Chapter 176 Elf Maiden! The truth about the world of the God Killer!!

Tiruminus Esther.

This is the highest sword spirit in Sword Dance made by the Elves.

It has many titles such as the Demon Destroyer Holy Sword, the Demon King Sword, and so on.

As the body of the Holy Sword.

Esther himself.

It is also known as the guardian god and the guardian god of the double stars.

As a sword.

Her level had already reached the level of the Demon God.

He also defeated the demon king Solomon.

In The Sword Dance of the Elves.

Most of Esther’s power is not there.

The protagonist of the original book, Kazawara, only used less than one-tenth of Esther’s strength, but he could also kill all four sides.

Just imagine.

Reveal how strong Minus Esther really is.

“What a bonus.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the sacred sword in his hand, and his face was full of smiles. He really didn’t expect Esther to come and get it.

Kitahara White Autumn could feel it.

What he took was not a mutilated version of the original Stroke Early God Man.

It’s perfect.

An Annihilation Sword that can exert all its powers!

All along, Kitahara Hakuaki wanted to have a sword.

Only after the destruction of the Million Gods group.

He had acquired many powers of the Illusion Excalibur, and the need to obtain the sword was no longer so urgent.

It’s just that power is always just power.

How can it compare to actually owning a holy sword?

“What’s more, the body of this holy sword is still a beautiful girl, or a humanoid elf.”

A strong and lovely holy sword.

This is the existence that many people dream of.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles at this moment.

Kitahara Hakuaki, who possesses the highest level of sword saints.

In fact, at first he went to get the sword.

There is no possibility of failure.

Looking at the sword in his hand, Kitahara Baiqiu could feel the affinity and excitement of the Holy Sword to himself.

However, it may be that the energy consumption is too much to be replenished.

Esther did not take on a human form in front of him at the moment.

“Let’s go back first.”

Kitahara thought about it.

He also put away the sacred sword first, and said with a smile.

[White Night: Miko, bother to help me take a leave of absence with the teacher, I will not go to school this afternoon. 】

[Yotsuya Miko: Huh? Okay, I see, Bai Qiujun, you pay attention to safety. 】

Sent a text message to Miko Yotsuya.

After getting her reply.

Kitahara White Autumn once again disappeared in place.

By the time he reappeared, he had returned to his home.


The girls in the family are also eating.

Seeing the return of Kitahara Baiqiu, everyone was stunned.

“Huh? Bai Qiu, why did you come back so early today? Is something wrong?!! ”

Hestia still had a piece of meat in the fork in her hand, and ran to Kitahara Baiqiu and asked.

Then she glanced at the meat on the fork and ate it in one bite.

“Something went wrong, but it’s not a big deal, don’t worry.”

Kitahara touched Hestia’s head and smiled.

“Welcome back, host.”

Fallen Ji was very natural and said hello casually.

“Huan, welcome back, Bai Qiujun.”

The blue-haired goddess Artemis was flushed, but still said hello to Kitahara Baiqiu.

From the salutation.

It is known that after these few days of psychological struggle, she has completely accepted Kitahara Baiqiu.

Two people with an eternal contract.

Ben is the closest person.

Think about it, Artemis thinks.

In fact, it may not be bad to like the same object as Hestia.

They were sisters for billions of years.

Maybe this will always be intimate from now on.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly at Artemis.

Artemis blushed, only to feel her heart pounding.

Like a girl in her first love.

Or maybe she was the girl of her first love.

But in addition to the maiden, she is also a goddess.

Hestia asked Kitahara if he wanted to have dinner together.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally means that he has eaten.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the girls with a smile, and naturally chatted a few words during their meal.

Seeing Kitahara White Autumn did not encounter any trouble.

After eating.

Hestia and Fallen Ji are naturally ready to continue their addiction to games and light novels.

Artemis was not as obsessed as the two men.

Recently, however, she has also fallen in love with light novels and the stories written by Kitahara Hakuaki.

While several people were preparing to go back to their rooms.

Hestia of the God Slayer World.

Suddenly came out of Hestia’s body in the wrong world.

The holy goddess looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and smiled slightly, and said to the girls, “I have something I want to talk to Lord God King, so let’s go first.” ”

“Oh, okay.”

Hestia of the wrong world grinned widely, and there was nothing she could do.

Artemis was somewhat curious, but did not delve deeper.

Fallen Ji didn’t care at all.

After the three returned to their rooms.

Only Hestia and Kitahara Hakuaki of the Godkiller World were left on the scene.

“Do you have anything?” Hestia. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked curiously at the holy goddess in front of him and asked.

Hestia shook her head slightly, sat down next to Kitahara Bai Qiude, and asked softly, “King, I heard Artemis say that you have accepted all the goddesses of our elegant god lineage and signed a contract with them?” ”

Artemis here refers to nature, which is also the moon goddess Artemis of the godkiller world.

Hestia came to the world of comprehensive manga because she followed Kitahara Baiqiu early.

She didn’t know what was going on behind the God Killer World.

It was only after Artemis came that he learned from her.

“Well, how, are you jealous even Hestia?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu nodded calmly first.

Then he looked at the holy goddess and said with a chuckle.

Hestia heard this, and lightly touched the forehead of his own king in disgust, and then said, “How is it possible, the life of our gods is long, as long as the king always has me in his heart and always cares about me, how can I eat the vinegar of my sisters?” ”

After complaining.

This holy goddess also gently leaned into the arms of Kitahara Bai Qiude.

