Confident Answer
At this moment, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly quieted down. Because of Mizuna Rina’s question, the media present turned their equipment to Lin Shu, waiting for Lin Shu’s answer.
The Matsumoto police officer and the Mumu police department on the side were a little nervous at the moment. They were afraid that Lin Shu would say the wrong thing because of nervousness, or even dare not speak.
They really underestimate Lin Shu. In the face of a guy like Gin, who regards human life like an ant grass, Lin Shu can keep his composure and not fall behind, not to mention the group of people in front of him.
However, the person who asked this question was actually Mizuna Rinai, which seemed to confirm Lin Shu’s guess even more.
“The other party is coming for me, the black-clothed organization is indeed eyeing me, and it is still very concerned! Is the organization so short of people? The key is that you don’t know how to recruit people directly! No wonder they are all undercover, just in front of them. It’s just one!”
Thinking of this, Lin Shu took a deep look at Shui Wu Liannai, and finally, in the inexplicable eyes of the other party, Lin Shu sorted out his expression, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said confidently.
“Whether I can do a good job as a criminal consultant depends not on what I say now, but on what I will do in the future! No matter how much I say, no matter how much assurance I make, it won’t help me.Prove everything! ”
“So, please look forward to it!”
After speaking, the Matsumoto Police Department and the Mumu Police Department took the lead in applauding and agreeing, and the rest of the media also applauded, and they also had some good feelings and expectations for the young criminal consultant in front of him. Maybe he can really let the Metropolitan Police Department do something. Change!
The press conference finally came to a successful conclusion, and various media left the venue one after another. Lin Shu also prepared to return to the lounge with the Mumu Police Department and others.
But at this time, Mizuna Rina suddenly stepped forward and said to Lin Shu with a smile.
“Consultant Lin’s previous speech was very exciting, and people can’t help but have confidence and goodwill towards Consultant Lin!”
Lin Shu looked at the cat-eye beauty in front of him, and suddenly said with a smile.
“It’s still because of Miss Mizuno’s sudden question. In a hurry, I can only think of what to say, but I didn’t expect to achieve unexpected results. In fact, I’m also very fortunate.”
Mizuna Rina kept a gentle smile, and said apologetically after hearing Lin Shu’s words.
“I really want to apologize to Consultant Lin. If possible, can I exchange contact information with Consultant Lin? If Consultant Lin solves a major case in the future, I can also interview Consultant Lin as soon as possible.”
“Of course, I’ve heard about Miss Mizuno’s reputation as the host of the daily TV station. It’s a dream for many people to be able to exchange contact information with Miss Mizuno.”
Lin Shu once again thanked Jin Jiu for his assistance, spread out his hands, and responded to Shui Wulianai with a smile.
Shui Wulianai blushed naturally, as if she was embarrassed by Lin Shu’s remarks, and after the two exchanged contact information, they turned and left.
“Professionals are professionals. If these agents change careers to become actors, they will be absolutely top-notch! The shy and blushing expressions are obvious. If they were not from God’s perspective, they would not be able to see it at all. Compared with Mingmei’s performance, It’s way too much.”
Lin Shu looked at Mizuna Rianna’s leaving figure, and couldn’t help but sighed to himself.
Lin Shu turned around and returned to the lounge. The Matsumoto police inspector had already left because of his busy work. The Mumu police department had not yet left when he saw Lin Shu coming back. He immediately stepped forward and said with a smile.
“Brother Lin Shu, today’s performance is really good. After speaking, the media’s recognition and expectations of you have increased a lot. As long as you make some achievements in the future, you will be able to make those who doubt it. Shut up.”
Lin Shu smiled confidently, “Don’t worry, even for the recommendation of the Matsumoto Police Department and the approval of the Matsumoto Police Department, I will make a result as soon as possible.”
Seeing Lin Shu’s confident appearance, the Mumu police department also felt relieved for a while, and after a few careful warnings, they left first.
At this time, only Lin Shu and Sayuri were left in the lounge, and the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous. Sayuri first stepped forward to congratulate Lin Shu.
“Congratulations to Lin Shujun, who has officially become the Criminal Adviser of the Metropolitan Police Department, you must do your best in the future!”
“Thank you, Sayuri, how are you doing?” Lin Shu accepted Sayuri’s kindness with a smile, and then asked with concern.
When Sayuri heard the words, she blinked, looked at Lin Shu and said.
“Everything is back on track! After unraveling the knot, I live happily every day.”
“That’s good, I’m really happy for you!” Lin Shu said sincerely when he saw this.
The two fell into silence again, Sayuri silently squeezed her fists and probed carefully.
“Lin Shu-kun, is Miwako and you a boyfriend or girlfriend?”
Lin Shu couldn’t understand this question for a while, but he answered anyway.
“Not yet, I just pretended to be boyfriend and girlfriend before.”
Sayuri, who heard this answer, breathed a sigh of relief. Although she heard Miwako deny it before, she was still worried if she didn’t ask Lin Shu in person.
“That’s it! Do you have time this weekend? I want to go to the library to check some materials, can Lin Shujun come with me?”
Looking at Sayuri’s expectant eyes, how could Lin Shu not understand at this moment? He fully understood. It turned out that all the people he met were good people. Gin and wine were just sending assists everywhere. Even Toshihiko Takasugi directed a heroic rescue. A beautiful show that gave him a perfect assist.
“Okay, for the weekend, of course I have time!” Lin Shu nodded and agreed with a smile.
Sayuri suddenly had a happy expression on her face, and said excitedly, “Then see you at the entrance of the Rice Flower Library this weekend.”
After speaking, he waved his hand and ran out of the lounge. Looking at Sayuri’s performance, Lin Shu couldn’t help but smile.
Rice Flower Town, Forest Tree House.
Five p.m.
Lin Shu finally returned home, and before he opened the door, he heard a chatter coming from inside, accompanied by a burst of cheerful laughter from time to time.
“Isn’t Mingmei the only one at home? Who is she chatting with?”
Lin Shu didn’t discern the sound carefully, and pushed open the door, only to see a scene that surprised him.
In the room, Ming Mei was sitting on the sofa with Xiaolan Yuanzi, chatting and laughing. The TV was still on. It seemed that they had just finished watching the press conference. Friends who have known each other for many years.
“They probably didn’t know each other before!” Lin Shu looked at the scene in front of him but fell into confusion.

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