Takagi’s Tool Man Attribute, Mino Souyuki’s Gambling Nature
Following the silence of Mino Souyuki, the atmosphere at the scene became extremely quiet.
At this point, not only the Mumu Police Department, but also many of the students present cast suspicious glances at him!
Seeing this, Mino Zongzhi became more and more anxious, and the appearance of winning was long gone.
I wanted to quibble, but I didn’t know what to say for a while, and finally changed the subject and argued. “What you said doesn’t prove anything, does it?”
“And, don’t forget, I have an alibi!”
“If I really want to say it, Kikuyo is the one who is most suspected!” Having said that, Mino Soyuki decided to take a gamble!
So he turned his head to look at Kasama Kikuyo, who was beside him, and sternly rebuked Yoshimasa. “Actually, I saw it all!”
“When I was going to look for you in this room just now, I saw with my own eyes that you were holding Sufu’s neck tightly!” “And you were talking about repayment of debts!”
“Although you explained to me later that you were helping Sufu change clothes, it doesn’t look like it in my opinion.” Kasama Judai was shocked when she heard the words, and she couldn’t help but lightly covered her lips with her hands, instantly panicking.
Then he reacted quickly and waved his hands again and again to explain. “No, it’s not like that!”
“That’s just us joking!”
Mino Zongzhi did not give in, snorted disdainfully, and then questioned.
“And when I was injured before, it was you who volunteered since 19 to get the first aid kit in the room.”
“If at that time, you had already killed Sufu and hid it somewhere else.” Then your actions at that time were to delay his discovery! “It’s just that you didn’t expect it. ”
“When you closed the cabinet, the corner of Sufu’s apron was exposed!” Until this time.
Kasama Kikuyo finally realized that the Mino Sect had seen everything early on!
Could it be that Sufu really killed him?
Now, is he going to put the case on himself and finally put the blame on himself?
thought here.
Kasama Kikuyo’s face became even more panicked, and he hurriedly looked at the Meguro Police Department and said excitedly.
“How could I possibly kill someone?”
“It’s not like this! Officer, you must believe me!”
The atmosphere at the scene fell into chaos again.
The Mumu Police Department couldn’t help but raise the dumb hand from the novel group 9 *8 .0 2, 0 5 ;8 5. 6 (98025856), stopped the argument between the two, and then seriously said.
“All right!”
“What is the truth of the matter, we will verify it!”
“Now, please cooperate with the police and keep quiet for the time being!”
As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet.
But whether it was Mino Soyuki who was the murderer, or Kasama Kikuyo, who was eager to get rid of the suspicion, or the students on the sidelines.
Everyone turned their doubts and anticipation to the Mumu Police Department.
Faced with such a scene, the pressure in the Mumu Police Department’s heart increased sharply, and a cold sweat broke down on his face.
Well at this time.
Lin Shu stood up and analyzed.
“Have you not noticed that there are so many coincidences in this whole case?”
“It is because there are too many coincidences that it makes people suspicious!”
“The so-called alibi is just a magic trick performed by Mr. Mino using the students and Miss Kikuyo!”
When the Mumu Police Department heard the words, he suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly asked.
“Brother Lin Shu, what does this mean?”
Lin Shu spread his hands and responded.
“It’s too troublesome to say, let’s test it on the spot!”
Saying that, Lin Shu suddenly turned to look at Takagi, an old tool man not far away, and suggested with a smile.
“Officer Takagi!”
“I’m going to trouble you again this time!”
Hearing this, Takagi subconsciously agreed.
Then I couldn’t help scratching my head again, and I always felt that the scene in front of me seemed familiar!
locker room.
With the cooperation of the Mumu Police Department, Lin Shu set up the scene after a while.
Then Lin Shu walked out of the room and brought Takagi, who didn’t know it, to the cabinet, and gestured in front of everyone. “Now, please ask Officer Takagi to confirm that no fabric is exposed.”
As a tool man, Takagi still looked confused, but after hearing Lin Shu’s request, he turned around immediately.
