Chapter 226 Moving House Under the Snow Snow No!!

“Kitahara Jun, please sit down, do you need something to drink?”

“I can do it.”

“Is black tea okay?”


In the living room.

Kitahara Hakuaki and Mrs. Yotsuya talked.

Mrs. Yotsuya was extremely enthusiastic.

Originally, she had a very good impression of Kitahara Baiqiu.

After talking with Kitahara Baiqiu, her impression was naturally better.

Used by Kitahara Hakuaki.

It’s just a very simple routine.

But no way, the world is like this.

Don’t care if the routine is simple or not, it can win more people’s hearts and minds, that is a good way. And Mrs. Shitani looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, and her heart was also extremely satisfied.

Before, I just looked at the northern plains from a distance.

Mrs. Shitani felt that Kitahara Hakuaki was very handsome.

Now look closer.

Mrs. Shitani also only felt more handsome, even if it was her, for a moment she couldn’t help but feel her heart beating faster.


Even Mrs. Shitani had never seen such a handsome young man in so many years

No wonder Miko was captivated by his fascination.

If nothing else, just from the looks of it, what girl wouldn’t want to be friends with him?

Not to mention that Mrs. Yotsuya already knew about it from Miko Yotsuya.

The two actually go home on different roads, but Kitahara Hakuaki still insists on sending Miko Shitani home every day.

From this point of view alone, this is already a very gentle child.

Mrs. Yotsuya felt that if she had met Kitahara Hakuaki as a teenager, she would have been willing.

Now she didn’t have a chance.

But there was no connection, and her female embryos had a chance.

It is also very good to have Kitahara Baiqiu as her son-in-law.

Now Kitahara Bai Qiu has come to the door.

Mrs. Yotsuya is worried about the conflict between the two of them.


Mrs. Yotsuya after asking.

The mood is also very pleasant to give Kitahara white autumn running black tea to go.

Look at the beautiful back of Mrs. Yotsuya.

Kitahara Bai Qiu couldn’t help but feel some emotion in his heart.

No wonder there are so many Cao thieves in the world, he can’t fully figure them out.

“Bai, Bai Qiujun, did you come to my house today, is there anything wrong?”

Miko Yotsuya was sitting next to Kitahara Hakuaki at the moment, and her heart was racing.

She didn’t expect that she and Kitahara Baiqiu would see their parents so soon.

And so suddenly

So, for a moment, she was more restrained than ever.

“Well, it’s a little thick to tell Miko.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu returned to his senses, smiled and said to Miko, “That’s right, I may be away for a few days in the next few days, I’m afraid Miko is worried about you, so I came to talk to Miko.” ”

Shitani was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously said, “But if this kind of thing happens, will it be better for Sister Shiyu to say no to me tomorrow?” Why did Bai Qiujun deliberately run a trip? ”

“Of course I want to see Miko, so I must have come to tell Miko in person, didn’t I?”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s love words came with an open mouth.

It made Miko Yotsuya blush.

For a moment, I didn’t know how to respond.

“And, today’s agreement wasn’t done yet, did it?” And if I’m not there for the next few days, I’ll have to do it all at once. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled and approached Miko, and added another sentence.


Miko Yotsuya was stunned.

I don’t understand at all, this kind of thing, can it still be completed by the E-European original plan?

Looking at the slowly approaching Kitahara White Autumn, Yotsuya Miko was a little flustered, and subconsciously said, “Wait”

The next words, she could not say, because she had been blocked

After a period of time.

Miko Yotsuya had a flushed face and lowered her head, completely afraid to look at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Too much, this man.

However, for Kitahara Baiqiu to come to tell her about this matter, Yotsuya Miko’s heart was also warm.

Since becoming boyfriend and girlfriend with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Miko Yotsuya could feel that Kitahara Hakuaki cared about her at all times.

Probably, this is the partition.

“How long will it take for Bai Qiujun to leave this time?” Is it dangerous? ”

Miko Yotsuya asked.

“Huh? Didn’t you order just now? ”

Kitahara was surprised.


Yotsuya was about to open her mouth in shock, but when the reaction came, the shame made her can’t help but shout, “There is no point!” It is impossible to point out good or bad! ”

Looking at such a Shitani Miko, Kitahara Hakuaki only felt funny and said, “Rest assured, it won’t take long, and there is no danger.” ”


To this, Yotsutani Miko snorted coldly. The teenager and the girl are still as close as ever.

Wait for Mrs. Yotsuya to make tea and come back.

What she saw was the teenager and the girl who were very close.

The girl’s face was still full of redness.

This made Mrs. Yotsuya smile on her face.

Next up is Mrs. Yotsuya and Kitahara Hakujora.

