Shanks was very puzzled by Ye Feng’s words, but he didn’t pay much attention to them, but after a few days, he knew what Ye Feng’s words meant…

“Lying groove, Ye Feng… Can’t you make it clear to me?? Shanks supported Luffy, while his other arm was already bare, with blood-red blood on it.

“Whew….. Shanke… Your arm…. Luffy cried loudly, regretting his willfulness and giving Shanks’ arm…..

Haha, Luffy…. It’s okay! “Shanks is fine on the surface, but in his heart, he hates Luffy’s teacher, that is, Ye Feng, the bastard.

Finally, Shanks took off the straw hat on his head, put it on Luffy’s little head, and said to Luffy: “Luffy, this straw hat was worn by my captain before, now I will give it to you…. I hope you will return it to me after you become One Piece! ”

Shanks said gently, Luffy looked at the straw hat and cried even more, shouting at Shanks: “I will definitely become a very powerful pirate, I will definitely ….. Will become One Piece! ”

After hearing Luffy’s words, Shanks also laughed, and he was very pleased in his heart, his arm, but gambled here!

Because Luffy really misses Shanks’ captain Roger, Shanks will bet on Luffy.

Ye Feng, on Ye Feng’s side, comfortably sat on Kapu’s warship and headed for the naval headquarters.

“Ye Feng, how did you teach my grandsons?” Karp stood in front of Ye Feng and asked him suspiciously!

“Don’t worry, I taught them good skills, and they won’t be bullied!” Ye Feng said, saying that Karp didn’t have to worry.

When Karp heard this, he put his arm around Ye Feng’s neck and laughed and said: “Haha, I didn’t look at the wrong person, I knew that this guy of yours has skills!” How about it, do my grandsons have the qualifications to become a navy! ”

“Eh… If you become an army, the general will start… Go for it! Ye Feng heard Karp ask like this, and said to Karp a little weakly.

“Hahaha, I just said, my grandsons are not badly qualified, in the future, these three major generals will be served by a few of them, when the time comes… I don’t have any worries! After hearing Ye Feng’s affirmation, Karp laughed and said, and his heart had already begun to simulate Luffy’s appearance after they became a navy.

“…..,” Ye Feng didn’t dare to say anything next to him, if Karp knew that his grandsons were deeper than the idea of going to sea, it was estimated that Ye Feng would be torn apart!

Just as they were standing at the bow of the ship blowing the sea, a naval soldier came over and shouted at Karp: “Vice Admiral Karp, the headquarters is calling!” ”

“Huh? What’s going on in the headquarters? Karp said suspiciously, and then the worm picked up the phone, and then began to communicate with the voice from the other side.

After listening to the call, Karp shouted directly to everyone: “Full speed, go back to the headquarters!” ”

Karp directly ordered to speed up the return of the cost. Then he came to Ye Feng’s side and frowned at the sea in front of him.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Feng looked at the calm sea in front of him and said, the calmer this sea is, the more things will happen.

“Something happened at headquarters!” Karp did not say anything specific, his eyes were tightly looking ahead ….

The cloak behind Karp swayed under the sea breeze, and the word justice behind it was very conspicuous.

At full speed, by the end of the day, Karp’s warship returned to its headquarters. Karp and Ye Feng disembarked, and then the two frowned and looked at the naval headquarters.

I saw that many navies were walking around with stretchers, they got on a warship in the port, but the stretcher in time and space was an extra navy corpse!

Karp and Ye Feng turned their heads to look at the warship, and saw that the warship was already seriously damaged, and the point was that there was still a lot of blood flowing out of it….

“This warship …. It’s a warship where recruits go out to train! As an instructor, Ye Feng still knew about this warship, and said with a somewhat cold expression on his face.

“It seems that something went wrong during the recruit’s training! I just don’t know if it’s the recruits of that team…” Karp stood outside, looking at the situation over there and wondering.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly saw a figure, he was lying on the stretcher with blood, and this person Ye Feng also knew. This person was none other than one of Ye Feng’s recruits…. After that, the stretchers one after another were all the recruits under Ye Feng!

“These… Recruit… All recruits under me! Hehe! Ye Feng said with a cold face, although there was no expression on his face, but those pirates who knew Ye Feng in the new world would definitely flee far away after seeing Ye Feng’s state at this time.

“How could it be…. Your recruit is led by Zefa… What about Zefa? After hearing Ye Feng’s words, Karp was like hearing a joke, the recruits led by Zefa went out to train and were actually attacked like this!

In the next second, the rescue soldiers who came down from those warships carried down another person, Kapu and Ye Feng looked at it, this person happened to be Zefa who led the recruits out for training this time.

“It’s Zefa, let’s take a look!” Karp said to Ye Feng, and then the two ran over.

Came to Zefa, I saw that Zefa’s stretcher also left a lot of blood, and Zefa’s right arm…. It has been cut off!

“Zefa… You’re okay! Who the hell did it….,” Karp shouted at Zefa, his relationship with Zefa is very good, and he is also very anxious to see this!

“Karp… Ye Feng: Right… Zefa fainted before he finished apologizing, obviously losing too much blood! Then, it was sent to the rescue by the rescue soldiers!

Karp and Ye Feng looked at Zefa’s departing back, and their hearts were full of helplessness! At this time, a soldier came to Karp and Ye Feng and said to the two.

“Lieutenant General Karp, Instructor Ye Feng, the Marshal of the Warring States called you over for a meeting!” After speaking, the soldier left.

Then, Karp and Ye Feng walked towards the conference room of the headquarters with gloomy faces. _

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