Chapter 131 Six Godkillers gather! Athena is coming!!

And right there.

The world was shocked by the birth of a seventh king. Princess Alice and Liliana were on the news. Desperate to start rushing towards Neon at the same time.


It was also the news of the birth of a new compatriot.


When they heard about the process of the birth of a new fellow.

But one by one, they laughed dumbly and dismissively ignored it.

Things that people find difficult to understand about themselves.

Often it is subconsciously choosing to deny rather than choose to believe.

This is true all over the world.

The same is naturally true of the God Killer.

Compared to the magic association in the world.

Godkillers who fight gods all year round.

It is better to understand the power of the god of disobedience, and naturally I am even more incredulous about this.

Don’t obediently lead death from the gods? Not killed from the God King with one blow? What a century joke! Doesn’t that represent?

The so-called gods.

In front of this newborn seventh king, is he simply weak like a baby, without any resistance?

Even the gods are like this!

They are on the same level as the gods who do not follow.

What did he gain in the presence of this new seventh king? How could anyone in the world be so powerful?

So, this kind of rumor.

All the God Killers could never believe it.

Compared to the so-called rumors.

The god-killers are more willing to accept the truth that they have imagined to be truly ‘reasonable’ and that is the newborn god-killer.

I don’t know what unknown powers have been gained.

He tampered with the truth of his entire god-killing process, deliberately sent out such shocking news, and toyed with the whole world.

After all, there is no doubt that such a thing is possible.

Newborn King.

What powers he currently possesses is completely unknown.

And if you get the corresponding powers, it is not impossible to do this step compared to the exaggerated statements that have made a lot of noise all over the world.

The god-killers took it for granted.

What they conjure up is the truth.

At the same time feel that they have guessed the truth they also think.

This newborn compatriot.

There is no doubt that he is a person with an incomparably bad personality.

And just when the god-killers learned the ‘truth’.

He didn’t really care much about this newborn compatriot.

A message.

But it made the world sensational again.

“The seventh king sincerely invites all the god-killers in the world to come to the neon for a story, and those who do not come will bear the consequences.”

This is also more polite in the front.

While it’s a bit odd to invite all the godkillers at once, that’s an invitation anyway.

But the back!

There is no doubt that it is a blatant threat! The whole world began to be shocked! There was an uproar! Countless people are still unsure.

The so-called rumors, everything that happened on Sardinia.

Is it really true?

As a result, he has just become king.

The seventh king at the center of the storm.

But he directly began to command all the God Killers! Threaten all God Killers! How this does not shock people by this!

“Oh well! All right!!! ”

“Just a young man, just a god killer dared to do such a thing, I would like to see what you really are!”

“I’d like to see if your rumors are true!!!”

Marquis de Waban, one of the god killers.

Hearing the news, I was undoubtedly surprised by the commanding invitation of Kitahara Baiqiu.

As one of the strongest god killers.

No one had ever dared to speak to the Marquis de Waban before.

Not to mention the courage to threaten him as a god killer, as a demon king! A sensational junior.

Now that he has just killed the gods, how strong can he be? Dare to be so arrogant?

Don’t you have to come? Okay, then here I come!

It depends on whether you can catch it or not!

The oil-green pupils of the Marquis de Waban glowed eerily, giving a feeling of brutality and bloodlust.

“It just so happens that in the near future, I am also planning to hold another ceremony in Neon.”

“By the way, teach this little devil a lesson that you don’t know what to call it!”

Because Kitahara Baiqiu did not solidify the plot at the beginning

After saving the witch, he killed the gods and nearly killed the Marquis de Waban. The Marquis of Woban was naturally completely unimpressed with the Northern Plains White Autumn. The god of disobedience he had summoned at the beginning was not solidified because of Kitahara Hakuaki.

It was not snatched away by Kitahara Hakuaki.

But again, the God.

He didn’t succeed in killing either!

Instead, it was snatched away by Salvatore Tony, who suddenly appeared.

This is the current King of Swords!

This also caused the Marquis of Waban to almost go crazy at first.

He also had a grudge against the King of Swords.

I also thought about starting to prepare again and make plans to summon the gods again.

Now, the time has undoubtedly come.

It’s also time to go to Neon to start a new ritual of summoning.

With this thought, the Marquis of Waban also began to rush in the direction of neon.

As for the newborn seventh king?

Oh, the jumping beam clown.

The Marquis de Waban didn’t take it seriously at all!

“Hahaha! Interesting! Interesting! ”

“My newborn compatriot is so interesting!”

And the other side.

