Chapter 180 One Sword Defeats the Enemy! Silly Esthers!!

“You guys…”

“The supreme being will not let you go.”

Above the battlefield.

Tang Ling gasped for breath, looked at Estes with difficulty, and spoke.

She misjudged Estes’ strength.

She had never imagined that Estes would be so powerful.

So powerful that even the entire space-time can be frozen for a short time.

This is undoubtedly the realm of the gods.

Obviously he is not a god, nor is he a god killer.

As a human being, I have done that.

This made Tang Ling a little incredulous.


The people who besieged Estes had undoubtedly fallen a lot: only a few were still struggling to stand in front of Estes.

“Supreme existence, supreme existence.”

“So many of you can’t beat me, no wonder it’s so easy to surrender.”

Esther had exquisite and perfect facial features, a queen-type face, with a wanton smile.

Step by step, I walked towards the rest of the people.

Combined with the many figures falling on the ground.

It also made her seem to have a domineering and powerful aura at this moment: “But what I am more curious about is that although you are not strong, you are not weak, why do you surrender to a person so easily.” ”

“It made me really curious about that person!” Hahaha! If only I could stomp him under my feet! That must be a very interesting thing! ”

“If you can take him in as a subordinate, even if you come to this place inexplicably, you won’t be in vain!”

Everyone looked at Esther in disbelief.

Just thought she was crazy.

This guy…… Do you know what she’s talking about?

Tang Ling’s mouth grew bigger, and the whole person froze.

It is said that those who do not know are not afraid, but this is not too fearless…

Although Tang Ling felt that Esther had reached this level as a human being to be shocked, she had touched the realm of the gods.

But she didn’t think so.

Esther is better than a god, stronger than a godkiller.

And the gods and the god-killers.

In front of that one, there was not even any resistance.

“What do you know?”

Someone said in a deep voice at this moment: “We are not surrendering, but the request made by the one is not excessive, and we are all happy to follow it.” ”

“On the contrary, you are so arrogant, if you alarm the one, there will be absolutely no good end.”

“If you anger that one when the time comes, implicate those of us who are also from other worlds.”

“Then this world will become a real hell, a hell for us in the other world.”

The man’s words.

Let everyone present acquiesce in their hearts.

The several conditions proposed by Kitahara Baiqiu are not excessive, and even most people, even if there is no Kitahara Baiqiu.

It will also follow the unspoken rules of the table world and the inner world.

Not to mention that there is now a existence with such a huge difference in strength as Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Oh, even if you see my strength, don’t you think I can defeat the existence in your mouth?”

The smile on Queen Estes’s face grew even bigger and she said, “This really interests me even more.” ”

“Let’s not say whether that person is really that strong, even if it is true!”

“This world is the world where the strong are supreme, and if he can defeat me, as a weak person, I will naturally be at his mercy.”

“But I’m afraid you won’t see that time.”

With that said, Estes was also ready to stop leaving his hand and eliminate everyone present.

Everyone’s hearts were full of solemnity and began to be vigilant.

And at this very moment.

Zheng ~~~~~ accompanied by the sound of the sword.

A terrifying pressure came from afar, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be split at this moment.


Everyone looked at the holy sword that suddenly appeared in front of them.

At this moment, his face was full of surprise.

That’s right.

A sword.

No master, no one holds.

It was suspended in front of them, but the energy carried on the sword made countless people frightened.

“This is… The holy sword of the aristocratic school before. ”

Tang Ling looked at the Holy Sword in front of her.

In an instant, he recognized her.

But wasn’t the Holy Sword pulled away by the young man? Why is it still here.

And it’s so powerful. Face this sword.

Tang Ling even felt.

I thought that neither the gods nor the gods of disobedience were as stressful as the sword brought to her.

This made Tang Ling feel a little ridiculous in her heart.

After all, this is just a sword.

It’s a weapon!

Even if it is strong, it needs to be used by someone to be strong.

The result is now a single sword.

It gave her a stronger feeling than the gods and the god killers.

Obviously, when I was in that noble academy before, I didn’t feel this way for a short time.

Why did it become so strong……

“Everybody don’t move… This sword, it seems, did not come to us, but to the woman with ice, and everyone should not act rashly! ”

Someone found doubt at this moment, his lips were trembling, and he opened his mouth in fear.

