Chapter 201 Eiri Pear and Kei Kato who transferred to school!!

At the end of the simulation.

One night’s time, very quickly.

This night Kitahara Hakuaki kept his promise.

Let Miss Kasumigaoka Shiba get a good night’s sleep.

But when Kitahara Wakaaki woke up.

He still felt something squirming in his quilt.

“Good morning, white autumn.”

Open the quilt and take a look, no doubt.

Esther was lying on Kitahara’s body.

This silver-haired, jade-skinned, blue-eyed Lolita-type beautiful elf girl was wearing only a pair of knee-length black stockings and lying with Kitahara Baiqiu.

The expression on his face was full of innocence.

“Good morning…… Esther. ”

Stimulated by this in the morning, Kitahara Baiqiu couldn’t help but speed up his heart for a moment.

But he slowly calmed down and asked, “Why are you here, if Kitahara Baiqiu is not mistaken.” ”

Esther should have been pulled by Hestia last night.

“Sister Hestia and after they slept, I came over, no… Do you? ”

Esther answered truthfully, then cutely tilted her head and asked.

“Well, it’s not impossible, but if Esther you do this often, I may not be able to bear it one day.”

Kitahara said.

He wondered if he should open his perception a little bigger, otherwise he wouldn’t even know who was coming in his room.

Although it is said that if it is a malicious person he will fight back at the first time.

The reason why Esther was not found was also because Esther’s current strength is not what it used to be…

Think about it.

Kitahara Baiqiu felt that it was indeed over.

The power is too big, and life will lack a lot of fun.

“What can’t stand?”

Esther heard this, and her face became even more confused. Wrapped around the Northern Plains White Autumn needs to ask clearly.

However, it was at this time.

“Bai Qiu, are you awake, we want to…”

Kasumigaoka’s voice sounded outside.

When she opened the door, the expression on her face froze.

Thinking that he had seen the wrong thing and silently closed the door, and then reopened it after the scene.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s face instantly turned red.


The scream suddenly rang out throughout the villa! At this moment, many young girls were awakened at the same time.

Just get up.

It was destined not to be a calm morning.

Kitahara Wakaaki got up and saw Esther in a maid costume and nodded with satisfaction.

Esther has clearly entered the state and understood who he is now.

After a night of calming.

It is also a restoration of the previous imposing appearance.

Dressed in a maid outfit, she looks heroic and full of charm.

Only when looking at Kitahara White Autumn.

This heroic and sassy maid lady will blush slightly and her eyes are a little evasive.

Because Kasumigaoka’s screams woke everyone up.

Today’s breakfast was also very lively.

Hestia complained to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, complaining that she had quarreled herself early in the morning.

Obviously she didn’t sleep well.

But Hestia asked what had happened.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was blushing.

Say nothing, just eat breakfast.

This made Hestia even more dissatisfied, and made a grimace at Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

“Going to school…… Is Bai Qiu going to school? So can I go too? ”

When I heard that Kitahara Hakuaki was going to school.

Esther was stunned and asked.

“Maybe not, Esther, just stay at home.”

Kitahara smiled and touched Esther’s head.

Esther thought for a moment and said, “If I can’t do it now, I can turn into a sword.” ”

“It’s even stranger to go to school with a sword.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu couldn’t help but say funny.

“Oops! Esther would have stayed with us! We can read light novels together! Bai Qiu wrote! Well! ”

Hestia also interjected at this moment, hugging the lovely Esther intimately.

“Did Bai Qiu write it?”

Esther heard the words and was really interested.

“Of course! The writing is super beautiful! ”

Hestia nodded and said excitedly.

This really caught Esther’s attention.

In the end, under Hestia’s flickering, Esther was willing to stay.

After Kitahara Shiaki and Kasumigaoka Shiba went out.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had been holding back, shouted at you with a flushed face, “Excessive! Excessively! Excessively! ”

“Crumb: Crumb! Crumbs! ”

“I thought you were already crumbs!” I didn’t expect you to be even more crumbled. ”

“That’s a crime!” Crime! ”

“This criminal! Do you have anything else to say!!! ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s poisonous tongue ability was instantly unleashed, and he frantically launched an attack on Kitahara Baiqiu.

I thought about what Estherola looked like and what she saw in the morning.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s whole head was almost crashed.

“What are you thinking, Shi Yu, I haven’t done anything with Esther, and you don’t look at Esther who looks younger, her age, but I don’t know how much older than you.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at such a Kasumigaoka Shiyu and only felt funny in his heart, only felt cute.

