The Headache of the Police Department
Village Office, the lobby on the first floor.
Lin Shu reappeared in everyone’s sight, and the Moguro Police Department and Mouri Kogoro were still carrying out tedious investigation and inquiries.
Seeing this, Lin Shu didn’t join in the fun. Seeing that Xiaolan and others were still waiting boredly, Lin Shu went straight to Xiaolan’s side and sat down, while waiting for the big drama to be staged tonight.
Feeling bored, Xiao Lan was naturally very happy to see Lin Shu’s arrival, and greeted Lin Shu warmly, after which the two chatted happily.
Listening to Lin Shu’s continuous sharing of the experience of playing on the island in the past two days, Xiaolan was envious in her heart, thinking that after the case is over, she must have a good time on the island – a circle.
Just when the two were chatting happily, Ma Shengji finally came back. The other party was shocked when he saw that Lin Shu was actually there, but he quickly adjusted the expression on his face and walked forward with a smile. .
Xiao Lan heard the movement behind her and saw that it was Ma Sheng who had come back, and immediately got up and introduced to Lin Shu.
“Brother Lin Shu, this is the doctor on the island, Miss Asai Chengshi.” Then he turned to Asao and said, “This is Brother Lin Shu, a friend who came with us, and a criminal adviser of the Metropolitan Police Department. .” Although Ma Sheng had already known Lin Shu’s identity before, he still pretended to have just met him at this time, and said quickly in surprise. “Mr. Lin Shu looks so young, but he is already a criminal adviser of the Metropolitan Police Department. It’s amazing!” “Acting skills are really good! Compared with Ming Mei’s exaggerated acting skills, it is much better!”
Looking at the other party’s expressions and movements, Lin Shu silently evaluated the other party’s acting skills in his heart, and then pretended to be embarrassed and said with a smile. “Doctor Asai is joking, it’s just good luck!”
After a perfect confrontation, the two got to know each other like this. After that, the three of them sat on the bench and waited for the investigation and questioning to end, and they would chat a few words from time to time.
It’s half past six.
Just when Lin Shu and the others were watching in awe at Lingzi Heiyan making a fuss at the Mumu Police Department, Conan, who had been silent, suddenly noticed the sneaky Nishimoto Ken, and after saying a reason to everyone casually, Chased and ran out.
Lin Shu didn’t care, what should have happened had already happened, and Conan was doomed to get nothing.
Sure enough, not long after Conan ran out, the second movement of the Moonlight Sonata sounded from the horn of the village hall, and everyone at the scene was shocked.
The Meguro Police Department, who was investigating and questioning Reiko Kuroiwa, immediately stood up and asked with a look of panic. “Where did the music come from?”
But at this time, the panicked people didn’t even notice the question of the Mumu Police Department, so Lin Shu could only stand up and say. “This sound came from the loudspeaker of the village office, let’s go to the broadcasting room to see it!”
Everyone listened to Lin Shu’s suggestion and came to the broadcasting room on the second floor. They saw Ken Nishimoto slumped on the ground with a face full of fear, and the police department quickly stepped forward to take a look.
Sure enough, there was another murder case. The current village chief, Heiyan Chenji, had a knife stuck in his back. He was lying on the radio station without breathing, and blood was everywhere.
However, unlike the original book, under the reminder of Lin Shu, Ma Sheng did not leave any secret signs, and successfully blocked the flip button with the body of the deceased.
The Mumu Police Department quickly instructed the forensics department to collect evidence, while Ma Sheng actually asked Ying to do the autopsy work according to the original plan, and used the opportunity of the autopsy to quietly turn off the button to turn over and play.
After everyone returned to the lobby on the first floor again, the Mumu police department quickly investigated the suspects, and finally locked the target on the four people including Ken Nishimoto.Seeing Ken Nishimoto with a guilty conscience, the Mumu Police Department decided to start with him.
The Mumu police department stared at Nishimoto Jian tightly, walked to the other side step by step, and asked with a serious face.
“Although you are the first to discover Mr. Heiyan’s body, what are you doing in that kind of place? It’s suspicious!”
Hearing the questioning of the Mumu police department, the expression on Nishimoto Jian’s face immediately became panic, and the whole person took a step back unconsciously, waving his arms excitedly.
“It was Heiyan who called me over!”
“Humph! He told you to go over there, and you killed him! Isn’t that right?” Mouri Kogoro suddenly stood up, also looking closely at Ken Nishimoto and questioning.
“No, no!” Nishimoto Ken couldn’t defend himself for a while in the face of doubt, and could only repeat a sentence.
“Brother Lin Shu, what do you think?”
The Mumu police department looked at the headache in front of them, and could only look at Lin Shu for help.
As soon as these words came out, the focus of everyone present turned to Lin Shu, who just spread his hands and said casually. . Ask for flowers.
Remember?;!Number::4 “There is no particularly good opinion, but I understand that Mr. Aso who died twelve years ago, Mr. Kameyama who died two years ago, and the deceased who were killed these two days, They are all friends who grew up together, I wonder if there is some connection here?”
Hearing Lin Shu’s analysis, everyone present was shocked, and the Mumu police department touched their chin, frowned, and lowered their heads to think silently about the connection.
At this time, Ken Nishimoto suddenly laughed wildly: “Keiji Aso, it’s that guy, he’s not dead yet!”
“He is indeed dead. The bones and teeth found at the fire scene were compared, and it is indeed their family!”
It was the old policeman on the island who pushed in the door. He calmly stated the fact that the Aso family had passed away, and then added. . 0 “All that was left was the sheet music in the safe.”
Hearing that there were still music scores left in the past, the Mumu Police Department and the others were pleasantly surprised. At the same time, they hurriedly asked about the whereabouts of the music scores. After learning that they needed to go to the police station to get the key to open it, the Mumu Police Department couldn’t help being excited. Emotions, shouted loudly.
“Then go get it soon!”
The old policeman was startled by the roar of the Mumu police department, and ran back in a hurry, and the curious Conan also quickly followed.
It’s just that they were doomed to be tossing around in vain. The sheet music was taken away by Lin Shu long ago. It was the first time that Ma Sheng knew that his father had left behind the secret sheet music. Although he really wanted to see the sheet music, he decided to finish it first. Final plans for the night.
Next, after a long wait, the old policeman still didn’t come. Amid the protests from everyone, the Mumu Police Department had no choice but to let everyone go back first.
But when he turned around and saw Lin Shu still standing in the same place, bowing his head in deep thought, Mumu Police Department asked unwillingly. “Brother Lin Shu, have you thought of anything? Who do you think is the most likely?” Lin Shu frowned and raised his eyebrows. 05856) staring at the Mumu Police Department with a dull head, pretending to be serious.
“I think Ken Nishimoto is the most likely, but there is no evidence. In addition, the Mumu Police Department, I already have the results of the investigation on the drug trade.”
“What? Really? That’s great!” The headache-ridden Mumu Police Department finally heard the good news, and immediately stepped forward and patted Lin Shu on the shoulder, and laughed excitedly. mouth.

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