is Pluton, Ancient Weapon Pluton, take a look. Ronan’s record this time has scared me to death. It really deserves to be Pluton, one of the three Ancient Weapons. The power is amazing!

One shot directly destroyed three large warships, and at the same time paralyzed another seven or eight large warships, completely losing their combat capabilities, and the casualties of the marines were several thousand. It was invincible, OK?

Such a powerful ship, let alone Pluton, even if it’s not Pluton, it’s not bad.

As a result, some great pirates and big powers began to obtain information through various channels, and the situation of Ronan in the city of water over the past year began to gradually fall into the eyes of these people.

"What? Ronan spent more than two billion Baileys building ships? This... so much money for one ship?"

"It takes a year to build such a ship? The entire Tom Shipyard can only build one ship with all its strength? Can't build more than one at the same time?"

"What? Ronan Shipbuilding is the internal price of Tom Shipyard? Basically no profit. If an outsider wants to order Pluton, he needs to pay a 1 billion Baileys deposit. After the ship is built, he still needs to pay 3 billion Baileys for the follow-up costs? Slot! So expensive!""Start to grab, contact a few other big pirates, and snatch Tom Shipyard, I don't believe that Master Tom is not afraid of death?"

"What? Master Tom's disciple is a member of the Ronan Traveller Pirates Group?... Cough cough cough, when I didn't say a word, come, arrange the boat, I want to visit Master Tom personally!"

Above the sea, the big pirates hopped up and down. The first reaction of many big pirates was to snatch them. They were all used to this way to obtain benefits, but after knowing that Ronan crew member Dana was Tom’s disciple, he immediately became a disciple. Shrinking his head, his thoughts immediately changed from grabbing to visiting. The speed of face change was almost the speed of light.

On the other side, the big pirates of New World have another idea.

In the territory of Four Emperors, the four emperors gathered together. Recently, the war has stopped, and they have also had a chance to develop steadily.

"Unexpectedly, Ronan would be so immobile and shocked the world when he moved!" The aunt said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I was still wondering before, why he stayed in the city of water for a year for such a person who couldn't be free, now I understand it!" Red hair also sighed: "It turned out to be for This, before I thought he was just building an ordinary new ship, and the big deal is about the same as our flagship. Unexpectedly, he built Pluton!"

"Pluton!" Whitebeard took a sharp sip of wine: "Who can guess? Before Ronan broke out in the battle with Marine, no one in the world could guess that the ship he built was Pluton, right? ?"

"This, the ghost can guess it!" Kaido flipped through Byakugan: "This is one of Ancient Weapon. It has been lost for many years. He actually has this ability. Even Pluton has made it out. I heard about it, that Tom. Shipyards have begun to release information to the outside world. They can accept external orders. The construction cost of a Pluton is four billion Baileys. This cost is not low. Of course, for Pluton, the price is actually not high."

"Four billion Baileys? My news is that the Pluton made by Ronan only cost more than two billion Baileys." The aunt frowned. Four billion Baileys, even for their New World price. For the top pirates, it is a lot of money. Among all the pirates in the world, those who can use the money alone to build Pluton. Nine out of ten can't do it unless they raise funds to place an order together.

However, for the selfish pirates, it is basically impossible to raise funds to build a Pluton, and they can't worry about doing so.

"Ronan is different. You should also know that Ronan accepted a new crew member at the auction last year, the little girl named Dana, but Tom’s disciple, um... you all know. Otherwise, the current Tom Shipyard would have been plundered by those jealous Pirates!" Whitebeard grinned, "Don't say it's the Pirates. As soon as the news comes out, if there is no protection from Ronan, it is probably even The World government can't sit still."

"World government? I suspect that even Ronan can't stun the World government. Didn't you see the naval ships dispatched by Naval Headquarters stop this time? If it weren't for the appearance of Pluton, I guess Ronan would not be pleased!" the aunt said in a deep voice. : "Everyone, we can't be left behind in such a big event, Pluton, who is not jealous, do we really have to wait for the World government to take action and regret it when we take Pluton to deal with us?"

"Charlotte is right!" Whitebeard looked around solemnly for a week and glanced at everyone. "Everyone, even if we don't think about it for ourselves, just think about the assistance Ronan has given us during this year. We should help. Not to mention, after the relationship with Tom Shipyard and Ronan is established, we can definitely place an order for the construction of Pluton’s ships. As for the other pirates, huh, wait until they can come up with the money. talk later..."

"Yes, we should strengthen our ties with Ronan. This time is a good opportunity!" Kaido also nodded and said: "It just happens to prevent the World government from starting Tom Shipyard."

"I think so too!" The red hair followed: "Just as the aunt said, we don't care about it now. Really wait until the World government gets the drawings and information about Pluton inside the Tom Shipyard, and use their shipbuilding Ability...think about facing a whole fleet of Pluton in the future...cough cough cough, that's horrible, it's not something human can resist!"

"Ronan's ship sank three large warships in one shot and paralyzed seven or eight large warships. Who can resist the power of such a main gun? It is simply not a manpower capable of resisting it!" Whitebeard said in a deep voice: "Even if it's me, what if I can stop a main gun with all my best? If so few can fire together? I can't stop it? Kaido, can you?"

"I... I can barely do it." Kaido's mouth twitched, and he just wanted to say that it was okay, but think about the power of Ronan's main gun, if there is really a fleet of Pluton that fires together, it's large. The island can be blown away, and he can't hold it!

"Blow, you just keep blowing!"

The aunt gave Kaido a white look, and then she made a decision: "Since Edward and the red hair agree, then we have decided so. Let's talk to the outside world. The interests of the Five Emperors should not be violated. Naval Headquarters acted on Ronan and acted on our Five Emperors. , We will launch an encirclement and suppression of the Marine forces in New World. At the same time, we announced that Tom Shipyard will not tolerate any infringement, even the World government. We will send some personnel to station in the Water Capital for a long time. Don't blame our five emperors for being polite!"

"Yeah... At the same time placing an order for Tom Shipyard... Pluton, I really look forward to it!"

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