Chapter 228 Make up the contract! Simulation cooldown ends!!

The news of the return of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Although there is no hype, some people still can’t hide it.

After receiving the news, Tanjiro Stove Gate rushed to the Butterfly House excitedly.

See Kitahara White Autumn.

Tanjiro Stove was also very excited.

It’s just that now he has an awkward relationship with Kitahara Baiqiu.

For a moment, he didn’t know whether to call Kitahara Brother Baiqiu or his brother-in-law.

After all, he already knew that Kitahara Hakuaki was not his brother. And the younger sister Stove Gate You Douzi is going to marry Kitahara Baiqiu sooner or later.

Think about it later.

Tanjiro Yamato felt that it was still a monograph.

He is still called Kitahara White Autumn Big Brother.

Today’s Yamato Tanjiro.

In addition to some achievements in the breath of water and the breath of the sun. He has also been running the charcoal business of the stove family with his two younger brothers.

Originally, Kitahara Baiqiu wanted to improve the life of the stove family.

When asked what he wanted to do after that, Yamato Tanjiro replied that he was selling charcoal.


Kitahara Hakuaki also used to sell charcoal in this world.

And when he left.

He also gave the business to Tanjiro Stove.

Today’s stove door home.

It is a real carefree life and living an incomparably happy life.

Tanjiro Tsutomu is grateful to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Rather, everyone in the stove door family was proud compared to the original Bai Qiu.

After the stove door Tanjiro.

The former ghost squad was the main producer Yashiki Yaoya.

As well as the pillars, even the upper pillar of the Kamataki Left Near-Order, they all rushed over when they saw Kitahara Hakuaki.

None of them were very excited.

Although there are no evil spirits in this world anymore.

But as the apex of the once ghost slayer team, it is known as the existence of the column.

The pillars had not forgotten to hone their sword skills.

So when I saw Kitahara White Autumn.

They all confidently challenged Kitahara Baiqiu.

Of course.

They were confident that they were not to defeat Kitahara Hakuaki.

After all, they also knew how perverted Kitahara Baiqiu was.

They are confident, confident that they will not lose as much as they once did.

And then………

Kitahara Hakuaki just threw out a branch.

The branches of the tree carried the sword qi towards everyone! This caught the pillars by surprise and panicked.

In the past.

These are the ones who can easily cut off boulders and easily cut off columns of steel.

Now facing a branch.

By all means, it was impossible to cut it off, or even resist?!!

The most critical thing is.

The owner of the branch fights with Ben without holding the time limbs.

Instead, they sat smiling and watching them look at the wretchedness.

In the past, it was that branch that attacked itself, and they were simply breathless, which filled everyone’s eyes with shock.

It is completely impossible to imagine what kind of level the Northern Plains White Autumn has reached today.

Be aware.

They all saw with their own eyes that this was just a branch that Beiyuan Baiqiu had picked up on the ground.

Not to mention letting the branches fight on their own.

This is simply beyond common sense, more like a divine means.

At last.

The pillars were also unsurprisingly defeated by a single branch.

After defeating all the columns.

The branch also lost its strength and fell directly to the ground.

This directly led to a rush of robbery from the pillars.

Although it is known that it is only a branch of the past, it is now just an ordinary branch.

But, lameness is the same.

At least for the pillars, this is not an ordinary branch at all! After everyone was in a commotion.

Sanya taught Yaoya to leave with all the pillars, and even Yamato Tanjiro was interested

Because they learned that Kitahara Baiqiu would not stay long when he came back this time.

Time, of course, is reserved for the girls.

After all the visitors have left.

In the whole butterfly house, only Kitahara Baiqiu and the girls were left again.

And only the girls are left.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally proposed the contract to them. When Kitahara Bai Qiu left the Ghost Destroying World, he was still very weak.

He did not become a god killer, nor did he become a god.

Naturally, he did not sign a contract with the sand girls who destroyed the world.


Since he had returned, Kitahara Baiqiu naturally wanted to make up for it.

“Contract? What is that? ”

Ganlu Temple Miri asked doubtfully.

“After signing it, we will be together forever, probably like an eternal agreement.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and said something cursory first.

Then I wanted to explain Ichika in detail.

But before he could say it, the stove door on the side of you beans opened his mouth directly.

“Forever with my brother?” Good! I do! ”

You Douzi had a firm look in his eyes and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a serious face.

“Hey hey, it’s all on this point, what else to say together, even if it’s stalking, we will always follow Bai Qiu’s you!”

Butterfly Kanae blinked, also playfully.

“Well, Bai Qiu, be responsible for us and never leave us.”

Chestnut Flower Fall Kanehu nodded, although there was no expression on her face.

But quietly looking at the Northern Plains White Autumn, she is undoubtedly beautiful and moving.

“Ahem! Everyone’s intentions, don’t you know it yet? ”

Kanzaki snorted coldly, and as she spoke in a menacing manner, her face was full of redness.

Mother Spider and Sister Spider looked at each other, and then a beautiful smile appeared on their faces at the same time, and said to Kitahara Hakuaki, “We, do you think you still have to ask?” White Autumn. ”

The butterfly touched her stomach.