Tony, the King of Swords, who had long been hated by the Marquis of Woban.

After seeing Kitahara Bai Qiu’s invitation, the whole person laughed.

Terrible! Overbearing! Domineering!

This is Tony’s impression of Kitahara Hakuaki today.

After all, this kind of thing.

Even if he is a fighting maniac, he often does not dare to do it.


But what is looking for death, Tony still knows.

He didn’t dare to do it.

The new king did it without hesitation! This certainly did not make him admire.

“Originally, I had the idea of going to fight with the new king, but now that others are graciously invited, there is naturally no reason to refuse!”

Tony looked at the island nation in the east, his eyes glazed over.

The body is carrying an incomparably powerful momentum, and said with full of war.

As a combat maniac.

At the moment of the birth of the new king.

He had originally planned to go to the new king to fight.

Nowadays, nature will not refuse!

“And even I, being so underestimated, is not completely emotionless.”

Tony is imposing and domineering.

Laughing and walking outside.

No doubt! King of Swords Tony! Invited!


Lushan Five Prisons Holy Sect this side.

After the eldest disciple Lu Yinghua got the news, he also hurried to the Fifth Prison Saint Sect Leader.

One of the Seven God Killers.

The martial arts king Luo Hao rushed here.

“Master, the unknown seventh king, invites you to go to Neon.”

Came to the door of the martial arts king Luo Hao’s room.

Lu Yinghua quickly bent down and did not dare to look up, and respectfully shouted inside.

“Oh? The Seventh King? Why did he invite me to Neon? ”

Luo Hao’s voice also came out from inside.

“This… The disciple does not know…”

Lu Ying turned his face into shame.

“Then leave it alone.”

In this regard, Luo Hao said without hesitation.

What Kitahara did by Hakuaki.

For the world, for the common sense of the world.

It’s just too shocking.

Even Luo Hao didn’t really believe in the so-called rumors.

Therefore, for what is the so-called invitation, naturally I will not care.

“Master, I have one thing I want to tell you about this, that Erica of the Red Copper and Black Cross, and now she is also with the new king.”

Lu Yinghua did not have the slightest surprise.

Instead, he respectfully continued to report what he knew to the martial arts king Luo Hao.

“Huh? Erica? ”

When Luo Hao heard this name, he was a little surprised, and his tone was full of surprise.

With a gust of wind blowing.

One wears something like a cheongsam.

A dark-haired girl who can be described as a beautiful girl in the world.

It appeared in front of Lu Yinghua.

She took the information handed by Lu Yinghua and looked at Erica above thoughtfully.

Immediately, Luo Hao also smiled and changed his mind: “Well, then, since that’s the case, I’ll go and have a look.” ”

Then, this peerless beauty disappeared into the same place again.

The other side.

Black Prince Alexander Gascoigne.

Originally, I didn’t want to pay attention to such an invitation.

But when he saw that Princess Alice was desperate to rush to Neon, his face couldn’t help but show a surprised expression.

He knew Princess Alice.

But because the Black Prince is not good at dealing with female relationships.

There is no relationship between the two.

However, when they once tracked down the god Zugnavia, there was some intersection between the two.

Even as a God Killer.

Alexander was also deeply impressed by the knowledge of Princess Alice of the Council of Wise Men, who was undoubtedly a beauty and wisdom.

A veritable princess.

And now.

Her Royal Highness the Princess, despite her weak body, was also going to rush to Neon.

And how not to surprise Alexander.

Thought about it.

Alexander finally decided, or go to Neon to see.

If things aren’t going well, just run away when the time comes.

“This newborn compatriot is so fierce.”

North America.

Pluto Anne Charlton.

For the invitation of Kitahara Hakuaki

She sighed too, and commented on it.

Due to the perennial masking of the face.

In the eyes of the outside world, she is an aristocratic and interesting man.

As a matter of fact.

But she is a beautiful girl who has both intellectual and upbringing, and has a calm and calm personality.

This beautiful girl looked full of distress at this moment because of Kitahara Baiqiu’s face.


Anne also decided to go to Neon first to see it.

That’s it.

In addition to Lady Aisha, who remained in the Hakuaki family in Kitahara.

All the god-killers in the world.

At this moment, because of the invitation of Kitahara Hakuaki.

For various reasons, it also began to rush to the neon.

“The King… Concubine, finally found you. ”


Athena, the goddess of Poland.

As if sensing something as well, sensing the touch of the heart, he looked up into the distance.

The gaze of the goddess.

In this moment it becomes incomparably bright, incomparably expectant.

on the face.

With the most beautiful smile…

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