The surface was white but she looked at her and spoke.

“I don’t care, Miss Esther, Miss Esther is just too small!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard Kitahara’s words.

The flush on his face did not retreat in the slightest, and he said hesitantly.

She was indeed relieved to hear that the two had not done anything.

But……… What’s wrong with being older than her!

It is the truth of this world to judge people by their appearance!!!

“Is it because I rejected Bai Qiu you yesterday…… For example, if it is, Bai Qiu will still come to me in the future. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu closed her eyes, and the expression on her face was already red as an apple, looking delicate.

But she thought of Esther, to protect her.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu still made up her mind and whispered.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned when he heard this.

He didn’t expect such a windfall.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on his face, and he leaned over to Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s ear and laughed, “Well, this is Shiyu’s own words, I didn’t force you.” ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu only felt the itch in her ear, and she lowered her head with a whimper, and she suddenly regretted it a little.

Why do you say that? This way.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was completely silent.

All the while his head was bowed and his face was red.

Even the ear roots are red, which is completely a delicate and seductive appearance.

Kitahara Baiqiu was simply thrilled to see it.

After the two meet Miko Yotsuya.

Miko Yotsuya was stunned to see such a Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Ask Kitahara what happened to Hakuaki.

Kitahara smiled and said that it was all right.

Miko Yotsuya was even more puzzled.

Without an answer, she could only guess for herself.

I don’t know what to think, her face is also a red, looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu with pity.

Although Kitahara Hakuaki did not know what Miko Shitani had in mind.

But he knew that Miko Yotsuya must have guessed wrong.

He and Kasumigaoka Shiba.

It was much closer than Miko Yotsutani had imagined.

After arriving at Sobu Takaya.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu fled directly back to his classroom, leaving only his beautiful figure.

Miko Yotsuya blinked.

I just think that Kasumigaoka is really too pitiful.

Kitahara smiled.

Went to class with Miko Yotsuya.

It’s just that.

What Kitahara Bai Qiu did not expect was that.

End of class in the first class.

The students in the class began to whisper.

“Did you hear that?” Did you hear that? ”

“In our second year of high school, two more students were transferred, and one of them was said to be a super beautiful girl.”

“Sleeper? Really fake? Someone else transfers, is it still so popular that the first semester of the year has passed more than half of the year? ”

“All I want to know now is, that beautiful girl, is she really beautiful?”

“Of course beautiful! I heard it’s still British-Japanese! You may not know that these two transfer students are transferred to the class of the Snow Student. Even if she stood with the Snow Sister, she was no less inferior! A beautiful girl with a completely different style! ”

“It’s over, and I can compare with Sister Snow under the Snow… Then I don’t think it has anything to do with someone again, right? ”

“Coincidentally, I thought the same thing, and the hero saw the same thing…”

“Uh-uh-uh… I can accept that the transfer student is beautiful, but I can’t accept the transfer student to be so beautiful, because it is too beautiful, according to past experience, it is all related to someone………”

At the same time, the students in the class were talking about it.

The face also has a lifeless expression on his face and glances at Kitahara Baiqiu from time to time.

After hearing that it is comparable to the existence of snow under the snow.

They simply gave up treatment.

Wow, that’s so pretty.

That must be related to Kitahara White Autumn.

I don’t blame them for thinking so, there are too many examples of this.

They may have been lucky before.

But under the shattering of dreams again and again, what a fluke.

Anyway, even if you dream, sooner or later it will be broken, it is better to have no dream in the first place.

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

For such a situation.

The corners of Kitahara Baiqiu’s mouth twitched, and he would be speechless.

He really wondered if Hestia hadn’t stopped Esther, and Esther had come to the school to find him.

After all, Esther wanted to go to school with him in the morning.

But he quickly denied the idea.

Because if Esther came, it would not be possible to transfer to the second year of high school, but should be transferred to their class.

After hearing that the transfer student was of mixed Anglo-Japanese race.

Kitahara was even more convinced that it had nothing to do with him.

He didn’t know any beautiful girls of mixed British and Japanese descent.

“Bai Qiu, that newly transferred sister, is it related to you?”

When Miko Shitani came to Kitahara Hakuaki, she couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“I didn’t expect you to even think so…”

Kitahara laughed lightly and said, “But this time it really has nothing to do with me, and it doesn’t mean that every transfer student really has something to do with me.” ”


Miko Yotsuya blushed and was a little embarrassed.

