Chapter 232 Divine Domain Change! Beauty goddess Aphrodite!!

God Domain.

It’s the myth.

It is where the gods are.

It is a group of millions of gods, the realm where many gods and sects are located.

Kitahara Hakuaki brought the girls to the Divine Realm together.

I also felt that today’s young girls no longer needed to stay in the present world, so it was better to go to the elegant god system with him.

In the future, he will settle down in the Elegant Shinto system.

In the elegant god system, wait with many goddesses for the final time to come.

To this.

One by one, the girls also readily agreed.

At the same time, they were full of interest in the elegant god system where Kitahara Hakuaki was located.

Today’s God Domain.

Before leaving with Kitahara Hakuaki.

In fact, the situation is completely different.

In the whole God Realm.

At this moment, the beginning of the complete and complete development of the elegant god lineage is revered.

All the gods.

Including the strongest gods.

All have been convinced of the elegant gods.

This happened after Kitahara’s White Akira’s strength soared.

It is also the result of the soaring strength of Kitahara Baiqiu.

At a time when Kitahara’s strength soared.

The goddesses of the Elegant Gods have a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Nature is also a surprising discovery, their own strength……… It was a huge improvement.

It’s like…… As if powerful enough to be so terrible that there is no need to fear anything in this world.

The strength has increased.

So what is it going to do?

Of course, it is to seek revenge on the major gods!

Although in the elegant god system, not every goddess has a vendetta. After all, his own king had already broken with the Zhizhi Divine Sect once.

But when it comes to the goddess of vengeance, it is not a minority either!

But they remembered that a million gods had destroyed their entire elegant god lineage and let their kings die once.

If only the Elegant Divine System had been destroyed once, it would have been overthrown.

They even killed their king!

Even if there was no strength before, now that I have strength, how can I bear it?

Naturally, the goddesses made a loud noise.

And this revenge doesn’t matter.

Directly let the entire God Domain jump in a flurry of chickens and dogs.

Let all the gods, all the gods.

I have seen the strength of the current goddesses of the elegant god system! Odin, the three-phase god, the Buddha lord and so on were once the supreme gods.

For the chaos in the God Domain, he had no choice but to come out and stop it.

The result was a surprise to everyone.

These former supreme gods could not stop the goddesses of the elegant god lineage!

The goddess of the elegant goddess lineage.

Each one’s strength had actually reached the level of the strongest god king that matched the strongest god lineage.

Even above them, the level of terror!

This can make countless gods feel extremely shocked.

Be aware.

Elegant deities are recognized.

Except for the king of the gods, the god of the gods.

The strongest diva Athena!

There was no movement at all in this revenge.

Not just Athena.

Even Hera, the goddess of marriage, the goddess of agriculture, Demeter, the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, the goddess of luck, Eris, gave the goddess Hodora…

The new twelve main gods of the Elegant Gods.

None of them moved at all.

The main force did not move, and the other goddesses made the entire God Domain unstoppable.

How can this not be shocking.

If nothing else, let’s say that the strength of the Nine Sisters, the former goddess of literature and art, shocked all the gods!

You this… Is she really a literary goddess?

The strength displayed by the Elegant Divine System shocked and unbelievably all the Divine Lineages.

Totally incomprehensible.

Why did the goddesses become so strong.

They know.

This must be related to the god of the god of the gods of the elegant god lineage.

But what they don’t know is.

How did the God of God do it?

The entire God Realm could not stop the goddesses at all, and all the gods were at this moment to protect themselves.

Naturally, one by one, they can only surrender, indicating that from now on they will be completely honored by the elegant divine lineage.

Even Odin, the Three Phases God, the Buddha Lord, and so on, were the former supreme gods, which finally brought the matter to an end.

As it turns out, don’t mess with women who love and take revenge.

In particular, she is a beautiful and powerful goddess.

No doubt.

The entire God Domain also experienced the fate of provoking the goddesses.

“King! You’re back! Welcome back! ”

“It seems that the king has not been gone for a month, but this is really OK, hehehe.”

“Fu Jun, why did you come back now?”


It was when Kitahara Hakuaki returned to the Elegant Divine System with the maidens.

Athena, Pandora, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite……… And so many goddesses.

At this moment, it was also a joyful greeting.

Don’t look at how they are outside, how noble they are, how sacred.

But in the presence of their own king, they are only goddesses who belong to the king.

Noble and holy, they don’t care! And among these goddesses.

Athena as the Queen of Heaven.

Naturally, it was the first one to come to the front of Kitahara Baiqiu.

And behind her.

Hodorah, Delhi Ear, Hera, and Aphrodite, who are close to Kitahara Hakuaki, are also close behind.

“Lord Athena, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Liliana, Yuri Wanligu, Gnigvia and other maidens. After seeing Athena, he also hurriedly gave her a salute.

Athena smiled at them and nodded slightly.

Then he went forward and shook Kitahara Baiqiu’s hands and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu tenderly.

Kitahara Baiqiu also had no scruples.

Directly he bowed his head and kissed his own queen Athena, expressing his thoughts for her.

Suddenly, a sound full of laughter began to sound.

This made Athena blush a little.

However, she is the queen of the Northern Plains White Autumn, and the husband and wife relationship is justified, and there are also husband and wife.

But what’s wrong with that?

Athena has not seen Kitahara White Autumn for a long time, and she also misses Kitahara White Autumn as the Queen of Heaven of Kitahara White Autumn.

It may be the relationship above the person, or it may be that the relationship between the two people is indeed too close.

Even if they are fellow contractors.

Her strength.

