Chapter 139 It’s All Right! Not a big problem! Don’t panic!!

Time goes back not too long ago.

The Shadow World, also known as the Realm of Life and Death, is also known as the Star Shadow Realm.

This is the world where the spiritual position is higher than the physical world.

At this time.

Somewhere in the middle of a secluded green mountain forest.

At the bottom of the mountain forest, there is a log cabin standing against the mountain.

In the middle of the wooden house, there happened to be someone talking.

At the small table in the center of the wooden house, a white-bearded and white-haired samurai was sitting on the main seat, and it was Suzuna, the man who did not obey him.

At Susa’s side.

There are two more guests at the moment.

One is a monk dressed in black who looks like a mummy that has been taken off a bandage, and whose wrinkles are as deep as a wood carving.

The other is a beautiful princess dressed in a gorgeous twelve-single kimono, with glass-colored pupils and a beautiful city.

The three of them were staring curiously at the center of the table, a basin of water.

Above the water, what emerges is the scene of all the high-level people on the neon mysterious side looking for the new king.

The art of water mirroring.

And now this point in time.

It was the time when Kitahara White Autumn had not yet come out.

Look at the scene presented in the art of water mirroring.

Princess Ruri’s eyes were full of worry.

“Royal husband, I don’t think it’s good that we are tempting the new king in this way, the strength of the new king is said to be very strong, and if it causes the dissatisfaction of the new king, it will not be of any benefit to us, and it will be very troublesome.”

For Susanoo’s temptation this time, Princess Rurihito has actually been disapproving.

Rather than this method that directly offends people, she prefers a policy of gentleness, using roundabout and pleading to achieve her goals.

Such an adventurous approach like Susanoo is really disturbing.

Hear Princess Rurihitomi’s concern.

Sitting in the first place, Susanoo, one of the three noble sons of Takahara, laughed and said, “As the host, there are god-killers coming to my territory, so what is wrong with me?” ”

“As for the strength of the so-called new king, at most it is just blackmail, and you and I both understand that the strength of the new king cannot be so strong, it is simply nonsense!”

“Moreover, I am only using Huina to test the power of the new king, and a slight temptation is not a big deal.”

“Moreover, I did not pay for nothing, but I gave my dear granddaughter to the new king as a gift, and what is the new king’s dissatisfaction?”

The man who didn’t follow Susa didn’t care.

As one of the three main gods of Gao Tianyuan, he also had capital that he did not care about.

Don’t worry about winning, worry about losing first.

He has considered the failure to send his granddaughter as compensation, is it not enough? And, even step back.

The new king is still dissatisfied with this, can he freely enter and leave the world? Take a step back.

Even if he can come to the world, can he find him in the world?

Ten thousand steps back and said, found him, is it his opponent? You know, the so-called God Killer.

When the Killing God was not yet familiar with power, his strength was not very good.

Susa no is confident that it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent of the martial god, and Susa is afraid of the new king in the future, not the new king now!

For the sake of the two sides may have some irresolvable conflicts in the future.

When you have to fight.

It is necessary to test first when the new king is weak.

When he becomes strong in the future, he does not understand the new king at all, and it is too late to regret it.

Princess Ruri frowned a little.

She actually doesn’t like the act of giving women out as gifts.

Susanoo said that Seiki-in was his dear granddaughter.

In fact, he ruthlessly used the Qingqiu Temple Huina.

It only made Princess Ruri feel a little ridiculous.

However, after all, Kiyoaki was the nominal granddaughter of Susa’s son, and Princess Rurihito couldn’t stop it even if she wanted to.

“Wouldn’t it be a little simplistic for you to think so?”

Princess Ruri Hitomi spoke.

And for Princess Rurihitomi’s words.

Susanoo hadn’t opened his mouth yet, but the black-robed monk beside him was opening his mouth at this moment.

“Isn’t the princess too timid?”

The Night Monk’s wrinkled and ugly face could not see any expression, but his tone was full of sarcasm: “From the current point of view, the new king is undoubtedly a person who cherishes flowers, and since he is a person who cherishes flowers, then what is his dissatisfaction with sending such a beautiful flower as Huina?” ”

“Moreover, no one has any evidence that this matter is related to us, and people on the outside may not even know that we have done it.”

Princess Ruri looked at the monk in black, her brow furrowed even deeper.

The monk in black was actually on the side of Susanoo.

And Princess Ruri Hitomi actually has some disagreements with them in concept.

However, the same is the guardian neon.

The real underpinnings of the neon mysterious side are, and they are indispensable to intersect.

The one who cherishes the flowers?

Princess Ruri Hitomi looked a little confused.

In this regard, she actually has some say.

As the wife of Rama, the last king of Rama, she is also the woman who was cut off by Rama and became the ancestor of the gods.

Princess Ruri Hitomi was very clear.

Although some people are people who cherish flowers and appreciate the moon, at the critical moment, they can still give a hard hand to women.

She didn’t know if the new king was such a person.

But she knew that Susanoo and the monk in black were undoubtedly thinking too superficially!

