Tired Junhui, Lin Shu’s Proposal for Closing Business
Rice flower town, forest tree house.
The time came to six o’clock in the evening on this day.
As usual, Mingmei is in the kitchen preparing today’s dinner.
As for Lin Shu himself.
It is still the same as usual, sitting lazily on the sofa, watching the program on TV, passing the time at will.
At this moment, a slightly tired voice suddenly sounded at the door. “I am back!”
“It’s Junhui, you came back just in time, you can have dinner after a while.” “Well, it’s hard work Mingmei!”
After another busy day, Jun Hui can finally get away from the shop temporarily.
Then, while rubbing his sore shoulders, he walked back to the living room on the second floor with heavy steps.
After saying hello.
Jun Hui swayed to Lin Shu’s side, and then fell directly onto the sofa, staring at the ceiling blankly.
It was like a salted fish who lost the dream of life!
This surprised Lin Shu, who was occupying the sofa, and when he regained his senses, he couldn’t help but curiously stretched out his finger and poked the other side “One Zero Zero”. “What’s wrong with you?”
Jun Hui reluctantly raised her strength, stretched out her hand and patted Lin Shu’s fingers aside, and responded weakly. “It’s nothing.”
Seeing this, Lin Shu’s eyes lit up, and then he continued to stretch out his finger and poked at the other party, saying jokingly. “I think you’re exhausted!”
Facing Lin Shu’s schadenfreude, Jun Hui no longer had the strength to fight back, so he could only roll his eyes weakly.
As if to say, I know you still ask!
Looking at Jun Hui who looked like a salted fish, Lin Shu smiled even more.
According to Lin Shu’s plan, the store’s business hours will not exceed six o’clock every night.
But despite that.
It was also a great challenge for Junhui, the first-time store manager.
Coupled with her serious and unyielding temperament, it is also to live up to the trust of Lin Shu and Mingmei.
Junhui keeps her mind highly focused every day, staring at everything in the store all the time, for fear of any mistakes.
It’s been like this for a few days.
There were basically no mistakes, but Jun Hui was exhausted!
After a while.
Mingmei took the prepared dinner, walked out of the kitchen, and said to the two in the living room. “Dinner is ready, Lin Shujun and Junhui come together!” After a short rest.
Jun Hui finally regained some energy, and when she heard the words, she was about to get up slowly from the sofa.
But before she could sit up.
He was suddenly pulled up by the forest tree beside him, and the whole person staggered and was forced to keep up with each other’s pace.
When Jun Hui came back to his senses, he realized that he was already at the table.
Facing Lin Shu with an innocent smile.
Jun Hui could only helplessly roll his eyes, then found his seat and sat down.
dining tablesuperior.
Tasting the delicious food, Jun Hui instantly regained his energy, and then excitedly told the two about today’s business situation. “There have been many new customers in the store recently!”
“Also, the desserts that Lin Shujun provided before are especially popular.”
“The next business will definitely get better and better, and the waiters in the store will be too busy!” Having said that, Jun Hui suddenly thought of something and asked Lin Shu directly. “Lin Shujun, do we want to hire some more employees?”
It can be seen that although the store manager’s job is very tiring, Junhui has always been happy in it, and has never said that he wants to give up.
This is also the biggest reason why Lin Shu and Mingmei let it go.
But unexpectedly.
Facing Jun Hui’s final suggestion, Lin Shu shook his head without hesitation.
In Jun Hui’s puzzled look, Lin Shu explained softly.
“It’s good to keep the situation in the store as it is!”
“Speaking of which, the purpose of our store was not to make money, but to disguise.” As he spoke, Lin Shu suddenly raised his eyebrows at Jun Hui, and said with a mocking expression on his face. “And the last few days.”
“Who threw himself on the sofa as soon as he got home?” “It’s like a salted fish who lost his dream!”
