Chapter 167 The Eternal Star Cup! God of Mankind!!

Kitahara watched as he knelt down in front of him and begged his own Rick.

He could feel Rick’s sincerity.

However, Kitahara Baiqiu did not rush to answer at this moment, but asked with a smile: “Rick, do you know why many races in this world are fighting each other, and the relationship between gods and spirits is also like water and fire?” ”

Rick heard the words and was obviously stunned.

Yes, he didn’t know.

As the weakest human being in the world.

They never knew why the war began, never knew why all despair began.

They just know that they keep running away, running away.

The weak ones, just by trying to escape, have already done their best.

How can we have time to find out the truth of everything, and how can we be qualified to know the truth of everything?

“I… I don’t know. ”

Rick’s face was full of bitterness and he replied.

Kitahara smiled lightly and said a name: “Star Cup.” Star Cup? ”

When Rick heard the strange name, his mind was full of doubts.

And Kitahara Baiqiu was quick to solve his doubts.

“Or rather, the Eternal Star Cup.”

“All the race wars, the gods fighting for it, are for this thing.”

“As for what the Star Cup is, you can think of it as a throne, the throne of the gods.”

“He represents not just a position, he represents the supreme right, the position of the only God in the whole world.”

“Once a god gets the Star Cup, then there is no doubt that he can do whatever he wants in this world, that he can become whatever he wants the world to become, and that he has the authority to erase and recreate the world at will.”

“Do the really… Get away with murder! ”

Rick heard the words and his face was full of shock.

He never imagined that the truth of the matter would be like this! Things I couldn’t understand before.

At this moment, it is also an instant to understand.

No wonder, no wonder many gods created their own races.

Because the gods need them to help themselves on the way to seize the Star Cup.

No wonder the relationship between all races is on fire.

Because they themselves are not dead, you live and die in a competitive relationship.

Just for humans.

This truth is simply too cruel.

Because of them.

It is the greatest victim of war.

“By the way, Rick, humans, can’t touch the Star Cup.”

Kitahara Baiqiu remembered the scene in front of the original book where the teenager almost got the Star Cup, but failed because of his lack of personality, and couldn’t help but gently remind him.

Mankind… Not yet reachable.

Rick was cold inside and had a miserable smile on his face.

Doesn’t that represent?

From the very beginning, humanity has lost the right to resist? Even if they do survive until the end of the war.

Who can guarantee the existence of the Star Cup.

Will the world be a better place, and will it be benevolent to mankind? Rick knew.

They are human beings though intellectual.

But all the races of the world do not recognize the existence of human beings.

Rather, think they’re just monkeys.

From the attitudes of these races, we can see what kind of attitude their gods have towards human beings.

Do you expect these gods who see humans as monkeys?

Do you expect one of them to be kind to humanity after receiving the Supreme Star Cup?

Rick only felt ridiculous.

“So, Lord White Night, are you also ready to create your own race to participate in the war?”

Rick asked softly.

Knowing the truth, he no longer had any hope of asking Kitahara Baiqiu to stay

After all, in such a war, what can they humans do to help Kitahara Baiqiu

Even Rick had to admit that they were powerless in the face of other horrific races.

Kitahara Hakuaki if you want to get the Star Cup.

Then there is no doubt.

It is also to create a powerful race against other gods.

Although some are lost, unwilling, regretful, bleak…

But Rick felt that rather than letting the other gods, letting the god in front of him get the Star Cup might be the best ending for mankind!

They are not strong enough to be human.

But, perhaps, perhaps their wisdom can still help Kitahara Baiqiu

Rick had already decided in his heart.

Even if Kitahara Bai Qiu rejected him today.

They humans must also do their best to help Kitahara Baiqiu win the Star Cup and end this ridiculous war!

“Create your own race? No, I didn’t think so. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu shook his head in tears and laughter.

Create a race?

What did he create?

He didn’t have that idea.

For Kitahara Baiqiu, whether it is the creation of man, creation, or anything else that has life.

It always feels weird.

It’s not a matter of doing it or not doing it, it’s about creating it alone compared to yourself.

He prefers to create it with the girls close to him.

“Didn’t Lord White Night think of creating a race?”

When Rick heard Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, the expression on his face was suddenly stunned.