This new king! Not the incompetent man of Assaac!

“Do you think such a trick can really fool the past?” New……”

Princess Ruri Hitomi just wanted to go on saying something.


But he was directly interrupted by Susano’s ruthlessness.

“All right, the new king is out, don’t say it again.”

Princess Ruri Hitomi heard the words and had to frown and close her mouth.

The three of them looked above the water together.

Then they saw that they were known as the strongest slayer of the gods.

Luo Hao, the martial arts king of Huaxia, came out of the room with the new king.

Susanoo: “…”

Princess Rurihitomi: “…”

The monk in black: “…”

The corners of their mouths twitched at the same time.

Even for them, the martial arts king Luo Hao was an extremely tricky existence.

Even if the three of them went up together, they might not be able to defeat the strongest god killer.

In the past, the martial arts king Luo Hao basically stayed at home in China, so although they were neighbors, they were also at peace.

Now she had run to Neon.

I have to say that it is really a shocking thing.

“No, it’s all right, we’re tempting the new king, what does it have to do with the martial arts king?” I reckon she came because of the new king’s invitation, and the new king’s invitation is not a good word, and I think she may have come to find trouble for the new king. ”

Susanoo grinned reluctantly and said comfortingly.

The black-robed monk nodded his head, thinking that what Susanoo said was quite reasonable.

And then……… They saw it again.

Tang Tang Martial Arts King Luo Hao!

He obediently stayed behind the new king, and the two of them looked very familiar and intimate.


At this moment, the three of them trembled in their hearts at the same time, realizing the problem.

They didn’t think of anything about it.

The new king would actually be familiar with the martial arts king Luo Hao!

“No, it’s all right, don’t panic, even if Luo Hao and the new king have the old, but who knows that we did this?” Not a big problem. ”

The expression on Susa’s face said reluctantly.

As soon as he had finished speaking, he heard the new king mention his name and say exactly that he had done it.

Susanoo subconsciously thought in his heart.

This killing can’t be admitted!

The new king plus a martial arts king Luo Hao can make him drink several pots, and even send him directly to the myth.

Immediately after, Susanoo heard it.

His granddaughter Qingqiu Yuanhui Na admitted in front of the new king and the martial arts king that he was the mastermind behind everything.

Susanoo’s heart burst into tears.

You’re such a wonderful granddaughter.”

“No, it’s all right, even if you know it’s me, the new king has just killed the gods, the current strength will not be too strong, as long as the martial arts king Luo Hao does not intervene, our problem will not be too big, even if Luo Hao intervenes, we can join forces to protect ourselves.”

Susanoo still allowed himself to settle down forcefully.

When he saw the sarcasm on the faces of the Wuxia King and the New King about his granddaughter, he knew that he was in big trouble.

This time things were sloppy, and he was under-considered.

However, everything is not without a chance of redemption.

After all, the new king had just killed the gods and was destined to be weak in strength, and it was nothing at all.


Susanoo saw it.

He had high hopes and was holding the Heavenly Artifact Cong Yun Sword in the Qingqiu Yuan, who was originally going to test the new king’s power.

It turned out that he was crushed and defeated by only one of the knights of the new king. Even the Heavenly Cloud Sword finally summoned the main body.

The Heavenly Cloud Sword of the Body.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is a God.

It turned out that the new king was just a knight, and he was easily destroyed.

Compared to the neon mysterious side.

The man with the poisonous eyes of Susa could naturally see at a glance that it was the strength of the god killer!

Moreover, it is also the strongest of the god killers!

Even he didn’t dare to say that he could defeat the woman in the mirror who had defeated the Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword.

“The new king…… Those so-called rumors can’t be true, right? ”

Princess Ruri Hitomi was equally sluggish at this moment, and subconsciously muttered to herself.

The strength of the new king.

This can be seen from the strength of the knight.

Even if you really have the rumored kind of strength, it seems that it is not impossible at this moment.

After all, he was not a god killer, a knight of the king.

It is enough to be able to exert the same strength as the god-killer, or even the strongest of the god-killers, which is enough to make people shocking.

The monk in black glanced at Princess Rurihitomi, then secretly glanced at Susano, and whispered.

“Even if the new king is strong, it should be all right, right?” The new king cannot come to the world, he cannot find us…”

“It’s all right!!!”

Susanoo yelled at the monk in black.

He couldn’t believe it!

The strength is really strong to that level of the new king.

You will not find where the so-called ghost is.

Without the slightest hesitation.

At this moment, Susanoo was ready to run! Event!

It’s a great thing for Nima!!! If you don’t run, it’s too late!!!

And just as Susanoo was about to run.

He saw the young man standing in front of his wooden house.

The young man with black hair and black pupils, Shi Shiran walked up to the three of them.

He glanced at the Water Mirror Technique in front of the three people, and then looked at the three people who were dumbfounded because of their own appearance.

The teenager’s face also showed a smile.

Immediately, a clear voice echoed throughout the cabin.

“Three, wind and snow, it’s really good Yaxing.”

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