It is mainly Mrs. Yotsuya who thanks Kitahara Hakuaki for taking care of Miko Yotsuya at school.

At the end of the conversation, Si Rong was also treated because of his guts.

“Kitahara-kun, I heard that you and Miko are boyfriend and girlfriend, right?”

“Have you ever planned when you will get married?” I think it’s a good fit when I graduate from high school. ”

“Ah, yes, I don’t have to worry about it here, I fully support you”

“Also, if you and Miko have children in high school, don’t worry, I will raise them for you, and it will definitely not affect you.”

Mrs. Yotsuya said these bold words.

Let the four valley Miko on the side listen to the head down and fidget, simply self-contained

Really, I want to find a seam to drill into… And Kitahara Baiqiu also ——— answer to this.

He said that the original plan was to marry Miko after graduating from high school, after all, Miko is so cute, he is also afraid of being robbed by others.

Then he also joked that if he did have a child, he would trouble his mother-in-law or something.

This made Miko Shitani sandwiched between the two.

More stupid.

Shame is a point.

The other point is, is she the only normal person here? Or is it just that she’s not normal?

High school students talk about this, is it because of the departure of the wax.

Yotsuya shuddered, feeling that it was simply terrible for her boyfriend and mother to meet.

It’s been an incredibly tormented time.

In the conversation between Mrs. Yotsuya and Kitahara Hakuaki, it finally passed. Mrs. Yotsuya enthusiastically wanted to stay in Kitahara and eat a meal before leaving.

However, he was rejected by Kitahara Hakuaki for still having something to do.


This made Mrs. Shitani very religious, and she could only say that she must taste her Kitahara White Autumn next time.

Then, under the gaze of Mrs. Yotsuya and Miko Yotsuya, Kitahara’s figure slowly disappeared.

Mrs. Shitani looked sheepishly in the direction in which Kitahara Hakuaki had left, and said to the four senses, “If the full score is one hundred points, my evaluation of your boyfriend is one hundred points, Miko.” ”


Yotsuya Miko was stunned by the sudden words, and then a smile appeared on her face, and she focused on buying: “Hmm! ”

Mrs. Yotsuya looked at Miko’s honest answer, but she was a little embarrassed.

His daughter is gone.

A heart is already completely in Kitahara’s body.

It’s really a big girl.

However, if it was Kitahara Jun, there was nothing wrong with handing over Miko to him

Mrs. Yotsuya thought the same in her heart…

The other side.

Kitahara Hakuaki after leaving the Yotsuya family.

He also sent a text message to Ying Li Li and told her that he was leaving for a few days

Unlike Miko Yotsutani.

Kitahara Hakuaki and Eiri Pear also signed a contract.

But Ying Pear Pear is honest.

In fact, it was a contract signed with Kitahara Hakuaki at the instigation of Kasumigaoka Shiba.

The relationship between the two is naturally intimate.

Ying Li Pear has always admired Kitahara Bai Qiu, and the contract has never resisted in his heart after learning the truth.

But after all, she was not intimate with Kitahara Hakuaki to the extent that she was Miko Yotsuya.

So just send a text message at the moment.

Go to the house to visit and wait until the relationship between the two becomes more intimate later.

Kato Kei over there.

Kitahara Baiqiu also sent a message to inform him.

Kato Kei was very concerned about Kitahara Hakuaki Kazuka and then replied that it was good after telling several young girls about it.

Only the last snow is left.

Thinking of the snow under the snow, Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly and disappeared directly in place.

Home under the snow.

“White, since the autumn disciple?” How did you get into bed?!! ”

Snow under the snow and Yang Nai under the snow had just come out of the shower at the moment, and their hair was still wet.

Looking at the North Plains White Autumn who appeared at home, the whole person was stunned and subconsciously asked.

Kitahara Baiqiu was also a bit surprised to see the sun under the snow.

He didn’t expect that the relationship between Snow Under Snow and Yang Nai under Snow was so good

Shaking his head, he didn’t care too much.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Xue Nai, who had just finished taking a bath, and said with a smile under the snow like a bath: Naturally, there is something to find snow.

“Looking for me?”

Snow under the snow was stunned, thought about it and asked, “Is it a move?” This is no problem at all, tomorrow I will move to your side, Kitahara Jun. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words, and his heart was full of lips.

I really didn’t expect that there would be such a windfall.

“Oh, by the way, Brother Bai Qiu, this is my sister Yukishita Yang Nai you haven’t seen yet, I was able to move this time because of my sister’s help.”

“Sister, this is the Bai Qiu disciple I often talk to you.”

Snow under the snow remembered that the two had not yet met, and hurriedly introduced.