“No, I’m telling you the truth, just to tell you that if you humans want my protection, you may have to be prepared to face all the other races.”

“After all, I am also a god no matter what, and when my identity is exposed, as the object of my protection, you will undoubtedly attract the attention of other gods.”

Kitahara said to Rick. Rick heard this, and his heart beat a little faster.

Face all races…

For those who are weak in hiding in Tibet, can they really do it?

Rick asked his concern directly, “But, Lord White Night, we humans are too weak to help you in the Star Cup battle.” ”

“Even if human beings are concerned by all races, there will be a danger of extinction.”

The reason why humans have survived to this day.

In addition to their own tenacity.

What’s more, other races don’t care about humans.

Once any of the many races have made up their minds to exterminate humanity.

None of them survive now.

“No problem, if you have the courage to face many races, I will naturally solve these problems for you.”

Kitahara’s face was full of calm, and he said to Rick.

Rick heard.

At this moment, the heart beats faster.

He did not doubt Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

You know, there is a god in front of him! In his heart at this moment, there was more surprise.

Originally, he had no hope, but at this moment, he didn’t expect that there would be another village of willow flowers and flowers!

Ability to solve this problem

So, what’s there to hesitate about?!!

“Lord White Night! So be it! Then I do! ”

Rick’s face was full of determination.


Kitahara smiled and nodded.

Promised by Kitahara Hakuaki.

Rick suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and also walked out.

He didn’t know what the future would hold, nor did he know whether the gods he had chosen would ultimately lose or win.


He knows! From today onwards!

They humans are no longer without resistance! It’s just the existence of hiding in Tibet!

Kitahara looked at the suppressed smile on Rick’s face, and his face was also full of smiles.

Then he looked at Rick’s side and asked, “Want a game?” ”

Rick didn’t hear the words.

However, the transparent figure beside him was heard.

The transparent figure was first stunned.

Immediately after, you can see him revealing his joy. Xingchong ran to Kitahara Baiqiu and sat down.

And this transparent figure is…

In the original work, the only one who received the throne of God.

The god of the game——— special map!

The next day, early in the morning.

Rick also gathered everyone in the gathering place.

It was claimed that there was an announcement of a major event concerning the future of mankind.

Hundreds of people gathered with regrets on their faces, not knowing exactly what was going on

And little Lolita didn’t care about that.

She was just in the crowd.

Anxiously looking for a figure.

She was a little afraid, afraid that the brother of the gods who had made her extremely reassured yesterday was gone

Then, she also found her god brother in the crowd.

This made Ina’s face suddenly smile.

When Ina found Kitahara Baiqiu, Kitahara Baiqiu naturally noticed this little girl who was wandering around.

Seeing that the little girl noticed herself, she wanted to come over but did not dare to come over. Kitahara Baiqiu only felt funny and immediately waved at her.

When Ina saw this, her eyes lit up.

Xingchong rushed towards the North Plains White Autumn.

Then, under the guidance of Kitahara Baiqiude, Xiao Luoli sat confused and sat in the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Notice his closeness to the god’s brother.

Ina’s tender little face also raised two lovely red halos.

The little girl didn’t know what a man-woman relationship was, she only knew that she liked to be close to her brother very much.

Although shy, my heart was also full of joy.

Hum! Lily, Babe, Amy, Rose, do you see that? I was the one closest to the god’s brother.

The little girl nestled in the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu with such thoughts.


Rick also finally announced.

Make your own decisions!

This filled everyone present with shock.

All eyes looked at Kitahara White Autumn.

Kitahara Baiqiu was nothing, Ina looked at her with so many people, but she was directly panicked.

Tightly grasping the corner of Kitahara Baiqiu’s clothes, his face had turned to the side of Kitahara Baiqiu’s chest.

His face was full of redness, and he didn’t dare to look at everyone.

Rick didn’t care about that.

Instead, he went on to say everything. And, he also stated that he would not force anyone. If someone doesn’t want to, they can just leave.

No doubt!

No one on site will leave! There is no doubt that people’s faces are determined.

The cheers even soon rang out: people living in desperate conditions.

What they lacked was never courage and determination! What they lack! Just a chance to change everything!

And now.

This opportunity.

Undoubtedly it has come.

It was brought by Kitahara Hakuaki.

Swear to the God of Mankind!

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