Hearing this, Jun Hui’s face quickly flushed with blush, and he quickly raised his head from the novel group 9*8.02, 05;85.6(98025856) and replied dumbly. “I just haven’t gotten used to it yet!” At this time.
Mingmei on the side heard this, she first glanced at Lin Shu and complained. “Lin Shujun, it’s true!” “How can you say that girls are salted fish?” After speaking, he looked at Jun Hui again and said softly. “But what Lin Shujun said also makes sense!” “And we can all see that these days, Junhui, you are exhausted!”
Seeing that Ming Mei and Lin Shu reached a consensus, Jun Hui could only nod and give up the idea in her heart.
after dinner.
Lin Shu and Junhui came to the sofa again and watched the show on TV leisurely. Suddenly, aware of Jun Hui’s exhausted look, Lin Shu immediately had an idea in his heart.
Note: No. ”’4 happens at this time.
Mingmei also carried the prepared fruit and came to the living room from the kitchen.
Seeing this, Lin Shu proposed to the two of them.
“Mingmei, Junhui, why don’t we temporarily close for a day tomorrow!” “Huh?!”
After hearing this, Jun Hui, who was originally drowsy, woke up instantly and looked at Lin Shu with a look of surprise.
And the other side.
Mingmei was much calmer, she knew that Lin Shu must have something to say next.
Looking at the puzzled faces of the two, Lin Shu then explained.
“I heard Xiaolan say…
“Dongdu recently opened a new ski resort, and the reviews there are also very good.”
“I think we might as well go see it together tomorrow!”
After hearing Lin Shu’s explanation, Jun Hui was even more confused and asked with a puzzled face.
“But hasn’t our new store just opened?”
“And the business in the store is getting better and better, why should it be closed for a day at this time?”
Lin Shu seemed to have expected this, nodded and responded casually.
“It’s because the business in the store is so good that I thought about closing down for a day to reduce the heat.”
“It’s not for making money anyway, the situation is very good now!”
“We can’t entertain too many guests.”
Speaking of which.
Lin Shu couldn’t help stretching, then turned to look at Jun Hui, who was full of surprise, and added with a smile.
“And speaking of it.”
“In the past few days when the new store opened, you have been busy and it’s time to take a break.”
“Wouldn’t it be nice to relax properly!”
Jun Hui was slightly moved when he heard the words, but more of his doubts, he said involuntarily.
“No but!”
Before Lin Shu could finish speaking, Lin Shu waved his hand, dispelling the other party’s concerns, and responded directly.
“I’m the boss, listen to me, listen to me!”
Facing the extremely domineering Lin Shu at the moment, Jun Hui was stunned for a while, and then his face became even more blushing.
Maybe it’s something insane!
After a while.
On both sides of Jun Hui’s cheeks, two extremely moving blushes appeared!
However, at this time, Lin Shu was discussing tomorrow’s play plan with Ming Mei with great interest, and did not notice Jun Hui’s strangeness.
“I checked before!”
“Tomorrow we can send the 4.0 luggage there first, and then take the bus.”
“It’s so much more convenient!”
Mingmei naturally had no objection to this, then nodded and responded with a smile. “Listen to you!”
Seeing this, Lin Shu first smiled smugly, then turned to look at Jun Hui and asked. “Junhui, what do you think?” “Ah?!”
After hearing Lin Shu’s words, Jun Hui instantly recovered and said in a low voice with a flushed face. “I listen to you! Lin Shujun.”
After speaking, don’t wait for Lin Shu to reactIn response, Jun Hui lowered her head and quickly returned to her room.
With such an unusual move, Lin Shu was full of question marks! “What happened to her?”
Unlike Lin Shu, Mingmei noticed Jun Hui’s strangeness just now, so she quickly understood.
However, in the face of Lin Shu’s doubts, Mingmei did not intend to answer.
Just looking at each other, he showed a meaningful smile, then shook his head and turned back to the bedroom.
Lin Shu: “???”.

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