Because Yotsuya Miko discovered.

Even she, now subconsciously thinks that every beautiful girl who appears is related to her boyfriend.

“Woohoo… It was very sad to be suspected by Miko, and I had to kiss me twice, no, kiss me twice. ”

Kitahara pretended to be injured, and then pretended to be pitiful and said to Miko Shitani.

Miko Yotsuya’s face turned red.

However, she was really embarrassed to misunderstand Kitahara Bai Qiu.

Twisting and turning, he followed Kitahara Baiqiu to a no-man’s corner and compensated Kitahara Baiqiu.

This completely excited the students who overheard the conversation between the two.

Leave aside the dog food behind.

The previous information is simply exciting!

Sleeper: The transfer student has nothing to do with Kitahara Hakuaki! And it’s a beautiful girl of that level under the snow! This is the first time!

If it wasn’t for Kitahara Baiqiu saying it himself, would you dare to believe this? Everyone was literally on fire at this moment.

Lost dreams.

The beauty of everything.

It’s all back at this moment!

Such a rare thing is simply tearful.

Not all of them have any ideas about transfer students.

Just simply feel that there is a beautiful girl who has not fallen into the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu, which is already very touching.


This emotion did not last long.

At the end of the third class.

Everyone is talking about the beautiful girl of the second-grade transfer student.

It came to their class.

In the midst of a silence.

Came to the front of Kitahara Bai Qiu.

“That, you, hello, please ask you are the white night… No, are you a classmate of Kitahara? ”

Ying Pear was in a very anxious mood. Time through two lessons.

She had already looked it up.

Find out who Kasumigaoka Shiba is closest to in this school! Because this is not a difficult thing to investigate!

Then she locked on Kitahara Hakuaki! Opposite sex!

Also close to Kasumigaoka Shiba! Well!

It must be Teacher White Night who is not wrong! That woman Kasumigaoka Shiba!

It is absolutely impossible to be close to the opposite sex other than Teacher White Night! This made Ying Li Pear who had successfully found Teacher Bai Ye extremely excited.

She didn’t even think of it herself.

Things are going so well!

Now that I have found it, I naturally want to know it.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ying Li Pear came to Kitahara Bai Qiu’s class.

Forehead…… But I have to say.

When she came to this class.

She sensed that the atmosphere in the class seemed to have suddenly become strange.

It makes Ying Li pear face a little unnatural.

However, when she saw Kitahara Baiqiu, her eyes lit up again.

How handsome!

It’s really, really handsome!!!

It was simply much more handsome than Ying Li Pear imagined, the ideal White Night Teacher.


Teacher White Night is really handsome and talented! In front of your idols.

Ying Li Pear unconsciously committed a flower delusion, and her face was full of redness.

With trepidation.

In this eerie atmosphere, she finally plucked up the courage to go up and say hello.

And her hookup.

It also made the whole class seem to hear countless heartbreaking sounds.

Say okay……… Does it matter?

Everyone’s hearts were in tears.

They understood that this guy Kitahara Baiqiu, even if he said it himself, he couldn’t believe a word!

They just knew! Just know! How could it really be okay! Kitahara Baiqiu gave them hope, but even gave them despair! It’s so bad!

But what they don’t know is.

When Kitahara Baiqiu saw Ying Pear Pear, his face was also stunned.

“Pear pear?”

Kitahara Baiqiu was stunned when he saw the figure in front of him.

Then he also saw the girl who came in with Ying Li Li and seemed to be unknown from beginning to end.

“And…?!! of the Saints ”

Looking at the two people, Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyelids jumped, completely stunned.

I don’t understand it at all.

How did they all turn to the Chief Martial Arts.

And……… Still looking for yourself?

Not far away.

When Miko Yotsuya saw this scene, her face was full of surprise.

Bai Qiujun……… Doesn’t that mean it has nothing to do with transfer students? But isn’t it obvious that it matters!

Scam…… Cheat kiss?!!

A flush slowly began to appear on Yotsuya’s face.

Can’t help but think in my heart.

PS: Thanks for the “undefeated” 2000 coin tip! Thanks thanks! Owner atmosphere!

And thank you all for your support! Every time you ask for data, you can feel the feeling of explosion, ahaha… But if you don’t ask for anything, you don’t have anything? Woohoo…

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