Chapter 152 The simulation is over! Rise again!!

The world is in full swing.

With a ray of light appearing, Kitahara Baiqiu also returned to his room.

Looking at the familiar scenes around him, Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly, and he was not surprised that he was in the world of the God Killer.

After he married Athena.

His little world was all there was to accompany Athena.

Until the last moment.

He returned to this world under the gaze of Athena with a beautiful smile.

Athena knew they would see each other again in a month.

Moreover, this will be the last time they will be separated, and naturally there will not be much sadness.

Instead, look forward to it.

Looking forward to their reunion in a month. The same is true of all the goddesses of the Classical Gods.

As a deity.

With a long period of time, they never felt that a month counted as anything.

The goddesses who know the truth.

For the behavior of Kitahara Baiqiu guarding a world, he also admired it even more.

It was also more exciting.

As goddesses, they are confident that they can definitely help Kitahara Hakuaki in the future

Before Kitahara Baiqiu left, Aphrodite kissed Kitahara Baiqiu again without scruples.

This goddess in the name of beauty really loved Kitahara Hakuaki.

In her words.

These two days were only because Athena was the Queen of Heaven and saw the two of them getting married, that she completely ceded her king to Athena.

Next time, it won’t be easy.

Athena heard the words of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, and her face went black again.

Among these sisters.

Sure enough, she hated Aphrodite the most.

See the beauty god Aphrodite all kissed.

The goddesses warblers and swallows naturally refused to let go of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

All of them had an affectionate parting kiss with Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Baiqiu bid farewell to these sticky goddesses and returned to the present world.

“I always feel that this simulation has been going on for a long time.”

Kitahara Baiqiu stretched out a lazy waist and said with emotion.

Like the Ghost Destroyer World, he was very satisfied with the outcome of the God Killer World.

No doubt.

In a month’s time, the God Killer World will also completely merge with the Omnibus World.

The goddesses are looking forward to it, and the maidens of the world are looking forward to it.

Kitahara Hakuaki is also looking forward to seeing them again in a month!

[Detected that the host has cleared the God Slayer World.] 】

【The end of this crossing simulation, settlement……】

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words, turned back, and also looked at the simulator with a smile.

He was also full of curiosity about this simulated reward!

[Ding, the settlement is successful, congratulations to the host for this crossing simulation evaluation for SS! And successfully pass the world of the God Killer! Get a reward!

1, this simulation carries unevolved talent evolution once! The host inherits this talent permanently! And this talent is not limited by simulation!

“Golden Talent and Divine Species” evolved into ‘Red Talent Divine Group Center’!

“Blue Talent • Breath Hidden” evolved into ‘Purple Talent • Undetectable’!

“Blue Talent Spirit Barrier” evolved into ‘Purple Talent • Strength of Will’!

Gods Group Center: You are a god species at the same time! You are also the lord of a group of gods of some god lineage! King of the Gods!

Undetectable: If you don’t want to, everything about you can’t be seen through by others, even the all-knowing Laplace Demon can only see through a part of your reality.

Strength of the will: You will not be affected by external forces, your will is unwavering, and spiritual attacks and operations are often ineffective against you. 】

Here it comes! One red and two purple!!!

Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes lit up as he watched this reward.

Sure enough, it was the same as the last time, and it did not surprise Kitahara Baiqiu.

However, there is no doubt that this time is more luxurious than the last time!

Last time, it was just one red and two blue.

This time, his harvest was directly one red and two purple!!! I looked at the effect of these three talents.

Kitahara Hakuaki is also very satisfied!

When the rewards of these three talents are issued.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was shocked and began to close his eyes.

Wait for him to open his eyes again.

His identity.

From human beings to gods, or the lord of the gods, the king of the gods! This is a sublimation on the divine level!

At the end of the last simulation, Kitahara Hakuaki did not inherit the spirit species.

So he was actually a human being all along.

It was only at this moment that he truly became a god.

It has truly become an immortal and immortal being!

Gods do not die.

The so-called death is nothing more than a long sleep.

This! It’s the gods!

[2] Get all the skills learned in this simulation. Kitahara was not surprised by this.

This time he was fighting the Last King, against many of the Most High Gods.

All his strength has been integrated.

It can be said that although the realm has not been improved, the strength has been greatly improved!

[3, after the combination of the God Killer World and the world, the host can freely shuttle through the two worlds, and can control the entrance of the two worlds, anyone who wants to shuttle has to get your permission, the two worlds merge the world: one month. 】

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly, not surprised by this.

It was a reward he had known for a long time.

Seeing that the reward this time was similar to the last time, Kitahara Bai Qiu felt. In the future, he can guess the reward for each clearance.

Kitahara smiled triumphantly.

【Rewards have been issued.】 】

[Ding, detected that the host has cleared two worlds and has successfully become a god.] 】

[The emulator is in the process of being upgraded, and the time taken for this upgrade is thirty-six hours.] 】

[Please be patient with the host.] 】

When Kitahara Baiqiu heard this, his face suddenly froze.

Well, when he didn’t say, the upgrade is OK…

“Thirty-six hours?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu pondered in his heart.

That’s not too long.

If you enter the cooling estimate it will take so much time.


Kitahara Hakuaki is also full of curiosity and expectation for the upgraded simulator.

I don’t know what the emulator will look like after it is upgraded.

“But why upgrade, is it that I am now the king of the gods, and I can’t die anyway, so I forced the simulator to upgrade?”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed in his heart.

Of course, that’s what it said, but Kitahara Hakuaki knew it too.

If only I had died once.

Then in the simulator can not move the card for ten thousand years or more to resurrect, how a simulation can not end, the uncomfortable estimate is also himself

If the system upgrade can really solve these things.

It is undoubtedly a good thing for Kitahara Hakuaki.

“That being said, I now have two red talents!” Two ah! ”

“[Sword Saint Protection] and [Divine Group Center] are both talents that are too good to be able to do it!”

“Sleeper! Next time the simulated world will be unmatched! I can’t even imagine how this could not be unique! ”

Kitahara Baiqiu thought secretly in his heart, triumphantly.

He is not the cat and dog he once was, and he can be regarded as a veritable strong man in the heavens and the worlds.

Open unmatched! Stand to reason!

Thinking like this, Kitahara Hakuaki also shuts down the screen that has been in the process of upgrading

Subconsciously, he glanced at Hestia and Artemis’s room.

Kitahara smiled and decided to go to them again tomorrow.

Adjust your mindset.

Next, you have to get ready to start a new life, a new simulation!

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