After a quick glance, he nodded and replied. “Nothing at all.””Then please open the door on the right again!” “I opened it!”
“There shouldn’t be anything wrong in it, right?”
Hearing this, Takagi glanced into the cabinet again, but found nothing unusual, then turned around and replied. “There is nothing strange about it!”
Just as he was talking, Takagi closed the door of the cabinet.
However, the voice just fell.
A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Xiaolan’s face on the opposite side, and then she pointed in the direction of the cabinet and let out an exclamation.
Aware of Xiaolan’s shock, Takagi’s face changed suddenly, and his eyes widened involuntarily!
So following the direction of Xiaolan’s finger, Takagi immediately turned to look.
Just below the cabinet, there was a piece of white cloth where there was nothing at all! “Strange!”
“I obviously didn’t see it just now!”
As Takagi spoke, he opened the door of the cabinet again, and carefully examined the situation in the cabinet. “This is……”
Then Takagi immediately discovered the reason, with a sudden realization on his face, and exclaimed. “It turns out that the fabric is glued to the inside of the door!” Lin Shu saw this, nodded with a smile, and explained.
“That’s right, that’s the handkerchief I asked the forensics staff to put on!”
“I guess.”
“Mr. Mino has already pasted the corner of his apron on the right side of the folding door iron cabinet.”
“After pressing the fabric to the inside, close the iron door.”
“In this way, no matter who opens the iron door, the cloth head will be pulled out of the iron cabinet.”
“And when the door is closed, the cloth head will naturally be exposed outside the cabinet!”
Listening to Lin Shu’s analysis, everyone present showed a look of enlightenment.
Only Meinong Zongzhi not far away, his face became more and more ugly!
Will not!
He can’t possibly know!
He must be deceiving me, so that I can show my flaws!
By this time.
The only thing he can do is to deceive himself and comfort himself!
Lin Shu didn’t know this, and didn’t care, but continued to analyze.
“After that, Mr. Mino started making coincidences!”
“The pottery plate was deliberately broken in front of the iron cabinet to attract students to the scene.”
“In this way, when the students present were cleaning the debris, they could do as he wished, proving that the corners of their clothes were not exposed at the time.”
“Then in the name of his injury, let Miss Kikuyo come to the room to get the first aid kit.”
“This will allow her to open the door, and the cloth end of the apron will naturally come out from under the iron cabinet.”
Hearing this, the eyes of the Mumu police department lit up, as if they finally figured out something, they said excitedly.
087 “So it is!”
“In this way, when the student cleans the fragments of the pottery plate, an illusion can be created.”
“It makes people think that the body was moved to the iron cabinet by someone after that!”
After speaking.
The impatient police department immediately turned around, stared at Mino Souyuki with a serious face, and asked.
“Mr. Mino, do you have anything else to say?”
At this time, Mino Zongzhi knew that he had no way out, and could only take one last gamble!
Just bet that the other party didn’t crack the alibi, he was just cheating himself!
After making up your mind.
Mino Zongzhi no longer hesitated, quickly adjusted the expression on his face, raised his head from the novel group 9 * 8 .0 2, 0 5 ; 8 5. 6 (98025856) replied calmly. “In the end, these are just speculations from Consultant Lin!”
“If Kikuyo noticed the apron when he took out the first aid kit from the iron cabinet and closed the iron door, what should we do?” “This situation is not impossible, right?”
Mino Suo was talking, but his expression became more and more calm, and then he questioned. “And if I’m really a murderer.”
“Then where was Sufu’s body at that time?”
“If Sufu had fallen before he was found, then the body should have fallen to the inside of the iron gate.” “In this case, Kikuyo, who went to the room to get the first aid kit, shouldn’t be able to see it at all!” “At least There should be a scream too!”
“But she didn’t make any noise at the time!”
“The most important thing is that until now, none of you have any evidence to prove that I am the murderer!” In the face of Mino Zongzhi, who was serious about gambling, the police department in Mumu was anxious for a while!
He never thought that he had reached this stage, and the other party didn’t even admit it! .

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