Looking at Kitahara Baiqiu with incomparably gentle eyes, the meaning of it is also self-evident.

Ganlu Temple Miri was stunned for a moment, and then shouted that of course he was willing.

She was a person who could not live without Bai Qiu all her life.

For the girls’ anxious statement, Kitahara Baiqiu was also crying and laughing.

Immediately he said, “I’m sorry, I was just going to tell you the form of the contract at the beginning, I didn’t think to ask your opinion, you don’t think that when it comes to my hands, you can still escape, right?” ”

When the girls heard this, the expression on their faces was suddenly stunned.

Then one by one, all of them were glowing red.

Originally……… Didn’t you think of asking their opinion, didn’t you think of letting them go? It’s really overbearing………


Kitahara Baiqiu naturally also admired the beauty of each girl.

An eternal pact was made with all the maidens.

Even Zhu Shi, with a red face, signed a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu to the death.

Feel the power of the contract.

All the young girls’ faces were full of shock, not to mention that they couldn’t even care about the pearl world when they were shy.

In the face of this power……… Perfect creature is a fart!

What Oni Mai Tsuji has pursued all his life is really nothing more than that.

Feel the power of your own now.

The girls felt that they could not even call God too much! Well, the goddess.

Looking at the smiling Kitahara Baiqiu, they didn’t know.

What did Kitahara Baiqiu go through to become so strong… They know.

How did Kitahara Shiraaki go from being weak to being the strongest step by step, and finally defeating Oni Mai Tsuji.

Now this is even more powerful than you can imagine.

Rather than joy, they felt more distressed about Kitahara Baiqiu.

One by one, they silently hugged Kitahara Baiqiu again.

He wasn’t the strongest in the beginning.

Instead, it has gone through a lot and paid a lot to become the strongest.

The girls of the Ghost World know this.

This is also the most touching.

Because they were the only ones who had seen the appearance of Kitahara Baiqiu in the past……… The hearts of the girls are full of endless tenderness.

And after signing the contract with all the girls.

At the scene, there is only one big and one small left.

Hanako is naturally clamoring to sign a contract with Bai Qiu’s brother, and she also wants to be with Bai Qiu’s brother forever.

The charcoal branch that witnessed the whole process of the stove door was full of redness, the heartbeat was accelerated, and even a little flustered, and the eyes were dodging and did not dare to look at the original Yue.

Hanako Kitahara originally planned to wait until she grew up a little longer.

As a result, Hanako said that she didn’t agree with anything, and even a look of blue who was crying out directly.

Everyone said she was small, they said she was small.

But she’s not small anymore!

At least that’s what she thinks she is.

And looking at her appearance, if Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t agree, she would definitely cry.

Kitahara was helpless.

You can only sign a contract with her.

After signing the contract, Caimen Hanako Gu Shi broke the snot and became a doctor.

After the stove door Hanako signed the contract, only the stove door charcoal branch did not sign the contract on the scene.

“Doesn’t my mother sign a contract with Brother Bai Qiu and doesn’t want to be with Brother Bai Qiu forever?”

Hanako was lying in Kitahara’s arms and asked curiously.

“This… Mom is a bit inconvenient. ”

The stove door charcoal branch blushed, so he replied that he was still a young and innocent daughter.

“Huh? What’s inconvenient? ”

Hanako wondered.

“Me, I’m Hanako, you and your mother.”

The charcoal branches of the stove door are swallowed and spitted, and so on.

She even added in her heart that she was still the mother of Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Huh? But isn’t Mother Spider also Bai Qiu’s brother’s mother? ”

Hanako was even more puzzled.

Can that be the same?!!

The charcoal branch of the stove door screamed in his heart, only to feel powerless.

Looking around, she was the only one who did not sign a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu, and she was even more powerless.

Even if there was someone to accompany her.

Stove Gate Tanzhi originally thought that Zhu Shi was the one who accompanied her, but how did he not expect that Zhu Shi was the most positive one.

“Alas, Bai Qiu, let’s sign a contract as well.”

The stove door charcoal branch sighed, and could only say Rubi.

When Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, he was a little stunned.

“Don’t, don’t get me wrong, I just want to see the day you and your beans and Hanako children are born, and it doesn’t mean anything else.”

Feeling the stunned expression of Kitahara Baiqiu, the stove door charcoal branch was also hurriedly explained.

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled slightly and said, “Good.” ”

Since then, all the girls present have also signed an eternal contract with Kitahara Hakuaki and waited until after the evening………

“Tonight White Autumn is mine!” No one is allowed to rob me! ”

Ganlu Temple Miri hugged Kitahara Baiqiu and directly declared sovereignty.

All the girls heard that they were a blank stare, bluntly saying that no one robbed you. Everything that Ganlu Temple Mi Li did, everyone saw in their eyes.

Naturally, I will not compete with her.

They……… Later there is time.

【Ding, the simulation cooldown has ended, do you want to open a new simulation?】 】。

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