It was Belmod
“Dad has seen it?!”
Hearing what Yuanzi said, Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi even more confusedly.
Yuanzi had no choice but to take Xiaolan’s hand and continue to remind.
“If Uncle Mouri didn’t find out, why would he be so relieved to let you and Brother Lin Shu come here? It’s obvious that he wants to match the two of you! Otherwise, Uncle Mouri would have thrown Conan’s little devil over here.” “Xinyi recently There is no news, as a good friend, you will care about whether something happened to him? But that’s all, you won’t be disturbed by it! But what would you do if Brother Lin Shu disappeared?” “And see Do you feel uncomfortable when that woman and Brother Lin Shu came out together just now?”
Xiaolan’s heart was completely messed up. She felt that she had to think about Sonoko’s words and really understand her “Nine Four Seven” feelings for Lin Shu.
At this moment, Xiaolan suddenly felt Yuanzi’s hands become stiff and cold. When she looked up, Yuanzi’s face was bloodless. No sound came.
Xiaolan quickly turned around and saw that behind the forest tree not far away, there appeared the bandaged geek he had seen before, holding a sharp axe with a flickering cold light in his hand, grinning and about to chop down at the forest tree!
With such strength and distance, once it hits the forest tree, it will be a dead end. Thinking that the forest tree is about to leave forever, Xiaolan’s heart hurts.
No longer hesitant to face the fear of the bandage monster before, he quickly released Sonoko’s hand, and without hesitation, he jumped up from the bushes and rushed towards the bandage monster.
After the afternoon tea time, Ryoichi Takahashi offered to repair the broken roof, in fact, to arrange the organs and props to be used tonight and implement his own plan.
The only thing he worried about was Lin Shu. Before that, he never thought that there would be someone from the Metropolitan Police Department at the class reunion, or Lin Shu, a criminal consultant who has recently become famous.
Takahashi Ryoichi knew very well that Lin Shu was real, and was worried that the other party would see through his plan.
When he knew the truth about Dunzi’s suicide, he was extremely sad and hated the culprit, Chikako Ikeda, but there was a faint excitement in it!
This trace of excitement made his hatred for Chikako Ikeda increase day by day, until he wanted to kill her. Finally, after making this decision, the trace of excitement in Takahashi Ryoichi’s heart immediately expanded infinitely.
The desire to kill has also expanded infinitely, but Ryoichi Takahashi believes that he is still a normal person, and convinces himself that he is doing this just to avenge his friend Duozi, for which he has designed a complete plan.
In the end, he deliberately changed his body, came to this class reunion, and saw his target again – Chikako Ikeda. At that moment, the excitement in his heart was almost uncontrollable.
But in fact, Takahashi Ryo was no longer a normal person early in the morning. He just wanted to satisfy his perverted murderous desire through the excuse of revenge for his friend Dunzi, and he didn’t want to lose his freedom because of this excuse.
So for him, when the existence of Lin Shu becomes a hidden danger, it doesn’t make any difference whether to kill one or two. Maybe the latter is what he wants, and this can make him even more excited.
When Ryoichi Takahashi was thereWhen installing the mechanism on the roof, he noticed that Lin Shu and Chikako Ikeda walked out of the villa together and entered the dense forest on the side.
As soon as Takahashi Ryo saw this, the simple and honest expression on his face disappeared instantly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he quickly came down from the roof, came to the depths of the dense forest, and put on the costume of a bandaged weirdo.
Following the traces of the two of them, he quickly found their figures. The two were talking with their backs to him, and it seemed that they didn’t notice his presence at all. A savage smile appeared on the corner of Takahashi’s mouth, and from He took out the axe in his arms, raised it high, and was about to chop it down at the forest tree!
He also saw a young girl who suddenly appeared not far away, rushing towards him, as if she was a friend of sister Ayako, who came with Lin Shu, but that didn’t stop him from moving.
He seemed to have seen the scene where the other party was seriously injured and died. At this moment, the perverted desire in his heart seemed to be satisfied, and the feeling of excitement was about to reach its peak.
But at this moment, Lin Shu, who had been facing away from him before, suddenly turned around, without the slightest fear on his face, he just smiled strangely at him, and then an accident happened!
Before, Lin Shu readily agreed to Chikako Ikeda’s proposal, and the two went for a walk in the depths of the jungle.
It wasn’t raining yet in the sky at this time, and the two of them were a short distance apart, casually chatting about the cases that Lin Shu had solved before. The other party seemed to be very interested in this. …
In fact, at this point, Lin Shu has already made a relatively definite guess about the true identity of Chikako Ikeda. The person in front of him is probably not the real Chikako Ikeda, and the only people who can get close to him like this are the people in the black organization.
The only one Lin Shu knew who could achieve this level was Belmod.
Just when he was about to showdown directly, Lin Shu found that there were two little tails behind him, so he temporarily extinguished the idea.
At the same time, he also keenly found that “Chikako Ikeda” on the side also glanced behind him quietly, confirming that someone was following her, but when he saw Xiaolan, his originally cold eyes suddenly became a little softer.
Seeing this, Lin Shu became more certain of his guess. At this time, it suddenly rained in the sky. Lin Shu secretly thought that there was a good opportunity, he quickly opened his umbrella, and took the initiative to walk to the side of “Chikako Ikeda”.
As the distance approached, the two inevitably had some contact. By touching the forest tree, they could also detect that the other’s physical fitness was even better than Xiaolan!
At this moment, Lin Shu suddenly noticed that a maliciousness was creeping closer, and the target seemed to be him. The first thing Lin Shu thought of was Ryoichi Takahashi disguised as a bandaged eccentric.
The other party has fallen into a murderous demon. In order not to be caught after the incident, it is also very reasonable to choose to kill himself in advance.
Belmod, who was on the side, also sensed the danger approaching, and the two stopped in unison, until Ryoichi Takahashi came behind Lin Shu and raised his axe high.
Belmod suddenly saw Xiaolan rushing out from not far away, and in a hurry, he wanted to personally take action to solve the bandage weirdo behind him.
But Lin Shu on the side moved faster, suddenly turned around and lifted his foot, kicked heavily on the side of the axe, and broke the handle of the axe. He passed out.
However, the sharp axe blade without support fell on his shoulder due to gravity, blood splattered all over, and the severe pain made him wake up quickly, clutching the wound on his shoulder and staggering away. .

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