“You, are you sure?” This thing, it feels like a little touch to us, we will be good enough. ”

Feeling the terrifying energy and breath on the sword, some people cramped at the corners of their mouths and couldn’t help but whisper an inquiry.

In front of the Holy Sword.

He didn’t even dare to speak out loud.

“I just want to know… Can I run now? I mean nothing else, I’m just afraid that this sword will accidentally go haywire…”

“What kind of fire do you think it’s a gun?” However, the trouble of running took me one, I was a little weak on my legs and probably couldn’t run. ”

“Do you dare to run?” I don’t dare, is there anyone to be a brave person to try it. ”

Perhaps speechless by these people’s words, the Destroyer Holy Sword turned his head and looked at them.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have been hit by the Fixation Technique and the Dumb Curse, and it was as if they did not even dare to breathe under the inversion of the hair.

Their faces were stiff, and their expressions were worse than crying. The Sacred Sword just looked at them and ignored them.

Instead, the sword peak turned and went straight to Esther.

Estes faced the Holy Sword, and his face was also in disbelief at the moment, and his whole body was trembling.

But, trembling at the same time.

Estes still had a big laugh on his face, like a madman: “Hahaha, a sword!” It turned out to be a sword! ”

“Does a sword want me to obediently concede defeat?” No way! Just let me try! You alone have a sword! How strong is it! ”

Esther even felt the horror of the sword.

At this moment without fear, Zhang laughed wildly.

If you don’t try, you want her to concede, that’s impossible!

The Demon Destroyer Sword no longer hesitated.

After Estes said it, he shot directly.

Those present only felt that in this instant, it was as if the sky was about to collapse.

A sword!

Under this sword, everyone felt as if they had been struck by a heavy blow in their hearts.

Obviously, it looks like a plain sword, but it seems to be overwhelming.


Will die!

This is the feeling in everyone’s heart at this moment.

Needless to say that Esthers, who was facing this sword directly, had a look of shock and disbelief in his eyes.

Thoughts in his mind were extremely fast, and Esther was not a man who sat still.

Her eyes became dignified at this moment.

The body’s super high-speed reaction made her think about it and once again used her strongest killing move, ‘Moke Po Temo’!

Space-time froze in an instant.

But it didn’t work!

The white world was shattered by the Holy Sword in an instant, as if it had no effect, and the Holy Sword continued to attack Estes.

Eventually, in Estes’s sight.

Within inches of him, the Holy Sword finally stopped.

This feeling of rebirth after the disaster.

Let Estes not say anything, and fell directly to the ground in spite of the image of the gasping for breath.

This sword! Fast! Permit! Vicious!

No chance of reacting at all.

Esthers, who had just suppressed countless people to fight arrogantly, had no sense of resistance at this moment.


Under a sword, it seemed to be divided into two halves.

Estes was filled with confusion, consternation, and disbelief at the moment.

My head went blank.

And the Destroyer Holy Sword stopped after seeing the guy in Kitahara Baiqiu’s mouth fade.

It is also flying into the air, ready to leave.

But thought about it.

She came back to Esther.

Turning into the form of Esther, he glanced indifferently at the people present.

With Esthers, who had already froze, he left again.

To the figure of these two people leaving.

There is no doubt that there is silence in the city at this moment.

The mighty Esther was not able to resist in the face of a sword.

This is undoubtedly a shock to everyone.

“Is this…… The sword of the one? ”

Someone muttered to himself and asked subconsciously.

“It’s not… It was a teenager’s, and many people at the time had seen the teenager pull out his sword. ”

Someone shook his head in the same daze and replied.


This is undoubtedly to make everyone more silent. There are really more and more powerful people in this world.

A teenager.

A single sword could do this.

This is unimaginable to all.

These otherworldly people do not know the identity of the teenager.

But all the top brass of the country that has been watching this war knows it.

The so-called juvenile.

In fact, it is said that it is the Northern Plains White Autumn, that is, the supreme existence of their world.

But they were equally shocked.

Without even revealing his face, he relied on a sword he had just obtained to solve such a powerful opponent.

Everyone only felt that Kitahara Baiqiu was really getting stronger and stronger.

Or rather.

They had never seen the full strength of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Never know.

How strong is that person’s strength!

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