I am not a good person
Moon Shadow Island, hotel.
Mingmei, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, witnessed all the conversations between Asami and Lin Shu. After Asami finally bowed deeply and left excitedly, the confused Mingmei finally couldn’t help but ask. .
“Lin Shujun, that.”
Seeing Ming Mei’s puzzled expression, Lin Shu couldn’t help laughing, raised his eyebrows and said.
“Does Mingmei want to know what I’ve done in the past two days? And why was Dr. Chengshi so excited just now?”
Mingmei looked at Lin Shu’s winking expression and realized that Lin Shu was teasing her, but her strong curiosity still made her blushed and nodded.
Seeing this, Lin Shu no longer made fun of Mingmei, but came to Mingmei with a smile and sat down, looked into the eyes of the other party, and slowly opened his mouth to tell the reasons for everything.
Outside the hotel, the bright full moon hung high in the night sky, adding a touch of light to the beautiful night on this small island. With the end of the case, the island returned to calm again.
In the hotel, the atmosphere also fell into silence, and Lin Shu also told Mingmei everything that happened in the past two days, including Asa’s actual revenge plan and his role in it.
After hearing Lin Shu’s confession, Mingmei looked at the other party in surprise, her lips twitched a few times, but in the end she didn’t say anything.
Lin Shu saw Mingmei’s shocked face, but she didn’t know where to start. A free and easy smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she stared at Mingmei and said.
“What’s wrong? Did Mingmei not know me? Or did you realize that I’m not a good person at all?”
Hearing what Lin Shu said, Ming Mei felt nervous, afraid that Lin Shu would misunderstand her, Ming Mei hurriedly shook her head and explained eagerly.
“No! It’s the first time I’ve seen Lin Shujun different from the past, and it’s also the first time that I realized that Lin Shujun also has the justice he insists in his heart! To me, Lin Shujun is a good person, and, in fact, I……”
Hearing Mingmei’s explanation, Lin Shu couldn’t help laughing, interrupted the other party’s words directly, looked at the full moon outside the window again, and said casually.
“Hahaha! I have never been a good person in the traditional sense. Everyone has different criteria for judging law and justice. I just like to do things according to my own mind.”
“On the matter of Ma Sheng’s actual revenge, I think that since people make mistakes, they should bear the due consequences for their crimes. If the law cannot give them the punishment they deserve, then I also agree that Ma Sheng should take his own way of avenging them.”
Mingmei was deeply shocked by Lin Shu’s words again, and stared blankly at Lin Shu’s profile looking out of the window. Her face was full of free and easy expressions. statue.
“Maybe my understanding of Lin Shujun has not been comprehensive, I just understand him according to my own ideas!”
Mingmei, who suddenly came to her senses, hurriedly asked excitedly.
“Then why are you Lin Shujun willing to tell me all these things? Don’t you know that your plan is not perfect?”
Lin Shu listened to Ming Mei’s excited inquiry, but turned his head in a daze, his eyes stared straight at Ming Mei, a shallow smile appeared on his face, and he said softly.
“Because I trust you! I don’t want to deceive you in this matter, and I don’t think I’m doing something wrong. Of course, I hope that one day you can trust me too!”
Hearing Lin Shu’s words, Mingmei really felt Lin Shu’s sincerity and trust in her, but the more she did, the more she felt a burst of guilt in her heart. stop expression.
Seeing this, Lin Shu knew that his words had left a deep impression in Mingmei’s heart, and the other party gradually began to truly trust him. In the near future, Mingmei would tell him everything, but now, it is not yet. By the time.
“Okay, Mingmei, don’t force yourself, I know that everyone has secrets in their hearts. When one day you can trust me completely, tell me everything! No matter what happens, I will be on your side. !”
After speaking, Lin Shu got up and left, leaving only a slender back, which was more like a walking sculpture under the moonlight.
“Lin Shujun…”
Mingmei suddenly raised her head from the novel group 9 *8 .0 2, 0 5 ;8 5. 6 (98025856), staring blankly at the distant back of the forest tree in front of her. With a complicated look, he couldn’t help muttering to himself.
At this moment, the night sky outside the window is gradually no longer covered by clouds, and the full moon hanging high in the sky finally reveals its full picture. The moonlight is more moving, and the bright moonlightIt spilled into the room of the two without reservation.
Moon Shadow Island, Pier.
Early on the third day, Lin Shu and Ming Mei arrived at the pier on the island, ready to take the morning passenger boat back to Mihua Town.
Feeling the sea breeze in the early morning brushing against their cheeks, admiring the sea birds circling low on the sea, and the schools of fish leaping out of the sea from time to time, standing on the pier and looking at the natural and harmonious scenery in front of them, both of them felt extremely comfortable.
It didn’t take long for the two of them to hear a movement not far behind them, and when they looked back, it turned out that it was Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan’s group. Goro seemed to be making trouble.
“Uncle Maori, are you planning to go back today too? The scenery here is so good, so don’t you play for two more days?”
Lin Shu took the lead in greeting Kogoro Mouri with a smile, and nodded to Xiaolan and Conan 930.
However, before Mouri Kogoro spoke, Xiao Lan, who was making a fuss on the side, complained directly to Lin Shu.
“That is to say, I haven’t had a good time because of the case, and as soon as the case was over, my father was clamoring to go back.”
Mouri Kogoro looked unhappy, turned his face slightly, and said stubbornly.
“Humph! We came here because we wanted to investigate the case. Of course we have to go back after the case is over!”
Xiaolan knew that her father was still worried about money. For the always stingy Maori Kogoro, the cost of playing for three people for two days was not low.
But the rare opportunity was gone like this, and Xiaolan was not too happy, and immediately turned her face and snorted, not wanting to deal with Kogoro Maori for the time being.
Lin Shu saw that neither of them wanted to pay attention to each other, so he could only persuade with a smile: “Maybe Uncle Maori really has some important work to do? And I heard Yuanzi say that she seems to be going to invite us to her house recently. It seems that her sister will hold a class reunion there.”
“Really? That’s great!” Hearing that there was a chance to go out to play recently, Xiaolan was immediately happy, with a happy and excited smile on her face.
Lin Shu smiled and nodded. Seeing that Xiaolan no longer struggled with her travel plans this time, Mouri Kogoro also breathed a sigh of relief. .

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