Sayuri’s Decision
Lin Shu and Miwako exclaimed in unison.
Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, Sayuri smiled embarrassedly and continued.
“Actually, after the previous incident, my father told me that when he investigated the group of bad guys, there was someone vaguely instigating them. My father always thought that he had offended someone at work that caused the incident to happen. .”
Sayuri said slowly after sighing.
“I guessed that it was probably Takasugi, because he has done similar things before, but it didn’t work out once, but I’m not sure, that is, since that time, I was really tired and finally decided to Showdown with him today.”
In fact, Sayuri didn’t say anything. Before, she had been in a dilemma on both sides, and she had thought about whether to communicate directly and honestly with the other party.
Until the uncontrollable Takasugi Toshihiko planned the hero’s plan to save the beauty. Just when she was helpless, Lin Shu suddenly appeared and stood in front of her. In a trance, she felt that the figure of her childhood and the figure of Lin Shu in front of her seemed to be the same. overlapped.
She stared blankly as Lin Shu beat up a group of bad guys and took her away. She finally realized clearly that Takasugi Toshihiko was no longer the person he used to be, and he was not worth his sacrifice.
At the same time, she found that she seemed to have a crush on Lin Shu, who rescued her out of trouble, but she couldn’t find him after that.
Facing Takasugi Toshihiko’s invitation again today, Sayuri did not hesitate and agreed quickly. Unlike Takasugi Toshihiko’s secret joy, she decided to showdown with the other party today, but she unexpectedly had an unexpected joy.
Casually entering a coffee shop on the side of the road, she saw a familiar figure that she thought she would never forget. Sayuri Matsumoto couldn’t wait to walk up quickly.
After she was finally confirmed, she was ecstatic, even more so when she found out that Lin Shu still remembered her.
But unexpectedly, when he turned his head, he saw Miwako sitting across from the forest tree.
“What a beautiful girl! Today is Valentine’s Day, are you two dating?”
Although Sayuri felt a little strange, she didn’t think too much about it. After all, she was very happy to see the forest tree she had been looking for for a long time.
But unexpectedly, Miwako on the opposite side denied Sayuri’s guess, which made Sayuri’s heart rejoice again.
“In this case, I still have a chance.”
Thinking of this, Sayuri picked up the coffee and took a sip, but her slightly shy eyes looked at Lin Shu quietly.
It was Lin Shu who suddenly asked, “That guy is still lying in the toilet cubicle. What are you going to do with him?”
After speaking, both of them looked at Sayuri. After all, she was the real party.
After looking at Lin Shu again, Sayuri said firmly, “I won’t forgive him this time. He is no longer the person I remembered, and he is even less worthy of anyone’s sacrifice.”
Hearing such a firm and powerful answer, Miwako glanced at Sayuri unexpectedly, but she was also sincerely happy for her, fortunate that she was able to get out of the predicament.
Seeing this, Lin Shu nodded and agreed, and said.
“It’s also fortunate that his plan didn’t work out, otherwise I don’t know how he wouldHow many people continue to hurt. Then he held up his left hand and dragged his chin, turned to Miwako and said, “Beautiful female police officer, it’s your turn to appear. ”
When Miwako heard this, knowing that Lin Shu was teasing her again, she gave him an angry look, and she took out her phone and called her colleague.
Seeing this scene, Sayuri instinctively envied the close relationship between the two of them. She didn’t know what she thought of, so she hurriedly stopped Miwako.
“It’s up to me! I want to end this with my own hands.”
Saying that, Sayuri took out her mobile phone and directly dialed Matsumoto Kiyotaka.
After a period of intense communication, Sayuri was the first to hang up the phone and smiled embarrassedly at the two of them.
It didn’t take long for the three people who were chatting casually to hear the shrill whistling of sirens from the street outside, and then several police cars stopped in front of the store.
The first person to get out of the car was a burly man with an obvious scar on his face. It was Sayuri’s father, Matsumoto Kiyocho, who Takasugi Toshihiko always wanted to take revenge on.
When Matsumoto Kiyotaka heard what happened to his daughter on the phone, he almost lost control of his emotions. He wanted to arrest the murderer across the phone. Sayuri had the foresight to hang up first.
After sorting out the emotions that were almost out of control, Matsumoto Kiyoshi, who was angry and worried, rushed out of the office at the fastest speed. After gathering all the staff, he personally led the team to the scene.
After entering the store, he first arranged for others to go to the bathroom to bring Takasugi Toshihiko out to the police car, while he went straight to Lin Shu’s table.
Looking at the daughter in front of him, Matsumoto Kiyosaka was in a complicated mood. His always serious face was full of worry and distress for his daughter. He couldn’t say a word. He felt extremely guilty for the daughter in front of him.
Unconsciously, her eyes turned red. When Sayuri saw it, she took the initiative to hug her father, smiling and comforting her father. This was a rare warm time for the father and daughter.
Afterwards, Matsumoto Kiyocho looked at Lin Shu, the key figure in this incident. He turned to look at Lin Shu carefully, and he actually bowed directly to him in thanks.
“Thank you for saving my daughter twice. As a father, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Shu to accept this salute so carelessly, he quickly turned away, dragged the opponent’s shoulders to help him up, and then said calmly.
“You are serious. Any normal person will not ignore this kind of thing.”
Matsumoto Kiyocho was a little surprised by the strength of the other party, but he didn’t think much about it. After thanking and promising Lin Shu again that he would not take any responsibility in this incident, he immediately looked at Miwako who was present.
Miwako wanted to salute and say hello the first time Matsumoto Kiyocho looked at her, but Matsumoto Kiyocho stopped her on the grounds that she was on vacation.
Matsumoto Kiyotaka naturally also knew the capable officers of the Mumu police department, and even more so, the subordinates in front of him were the new friends his daughter made, and Matsumoto Kiyotaka would not put on airs.
After thanking him, Matsumoto Kiyocho was ready to take Sayuri back with him, along with Toshihiko Takasugi who was brought out of the bathroom.
Matsumoto Kiyocho saw Takasugi Toshihiko being brought out, and for a while, anger and guilt intertwined, but no matter what, this bastard should never hurt his daughter, and based on this, he will never let him go.
Matsumoto Kiyocho’s eyes were full of determination and determination. After glancing at his daughter, he walked towards the police car outside the door.
“Then, next time we meet, Miwako and Lin Shujun, and next time we meet, just call me Sayuri.” Sayuri waved goodbye to Linshu and Miwako, and left with her father.

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