Chapter 208 Solved! Female Emperor Red Pupil! Fulfill the promise of Lady Aisha!!

“Lord White Night, please don’t make such jokes.”

Red Hitomi heard the words, but she refused again, and in the look in her eyes, she was surprisingly serious about asking her to fight and kill.

But if you want her to be a female emperor, it really can’t be ah………

The female emperor is not who is beautiful who can be a woman, and the requirements for being a female emperor are really high.

“Rest assured, since I decided to make you a female emperor, it is natural that you will have the ability to be a good female emperor.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the red pupil, and his face was full of smiles, and he said again: “Don’t rush to refuse, you must know, even if you refuse, Aisha she can’t be a female emperor, because we are not people in this world.” ”

“In your own world, others can help you, but in the end, you still have to be responsible for yourself, aren’t you?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu said this.

It caused an uproar from everyone. The expression on Red Hitomi’s face was also frozen.

No……… People of this world?

No wonder, no wonder before that.

They had never heard of Lady Aisha, nor had they ever heard of Kitahara Hakuaki.

No wonder Lady Aisha is so strong, she has never shown her head before, if it is from another world…

Then everything will be explained.

However, the impact on the girls of the Crimson Pupil World was undoubtedly huge.

Other worlds……… For the average person, this is simply unbelievable!

The girls’ hearts were shaken.

They were already shocked by the sudden appearance of Lady Aisha, and then the reshuffle of the world’s forces in just a few short periods.

But now………

Their hearts were undoubtedly even more shocked.

The shock is also a bit complicated.

Indeed, if Madame Elsa had come from another world and not someone from this world.

There was no reason for them to have Lady Aisha to stay in this world as a female emperor, as Kitahara said.

Mrs. Aisha, she has helped them a lot.

If only they were to… It may not be possible to do this in a lifetime.

“Other worlds…… Do you? ”

Red Hitomi’s face was full of trance, muttering to himself.

“That is to say, Lord Elsa and Lord White Night will leave after all…?”

“But in that case, there will be no one in our world to manage.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, “Didn’t I say that the next person to manage this world is you, Red Hitomi.” ”

“Me? This kind of thing… Can it really be done? ”

Red pupils were a little shaken.

After learning that Lady Aisha and Kitahara Hakuaki were leaving, she was not so resistant.

“Of course, I will teach you to be a qualified female emperor before leaving.”

Kitahara nodded and made a promise.

Red Hitomi heard the words and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But then a hesitant expression began to appear on her face again.

Teach her to be a qualified female emperor… That wouldn’t be too long.

In that case, wouldn’t it be better for Lord White Night to become emperor directly? However, this was only thought in his heart, and did not say it.

Because it may be difficult for strong people to say it.

They are not the people of this world, and they cannot impose the responsibility of this world on them.

The girl could only make up her mind secretly.

No matter how much suffering she has to suffer, she will become a qualified female emperor as soon as possible, and will not delay the time of Kitahara Baiqiu and Lady Aisha.

The rest of the people were also relieved to hear Kitahara Baiqiu’s words.

To be honest, the current Red Pupil is a female emperor, and they also feel very unreliable.

However, with the guarantee of Kitahara Hakuaki, it is not necessary.

See Kitahara White Autumn.

They always had the feeling of facing the Holy Emperor, the Holy Master, and the saints who guided the direction of mankind.

Such a person teaches Red Pupil, it is absolutely no problem.

“By the way, Lord White Night, there is one thing I want to report.”

See that the matter is temporarily settled.

The leader of the Night Raid, Najieshitan, suddenly thought of something and said, “The former strongest general of the Empire, General Bude, has been wiped out by Lord Aisha. ”

“But in fact, in addition to him, the former Empire also had a great general who was also the strongest general, General Estes.”

“Her whereabouts are unknown and we haven’t found her, so I think she may be lurking.”

“At any time, we will strike a fatal blow to our upcoming new empire, please pay attention to the Lord of the White Night.”

Before Kitahara could speak, Lady Aisha exclaimed, “Huh? Is there such a person? ”

“Yes, Lord Aisha.”

Najahitan replied respectfully.

“Is she a good person or a bad person?”

Mrs. Elsa asked.


Najieshitan was stunned and hesitated, “General Estus cannot be judged by good or bad, for the civilians and soldiers of the former Empire, she is certainly a good person.” ”

“But… For us, she is also an enemy. ”

“Good man but enemy…”

Madame Aisha’s face suddenly showed a troubled expression.

The most distressing thing about her was meeting such a person.

Trouble is dead.

Kitahara saw Lady Aisha’s distressed expression and smiled and said, “Rest assured, Esther is now in our house, working as a maid in our house.” ”

“Huh? White Night have you solved? That’s good. ”

Mrs. Aisha heard the words and said happily.

