True love does not allow harm
After listening to Lin Shu’s analysis, Yoko Okino finally stopped being moved by herself. She knew that the past was in the past, and the people she knew before became unfamiliar.
At this moment, when I recalled the whole thing, I felt inexplicably scared for a while, and I almost felt that my whole person would be destroyed.
Okino Yoko, who had come to his senses, walked straight to the forest tree, bowed to the other party and thanked him, and said sincerely.
“Many thanks to Consultant Lin for helping me clear the suspicion, and even more thanks to Consultant Lin for his comfort.”
“No one would want something like this to happen, but it can be considered to have lifted a hidden danger. You have to cheer up early and not be affected by this incident.”
Lin Shu scratched his head and said a few words at random to comfort the other party.
“Yes! Many thanks to Consul Lin, I will definitely cheer up as soon as possible, don’t worry!” Yoko Okino bowed again and thanked him.
Afterwards, Lin Shu had a few more chats with the Mumu police department, and the Mumu police department issued an order to close the team, and everyone left the scene one after another.
After such a thing happened, this house can no longer be occupied for the time being. Yoko Okino has to find another place to live tonight, but there will be nowhere to live.
Downstairs in the apartment, after saying goodbye to Yoko Okino, Lin Shu and Akemi also got into the car of the Megumi Police Department and returned home.
Rice Flower Town, Forest Tree House.
The two finally returned to their home. Lin Shu looked at Ming Mei and seemed hesitant to say anything along the way, so he finally couldn’t help asking.
“What’s the matter? Mingmei, is there anything you want to tell me?”
Hearing that Lin Shu took the initiative to care, Ming Mei, who had bowed her head and pondered, finally lifted her head up, and her lips twitched. After a few moments, he finally said.
“Lin Shujun, your reasoning tonight is really powerful, you deserve to be the person who wrote best-selling mystery novels!”
“Huh?!” Lin Shu looked at Ming Mei with a puzzled face, then quickly regained his calm, gave her a blank look, and said.
“That’s not what you want to say!”
“That… Actually, I want to know how Lin Shujun saw the flaw in his diary all of a sudden?”
Mingmei, who was exposed, smiled awkwardly and said a little embarrassedly.
Lin Shu looked at the other party’s suspicious eyes, walked slowly in front of Ming Mei, looked into the other party’s eyes, and said seriously.
“Because… it was recorded in the diary that in order to seek reconciliation with Miss Yoko, he did not hesitate to destroy the idol’s life. I can’t agree with this practice of hurting the other party to satisfy himself!”
“In my opinion, if you really like someone, you won’t allow yourself to do harm to the other person! Otherwise, the so-called liking is just an excuse!”
“Okay, it’s getting late, let’s go and rest! I have to get up early tomorrow.”
After speaking, Lin Shu once again showed the attitude of a salted fish, and lazily turned around to wash up.
Only Mingmei, who had a complicated complexion, was left in a daze, thinking about the words just now, and muttering to herself.
“Real love does not allow harm…Lin Shujun, if one day you find out that I have hurt you, what will you do?”
Thinking that her mission is to draw Lin Shu into that ruthless and bloody organization, Mingmei thought at this moment that she wanted to give up the mission regardless.
But Gin is right, as long as her sister is still in control of the organization, she has no choice.
After a while, Mingmei finally made up her mind. Even if she gave up this mission, the organization would send other people to carry out this mission. Instead, let her do it herself. Maybe she can tell Lin Shu everything at the right time in the future.
“Lin Shujun, I’m sorry, I have no choice. If I really hurt you, I can only compensate you with myself. I will always be with you, I’m really sorry!”
Rice Flower Town, Rice Flower Library.
The next morning, Lin Shu got up early, ate the breakfast prepared by Ming Mei himself, and said goodbye to Ming Mei, and came to the Rice Flower Library.
The warm sun is shining outdoors, the sky is blue, and the clouds are not stained. It is a good weather for a date.
When Lin Shu came to Mihua Library, he saw Sayuri waiting for him at the gate from a distance, and hurriedly trotted forward.
Sayuri also saw Lin Shu trotting towards her, a bright and bright smile appeared on her face, and she waved to Lin Shu excitedly.
Lin Shu came to him, smiled embarrassedly, and said, “I’m sorry, I’m late and made you wait for a long time!”
Then she looked at Sayuri in front of her. She was wearing a pure white turtleneck sweater, a dark red uniform jacket, and a black short skirt.
With delicate makeup on her face, her long smooth hair is naturally combed behind her head and let it fall naturally. On the bridge of her nose is a pair of glasses with large frames. Behind the glasses are a pair of bright and moving eyes, which are combined with her tall figure. , the royal lady is full of breath.
The whole person standing there is like a landscape painting, which makes passers-by slow down and appreciate it slowly.
“No, I just got here. In the end, I want to thank Lin Shujun for agreeing to my request and coming here with me.” Xiaobai didn’t mean to be angry, but said to Lin Shu gently.
“No such thing, I’m also very happy to go out with you!”Hearing this, Lin Shu scratched his head embarrassedly and said with a smile.
“Oh? Really?” When Sayuri heard Lin Shu say this, her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked again.
“Of course, no matter what, you are a rare beauty! Alright, let’s go first!”
Lin Shu raised his eyebrows deliberately and said jokingly, then turned around and walked towards the library.
Behind her, Sayuri blushed a little bit by what Lin Shu said just now. She looked at Lin Shu’s back and quickly followed.
The two quickly entered the library and were in the lobby preparing to take the elevator to the area on the second floor.
After entering the elevator, Lin Shu entered a strengthened state. He sniffed the smell inside and outside the elevator carefully, and found no peculiar smell. Instead, it was full of the aroma emanating from Sayuri.
“It seems that the unfortunate librarian has not discovered the secret of the curator, and the curator has not attacked him! It seems that I can save his life by the way this time.”
After Lin Shu left the state, he put his hands in his pockets and lowered his head to ponder, but what he didn’t notice was that when he was identifying the smell, Sayuri was standing very close to him.
Sayuri noticed Lin Shu’s actions, and mistakenly thought that Lin Shu’s ambiguous actions were done to her. At this moment, her face was flushed with embarrassment. As soon as the elevator opened, she trotted out without saying a word.
Only Lin Shu was left dumbfounded in the elevator, looking at Sayuri’s panicked back in confusion.
From the novel group 9♛8;02,0’5.8♛5’6
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