“Kitahara coughs, Hello Bai Qiu Xue, I am Snow Under Snow Snow Sister Snow Yang Nai.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai was also a little nervous in his heart at this moment, and he hurriedly greeted Kitahara Baiqiu.

The sudden appearance of the Northern Plains White Autumn caught Yang Nai under the snow a little unprepared.

For a moment, she didn’t know what identity to be with Kitahara Baiqiu

Think about it.

Or used the identity of the sister under the snow.

However, she was also a little nervous with this identity, because she didn’t know how Kitahara Baiqiu would react.

“Well, hello Sister Yang Nai, Xue Nai’s thing, Ma is with you.” Kitahara Shiraaki nodded to Yuno under the snow and expressed his gratitude. ”

This made Yukishita Yang Nai breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, understanding that Kitahara Baiqiu did not care about her identity problem.

After Kitahara Bai Qiu and Snow Yang Nai finished speaking, they said, “It is such a snow no, I came to you not because of the move, but I am recently preparing to leave for two days, to tell you.” ”

“Huh? Brother, are you leaving? ”

Snow under the snow was stunned for a moment, and his heart tightened and he subconsciously said, “Is there something wrong?” Please tell me, I am different from before, and I can help you. ”

“Nothing happened, just something happened to me, and there was no danger.”

Kitahara laughed softly and spoke.

“That’s the way it is.”

Under the snow Snow Nai heard the words and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

“However, since I’m here, I’ll help Xuenai move in your house, and you shouldn’t mind going over today, right?”

Kitahara asked Snow under the snow.

“Huh? No, of course don’t mind. ”

Under the snow, Xue Nai’s face was red, and he opened his mouth to escape.


Kitahara nodded.

Then, he directly used his powers, and the snow under the snow moved under the holy helper. At first, Kitahara Bai Qiu helped Kasumigaoka Shiyu move and did not have the ability to use it.

That’s because they have time, and naturally they can’t use it.

But snow under snow is different.

Tomorrow to move, Kitahara Baiqiu may not be there, that is naturally better to move today with the ability.

Use the ability when it’s supposed to be.

Kitahara Baiqiu is not a rigid person, he still knows this. Under the snow, Yang Nai looked at the magical scene in front of him and was full of shock.

Although she knew the magic of Kitahara Hakuaki.

But for ordinary people, what happens in front of their eyes will still make people feel the impact of the sky.

“Does Xuenai still want to sleep in my room?”

In the sluggishness of the two sisters, Kitahara Baiqiu said teasingly after moving home to Snow Snow Snow.

Just like returning to the original snow under the snow is the first time to come to the Hakuhara White Autumn Family.

At first, she was injured and came to the Kitahara family.

I slept in Kitahara Baiqiu’s room.

Kitahara Baiqiu himself chose to reopen a room.

However, in the end, he did not sleep there because he was called away by Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Now that room is being inhabited by Fallen Hime.

Kitahara Hakuaki’s room has always been Kitahara Hakuaki’s room.

“Good for a short stay”

Snow under the snow is a subconscious answer.

But after the reaction, his face turned red: “No, or not…”

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Xue Nai under the snow also remembered the first time he met with Kitahara Baiqiu.

So there was no reaction for a while.


Kitahara Bai Qiu laughed and said to Xue Nai under the snow, “It doesn’t matter, after all, I have to go out for a few days, if Xue Nai is willing, he can indeed stay in my room for a few days, if he really does not want to, I will open another room.” ”

Under the snow the snow was heard, and his face was full of redness.

Hearing Kitahara Hakuaki’s words, she remembered the room that was of great significance to her

She hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted her teeth and said, “Well, if I can, I want to stay in the apprentice’s room before the apprentice returns, please.” ”

Snow under the snow said this, and his heart was full of shame.

After all, how can I say that he is a room of sexual sex.

But for Snow Beneath the Snow, there is also an important significance.

Because that was the place where she and Kitahara Baiqiu first met, and it was also the place where she was first saved by Kitahara Baiqiu.

At the beginning, she slept in that room really limited to peace of mind.

For snow under the snow.

That room.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was the starting point of her acquaintance with Kitahara Baiqiu.

So although it is Kitahara’s white autumn room, it is also very special for her

Kitahara Shiroaki nodded with a smile.

Then he walked over to the snow and kissed the girl’s lips gently.

“It’s the cost of moving.”


Under the snow, Xue Nai blushed and lightly nodded at the people.

Wait until the fee is paid.

Kitahara White Autumn placed the girl after the girl.

He looked up into the sky, and he was directly dissipating the medicine in place.

With the golden talent of the Time and Space Inviter, he is a traveler!

Naturally, instead of waiting for the system to pass a month, it is ready to go directly back to the world of ghost annihilation and the world of the god killer.

That’s why he said he would be away for a few days!

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