He continued, “But about the sisters, there is one thing I want to clarify with Wang. ”

Kitahara touched Hestia’s perfumed hair, smiled and asked, “Oh, what’s the matter?” ”

“In fact, there is one thing, Wang, you have been misunderstood.”

Hestia leaned peacefully into the arms of his king and said softly, “In fact, in our world, after the Earth Mother Gods were defeated by the Heroes of Steel, all the sisters were only reduced in stature and no longer had power. ”

“The heroes of steel wreaked havoc on the earth after defeating the earth goddess, doing whatever they wanted, and our earth mother god was also in the depths of the water, but there was one thing, the sisters actually did not let the steel heroes succeed from beginning to end.”

“Whether it was during the time of the Mother Earth God or after the defeat, the sisters were complete from beginning to end. It is what I want to say to the king, and it is also something I want to clarify with the king. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words, and the movements in his hands froze, and his face was a little stunned.

This thing……… He was really a little surprised, and looked at Hestia Hestia doubtfully as he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu’s expression and smiled lightly, and said, “Since the king has accepted all the sisters, so I think that in this matter, the king should also know about it.” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of doubts, and he subconsciously asked, “But Aphrodite at the beginning…”

At this point, Kitahara Baiqiu stopped.

But Hestia also understood, explaining, “It’s memory.” ”


Kitahara White Autumn doubted.


Hestia nodded slightly, “Although our Mother Earth God has not been violated, in human mythology, this is not the case. ”

“As the same mother goddess of the earth, when my sisters were killed, how could I stand by and watch, naturally I would stop it, and the heroes of steel were also extremely jealous of me, so naturally I had to give up.”

“The goddess Athena used to be like me, and in fact, she also guarded many earth goddesses in this matter, but later she split into three and became a trinity, and her memory was also affected somewhat.”

“So, under the influence of mythology, even if I prevent things from happening, the memory of the sisters inevitably creates some confusion.”

“The King… You actually know us through mythology, right? ”

After Hestia finished explaining, he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu again, asked Kitahara Baiqiu softly, and nodded slightly.

When he learned the truth, his heart was not at peace at the moment.

Hestia smiled and said, “King, you know what? After the complete return to the Mother Earth, the memory of the sisters was completely restored…”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words and thought about it carefully.

I found that this seems to be the case.

After returning to the Mother Earth.

All the goddesses were bolder and more open and natural to him, as if some great package had been laid down in their hearts.

Originally, Kitahara Bai Qiu thought.

It is because they have returned to the Mother of Earth God, and they have returned to their holy state.

Now it seems that this is not just the case.

“Then they… Why don’t you tell me? ”

Kitahara asked with a complicated look on his face.

No wonder.

No wonder he thought the mythology of the God Killer World was extremely confusing at first.

Obviously, he was once the same mother god of the earth, the existence of the same person.

The sisters are not even counted, and even the mother-daughter relationship has come out.

It turned out to be an identity that myth forcibly pressed on them when their personality was not there, and their power was gone.

And identity is really just a simple identity………

“That’s naturally because before they could say anything, the king accepted them.”

“The people I like like to this extent, I think, the sisters are undoubtedly very happy.”

“After you accepted them, they naturally felt that it didn’t matter if they didn’t say it or not.”

Hestia looked softly at his king, his eyes full of admiration, and said, “King, you are great and worthy of the love of all our sisters.” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu had a bitter smile on his face and shook his head, “No… The reason why I will accept and like them is not my reason……… It is they, all they do, who have achieved such a result. ”

Not really.

Even if it is Kitahara Baiqiu, even if it is his lsp.

At first, when such a beautiful being as the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, came to him, he refused.

But……… Afterward.

The goddesses died for him, for him to face a million gods.


Everyone is laughing and returning to mythology.

This deeply shocked Kitahara Baiqiu.

At that moment, Kitahara Bai Qiu realized.

I must not fail these goddesses, and I must not be sorry for these goddesses

That’s why it will be cast into the final result.

It’s not so much that Kitahara Hakuaki accepted all the goddesses.

Rather, it was the actions of the goddesses themselves that filled Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart with touch.

“This may seem to the king, but in our view, the king who saved us, whatever we do for him, is a matter of course, how can we generalize?”

Hestia shook her head.

She knew her sisters.

It is entirely conceivable how happy the sisters were when the king accepted them.

“After the sisters accepted them, the sisters were not going to say anything about it, after all, it was difficult to say such a thing themselves.”

“However, after thinking about it, I still decided to tell the king, so, Wang, how do you feel now when you learn the truth?”

Hestia asked. How does it feel? Kitahara smiled.

What else? Now he.

Even a little impatient to go to the world of the gods.

Can’t wait to go to the God Domain.

Can’t wait to meet his lovely and beautiful goddesses.

Look at the holy Hestia in front of you.

Under the stunned gaze of the holy goddess, Kitahara Baiqiu gently hugged her, very gentle.

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s just that I, who used to like you a lot, now I like Kitahara Baiqiu even more.”

Then he also looked down at this most holy and holy goddess, and his eyes were full of affection.

PS: I’m not an author who can’t listen to opinions, it’s my fault about the myth of the God Slayer, it’s my fault that I don’t understand, and I admit it and promise to patch it.

Then in order not to affect later readers, I deleted a few comments that also explained why, but……… You don’t have to chase me and scold, I have a little scalp tingling, didn’t I say change?

Two excited readers have been silenced by me for two days, and I apologize to you here, I’m very sorry, let’s all calm down.

Although there may still be some people who are not satisfied now, but your author dish, can only do this extent, sorry sorry, sorry again, humble.jpg.

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