Don’t do multiple choice questions is too good.

Female, maid?

When Najahitan heard this, her expression was completely stunned.

That General Esthers?

How to see!

Neither the maid nor General Estes had anything to do with each other!!! At this moment, Najieshitan’s heart was already like a wooden chicken.

I couldn’t believe it.

The scene where Esther is a maid and puts on a maid costume…

Shouldn’t that woman, more than a maid, be the queen…? Didn’t expect that.

Did even Esther succumb to the White Night’s hands and bow down to the best of his ability? Najiehitan fainted.

Even Esther could be a maid, so what could not happen except Najhitan.

The other people’s expressions were similar to hers.

After all, General Budd and General Estuth.

All along, it has been a night attack, and it has been the strongest imaginary enemy of the girls.

Compared to the outright General Budd.

Esthers, who would honestly be a maid, was even more incredible.

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at the shocked crowd and smiled.

He knew that the influence that Esther had left on the world was like that.

Powerful, queen, not to be offended.

But now, Esther was their family’s seductive little maid.

“Well, Esther doesn’t have to worry about you.”

“Next, Akatsuki, you can go to the room with me to learn how to be a female emperor.”

Kitahara said.

“Huh? Now? ”

Red Hitomi was a little shocked, she didn’t expect it to be so fast.

“Well, it’s not that hard, and if you want to be here, it’s not impossible.”

Kitahara nodded, then said.

“No, no, I’ll go to your room with Lord White Night.”

Red Hitomi heard the words and always felt that something bad would happen if he stayed here.

So he hesitated, but still replied.


Kitahara Hakuaki nodded.

Then he took the red pupil into another room next door.

The girls were curious about this.

I don’t know how Kitahara Hakuaki is going to teach Akatsuki.

After the two entered, there was a moment of calm in the room, and then………


The voice of the red pupil was unclear and suddenly came out from inside, and all the girls were full of surprise, and then the red halo suddenly climbed up to their cheeks.

To, what the hell are you doing! After a long time.

The figure of the red pupil staggered out of it again.

At this moment, her hair and clothes look a little messy on all sides, and there is an abnormal redness on her face.


At the moment when the red pupil came out.

Everybody really feels… Red pupils, it seems to be different from before.

Red Hitomi glanced at the people who were staring at him in a daze.

Knowing what they were thinking, their faces suddenly turned even redder.

It was her choice, though.

After entering the room.

Kitahara gave her two choices.

The first is to pass on the wisdom of the female emperor to the red pupil.

This choice, Red Hitomi does not have to pay anything.

The second is to pass on the wisdom of the female emperor to the red pupil at the same time.

In the world of Crimson Pupil, if there is anything after Akatsuki, there is any doubt.

At any time, anywhere, you can contact Kitahara Baiqiu and ask Kitahara Baiqiu for help.

This choice, Akatsuki undoubtedly has to pay a little something.

Red Hitomi did not hesitate to choose the second one………

After feeling her extra memories and strength, Akane understands that everything is worth it.

The future world of Crimson Pupils.

After she became the female emperor, there would definitely not be any more problems.

She was a young girl who was determined to give everything.

If she had been given another chance to choose, she would no doubt have chosen this one again.

“That, Lord Aisha, Lord White Night told you to go in.”

After Akahito came out of the room, she also said to Mrs. Aisha.

“Huh? Did the White Night look for me, I know. ”

When Mrs. Aisha heard this, she got up and walked toward the room.

And just after Mrs. Elsa left.

All the maidens who attacked at night suddenly surrounded them. Surrounding the red pupil asked what was going on.

Red Pupil was flushed, confused, and did not want to answer.

“White Night! I’m coming! Do you have anything to do with me? ”

On the other hand, Mrs. Elsa said excitedly after entering the room.

“What’s the matter?” Of course, it is to find Aisha to fulfill your agreement. ”

Kitahara said with a smile.

“Convention? What convention? ”

Mrs. Aisha was stunned, and said with a confused expression on her lovely face.

“It looks like you forgot, so I’ll give you a recall.”

Kitahara smiled and whispered in Mrs. Aisha’s ear, “Do you remember what you said before you left?” The next time we meet, I want to get pregnant with my child. ”

When Mrs. Aisha heard this, the whole person suddenly froze: “Oh?!!” ”

She remembered!!!

Suddenly, his face turned red.

Madame Aisha said, “But, that, I meant to wait for me to go back, yes, it is after I go back, it does not mean now!” ”

“Then I don’t care, all I know is that all we agreed to is the next time we meet, that is, now, not after going back, so it’s time to fulfill the agreement, Aisha,” Kitahara said softly.

Then, gently picking up Mrs. Aisha, who was already stiff, he also began to walk towards the bedroom.

Cute and seductive Lady Aisha.

On this day, it will eventually fall near…

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