Chapter 103 Trinity! Maiden Medusa!!

And just after you reject Aphrodite. 】

It didn’t take long. 】

The time you are waiting for has finally come. 】

[As the last of the Trinity of Athena.] 】

[Medusa.] 】

[It began to be born in mythology.] 】

[According to orthodox mythology, Medusa was originally a beautiful girl born in the place where Gao Ge lived, and fell into the country.] 】

[As a mortal, Medusa possesses a beauty that the gods admire.] 】

[But because he was too beautiful, he caused the jealousy of Athena in heaven, and was cursed by Athena.] 】

[Cursed by Athena, she has since changed from a beautiful maiden to a monster with snake-like hair, boar-like fangs, bronze claws, and golden wings.] 】

[Afterwards, he was killed by the hero Perseus.] 】】

What is the truth about Athena and Medusa in other worlds.] 】

[You may not know.] 】

But in the world of the God Killer.] 】

Athena and Medusa are one flesh, and this statement that you are jealous of your good looks makes you think it’s ridiculous. 】

Since Medusa’s birth, you have actually been silently paying attention to this girl whose future beauty is comparable to that of Aphrodite, the goddess of heavenly beauty. 】

[You accompanied her growth, and when she encountered troubles, you, as one of the twelve main gods, always helped her silently.] 】

[Medusa seems to be able to feel your protection, and after being helped by you, always shows her most beautiful smile to the sky in return.] 】

Under your gaze, Medusa also grew up slowly, and her beauty became more and more moving. 】

[You watched her meet two sisters with fairy blood.] 】

[The maiden Siena and the maiden Yuri Ellie.] 】

[That is, the other two who will be called the three sisters of Gorgon with Medusa in the future.] 】

[As a fairy, he is willing to make friends with mortals, although there are also reasons for Medusa’s amazing beauty.] 】

But there is no doubt that Ssina and Yuri Ellie are undoubtedly very kind. 】

[The three sisters talked and laughed every day and spent a very happy time! 】

[However, happy times are always short-lived.] 】

Finally, one day, the nightmare finally came. 】

[Poseidon, the god of the sea, accidentally saw Medusa’s figure when he went down to earth, and he was shocked! 】

[He didn’t think of anything at all.] 】

As a human maiden, Medusa looked so beautiful. 】

Poseidon was directly attracted to Medusa’s beauty. 】

[Just a mere mortal, as a god, is one of the twelve main gods!] 】

Since Poseidon has a crush on Medusa, naturally there will be no concern! 】

[He came directly to the three sisters!] 】

[Sisina and Yuri Ellie are simply powerless to resist Poseidon, the god of the sea, which directly causes panic among the girls. 】

[And just as Poseidon was about to capture Medusa.] 】

“Roll! “】

[A sword qi came with the sound.] 】

[Let Poseidon’s pupils shrink and fight hard to resist the sword qi that can stop you.] 】

【God of God! 】

Of course, Poseidon knew who possessed the Sword Qi! 】

In the entire Divine Realm, only you have such strength in the Sword One Dao! 】

“God of God! What do you mean! “】

Poseidon shouted into the sky, and his eyes were full of jealousy! 】

“Those three girls, you can’t move them.”] “】

[Your voice came from heaven and said faintly.] 】

Ssina and Yuri Ellie hear your voice and their faces are filled with amazement. 】

Only Medusa, looking at the sky, had a beautiful smile on her face. 】

[She knows that you have been guarding her and growing up with her.] 】

When Poseidon heard this, his face also showed a look of disbelief! 】

[He never expected that you would oppose him.] 】

[Is it just for a mortal?] A mortal?!!! 】

[Poseidon’s heart is furious! 】

For the sake of a mere mortal you dare to oppose him, one of the twelve main gods of the church!] 】

Poseidon can’t imagine how much you didn’t take him seriously! 】

However. 】

Poseidon thinks that he is indeed not your opponent. 】

Even if he was angry, he had to suppress it. 】

[However, looking at Medusa’s overwhelming beauty, his heart was also extremely unwilling.] 】

“God-killer, are you sure you want to make a wrath against me, who is also the Twelve Lords of God with you, for the sake of a mortal?” “】

[Poseidon was not willing, and simply asked the sky at the scene.] 】


With such a voice, the next second, you descend directly in front of Poseidon. 】

Infinite divine power wrapped around the sword qi, and the space seemed to emit a mournful sound at this moment. 】

[This sword, you did not keep your hand again.] 】

Poseidon’s eyes widened, how could he not have imagined that you actually wanted to kill him!] How dare you kill him! 】

[He let out a roar, and the divine power of the sea god was exerted to the extreme!] 】

[However, everything is useless.] 】

[You split the sea with one sword, and you beheaded Poseidon with one sword.] 】

[That scene, incomparably spectacular, shocking.] 】

Both Dessina and Yuri Ellie’s expressions froze. 】

Poseidon also had an expression of disbelief on his face, and his body slowly fell. 】

[He didn’t expect that you actually killed him.] 】

After solving Poseidon, you hesitated for a moment, but came to the young girl Medusa. 】

[The girl’s appearance will amaze you, it is a very different beauty from Athena.] 】

She has long white hair and sapphire blue eyes like the sea. 】

[The eyes are full of expectations for life and the future, making the girl seem to be full of light. 】

【“…… You’re here, and I’m finally seeing you. “】

After the girl saw you come to her, she also trotted to your front and asked with a little excitement. 】

“Huh…? You were a little stunned, and did not expect that the girl would know about you. 】

Medusa saw your surprise and said with an innocent smile on her face. 】

“Hum ~ I know you, oh, you are the god who has always guarded my side, right?” I already knew. “】

“And, ah, ah, that, although this is the first time I have seen you, I have often dreamed, and in my dreams I have seen you many times.] “】

[You look at the innocence of the girl, look at the cuteness of the girl, and also smile lightly and touch her head.] 】

[I suddenly understood why the girl knew about you.] 】

Probably because of the Trinity, the girl sees you often in her dreams through Athena.] 】

Medusa has no resistance to your intimacy at all, but enjoys it very much. Beg].

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