Real Evidence, Lin Shu’s Criminal Guidance
Mino Zongzhi seemed to dislike that the scene was not chaotic enough, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes.
Suddenly, he turned his gaze straight to the forest tree and provoked loudly. “How is it? Consultant Lin!”
“Now, do you still think that I am the murderer of Sufu?”
“If there is no valid evidence, then everything you said before is just nonsense!” Facing such an arrogant murderer.
Mu Mu’s brows furrowed deeper, and a sullen look appeared on his face.
at the same time.
Lin Shu also became the focus of the audience once again, feeling the different eyes of everyone.
Whether it’s the helpless Mumu Police Department and the others, or Mino Souyuki, who has pleaded not guilty, they all want to know if Lin Shu can come up with new evidence!
Xiaolan and Yuanzi on the side are also looking at the forest tree with anticipation at the moment!
Right at this moment of attention.
A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Shu’s mouth, and then he spread his hands and responded helplessly. “exactly!”
“Even if the police did find the fabric of the apron, it wouldn’t say anything.”
“After all, since that piece of fabric has left Mr. Mino’s body, the evidence is indeed very weak!” Lin Shu deliberately paused after saying this.
Mino Zongzhi didn’t notice the unfinished meaning of Lin Shu’s words, and he thought that Lin Shu 100 couldn’t come up with more evidence.
The whole person suddenly relaxed, and a successful smile appeared on his face again.
At this time, the Mumu Police Department.
After hearing the words, he was shocked, and his face became more and more solemn.
But out of understanding and trust in Linshu.
He did not rashly interrupt the other party’s words, but waited eagerly for Lin Shu’s next words.
The result is.
Before Mino Zongzhi was happy for a long time, he was surprised to see that Lin Shu suddenly walked to the side of the forensic personnel and picked up a physical evidence bag.
And what was in the evidence bag was the tie he used to commit the murder before!
Seeing this scene, the smile on Mino Zongzhi’s face stopped abruptly, and the expression on his face couldn’t help but be stunned.
After a while.
He seemed to have thought of something, widened his eyes subconsciously, and then his shoulders collapsed!
Immediately afterwards, Mino Soyuki heard the calm voice of Lin Shu again! “However, Mr. Mino, I am very sorry!”
“Because, there is another piece of evidence that can clearly prove your crime!” “This evidence is on the inside of the tie worn on the neck of the deceased.”
Lin Shu looked calm, and handed the evidence bag with the tie in his hand directly to the Mumu Police Department.
Follow the forest tree’s prompts.
The Mumu police department quickly focused their eyes on the inside of the tie, and his face tightened in an instant, and he couldn’t help exclaiming. “This is… a claw mark!” Lin Shu nodded and explained.
“That’s right! It’s the clay trace on Mr. Mino’s nails.” “Actually,It’s not surprising that it leaves traces. ”
“Mr. Mino has been doing pottery work before the incident.”
“And according to the position of the tie pin, the tie is too long to hang the corpse!” “When holding up the corpse, you can’t leave fingerprints on the tie pin.”
“To fix the tie pin above the iron gate, naturally only the front part of the tie is firmly grasped.” Here is what he said.
Lin Shu suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at Mino Zongzhi, whose face was full of ashes, and added solemnly. “You made two mistakes!”
“The first is that he didn’t put on his hands beforehand when he committed the murder.”
“The second mistake was choosing that tie as a tool when propping up the body.”
“If you were wearing gloves, you could easily grab the tie pin with your fingers and prop up the body.”
“If it’s not a tie, but a rope tied with a knot at the end of the thread, there will be no claw marks!” “So…” “Cough!”
Sensing that Lin Shu had a tendency to continue speaking, the Mumu Police Department hurriedly coughed twice, interrupting the other party’s words.
“Brother Lin Shu, you don’t need to say such things here!”
Hearing the words, Lin Shu instantly restrained the excited expression on his face, smiled indifferently, then walked aside and turned on the play mode again.
Seeing that Lin Shu finally stopped teaching crime.
The Mumu Police Department could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then reached out to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.
If one day, Brother Lin Shu commits a crime, it will definitely be a disaster!
Fortunately, I recruited him in the first place!
I am so witty!
Thinking of this, the Mumu Police Department was filled with joy and a little pride.
After a while.
The Muji Police Department, who came back to his senses, glanced at the evidence in his hand from the corner of his eyes, and his mood suddenly relaxed.
Then he turned to look at Mino Soyuki, who was about to ask a serious question again.
But at this time.
Mino Zongzhi, who was on the side, was also relieved, and he said calmly without waiting for the Mumu police department to ask questions.
“Why no gloves.”
“Because, I don’t want to see that tie as something dirty.”
“That tie was actually chosen by my dead daughter, and I finally picked it up as a birthday present for that man.”
Hear this.
Kasama Kiyoyo, who was behind him, couldn’t help covering his mouth with his hand, and said with a face full of surprise.
“Then the one that put the tie and the birthday card in Sufu’s purse yesterday is…”
Hearing the words, Mino Zongzhi turned his head, glanced at the other party lightly, and explained calmly.
“it is me!”
“Because I already guessed that the guy would mistake it for your birthday present.”
“And why I do it.”
“I just want to fulfill my wish for my daughter, and I can put the blame on you.”
“Actually, I have long suspected your relationship, and it was two years before my daughter was hit by a truck.”
Looking at Kasama Kikuyo’s shocked expression.
At this time, Mino Zongzhi’s face could not help but show a look of regret, and said with a face full of unwillingness. “In the beginning, I planned to get rid of you and Sufu directly!” “But just before the plan started.”
“I accidentally learned that you still have a debt of 10 million yuan on your back!” “This is such a coincidence!”
“I immediately urged Sufu to buy a life insurance policy, and the sum assured is exactly 10 million!” “As for the beneficiary, I think Sufu can choose only you!”
“According to my plan, these coincidences are enough for the police to focus their suspicions on you!” “But I didn’t expect…”
Having said that, Mino Zongzhi showed a relieved smile on his face, and shook his head lightly.
Then he glanced at Lin Shu who was watching the play not far away, and said with emotion. “I didn’t expect to meet you!”
“Even before that, I’m still glad that I didn’t meet the famous detective Mouri Kogoro!” “It seems that people really can’t do bad things!” After finishing speaking.
Mino Soyuki turned to look at Kasama Kikuyo again, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said. “Although my plan failed.”
“But now, Sufu’s case has also been identified as murder by the police!”
“In other words, you can’t get a penny of the 10 million in that insurance!” “As you and Sufu said.”
“I don’t have many days to live. In order to avenge my daughter, I don’t care.” “However, I really look forward to your debt life!”
In the end, after a burst of laughter, Mino Soyuki was taken out of the room by the Muki police department and others.
Only Kasama Kiyoyo, who was overwhelmed, was left standing there, unable to return to his senses for a long time! .

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