It is indeed among all the girls at present.

Except for the Demon Sword Ace Holder.

The person who is infinitely close to Kitahara White Autumn.

There may also be her as the queen of the entire elegant divine system.

The Elegant Goddess is the reason why all the goddesses who have made a pact with Kitahara Hakuaki are honored by her.

“Husband Jun should not be able to stay long when he returns this time, right?”

Athena also asked softly after the kiss.

As the goddess of wisdom.

This clever young girl was naturally able to see this.

And she also knows her husband.

Since Fu Jun said it was a month before, it was estimated that it was indeed a month, but now it has only been less than ten days.

“Well, it’s not going to be long, I miss you, so I want to come back early to see.”

Kitahara nodded and responded equally softly.

He glanced at all the goddesses present.

The goddesses all displayed their most beautiful smiles in front of Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Well, the concubines also want their husbands, and the sisters all miss husband and wife, but in just one month, we can still afford to wait, and we are very happy that our husbands can come back this time.”

Athena said with a smile on her face.

“Yes, yes, the king can come back, but we are all very happy!”

“Hey hey, it’s only a month, and the thought of being able to be with Wang forever in a month is what you can get!”

“We all have a pact with the King! Don’t be afraid that the king will run away! Hahaha! ”

The goddesses at this moment are also giggling, joking and playing with Athena’s words.

Pandora and Aphrodite looked at Athena as the Queen of Heaven looked on their faces.

Gave her a little time later.

At this moment, he was also equally excited to come up and hug Kitahara Baiqiu.

They, Ben are also very close goddesses with Kitahara Baiqiu, Demeter, Hera naturally not to be left behind.

In a way.

The elegant god system, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is heaven.

But this paradise was also fought down through the efforts of Kitahara Baiqiu and the efforts of Kitahara Baiqiu.

It is also because of everything that Kitahara Baiqiu once did for the goddesses. The goddesses are now willing to give everything for Kitahara Hakuaki.

The elegant god system returned by Kitahara Hakuaki.

At this moment, it is naturally also very lively.

Many of the gods in the God Domain heard of the return of the God of the Killing God, and naturally wanted to visit but there was no doubt about it.

None of them had yet entered Mount Olympus.

It was directly blocked out by the enchantment of Mount Olympus.

Are you kidding?

The king is only coming back temporarily, and is going to waste time on you guys? How can it be!

This is the idea of all the goddesses.

All goddesses are also unanimously recognized.

Instead of wasting time for Wang to see these people, it would be better to let Wang accompany them more, and Beiyuan Baiqiu was naturally aware of this.

While crying and laughing, of course, as the goddesses wished, they did not pay attention to those people, but chose to accompany the goddesses more.

This made the many gods who were blocked out of Mount Olympus helpless.

Odin, the three-phase god, the Buddha Lord and others looked at each other.

They can only run in vain and turn away.

Before that, they didn’t think about it.

I personally visited the door and even ate the closed door.

However, there was no complaint in their hearts.

In the Elegant God System, the stars are no longer Kambi.

Wait until the time is after night.

Kitahara Hakuaki and Athena are preparing to go to bed.

But Athena shook her head gently at Kitahara Hakuaki.

She came to Aphrodite and said to her, “I’ll give it to you today.”

The beauty god Aphrodite first froze, and then her face was full of surprise, and she ran directly to Kitahara Baiqiu and hugged him.

Kitahara Hakuaki assisted Athena so much, and he also gave her three thumbs up in his heart.

Athena looked at Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, with a helpless smile on her face.

Aphrodite’s feelings for Kitahara Hakuaki were so fiery that she was the strongest of all the goddesses in the Elegant Divine Lineage.

This is also the reason why Athena gave way to Aphrodite, because she saw everything in her eyes.

Anyway, this is also a matter of time, just buy this guy a favor, this guy in the province is angry all day long.

To this, Hodora, Demeter, and Hera all looked at Aphrodite with great envy on their faces.

Aphrodite was very proud.


This goddess who usually behaves very boldly.

When he entered the room with Kitahara Baiqiu, there were only two people in himself, Kitahara Baiqiu.

She was unexpected……… It was incredibly tense.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the completely different Aphrodite and couldn’t help but smile.

Aphrodite heard Kitahara’s laughter, and her face couldn’t help but blush.

“I’ve heard Hestia say about you, so why didn’t you tell me before?”

Kitahara came to Aphrodite’s side, took her hand and asked softly.

Aphrodite was stunned at first.

But after reacting, he also knew what Kitahara Bai Qiu said.

She smiled slightly, looked incredibly beautiful, and asked, “Why do you want to tell the king?” ”

Kitahara wondered, “I was… Didn’t he reject you because of that? It is also normal for you to have a misunderstanding caused by the confusion of your memory affected by mythology, why don’t you tell me after you recover your memory? ”

“For the King…… Finally you like me, don’t you? ”

Aphrodite leaned on Kitahara Baiqiu and said, “Even if the king is not clear, the king misunderstands, and the king likes me, doesn’t he?” This makes me very happy and very proud. ”

“In fact, not only me, the sisters are ecstatic that the king can accept both of them under the misunderstanding.”

“I am really very happy, because the king must like us to what extent, even if there is a misunderstanding, he will accept us.”

Aphrodite sighed.

This is the true thought of her heart, and it is also the inner thought of most of the goddesses of the elegant gods.

How much the king liked them and loved them.

This undoubtedly filled the hearts of all the goddesses with warmth, pride, and happiness, and their admiration for the Northern Plains White Autumn could not be suppressed.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was somewhat silent.

I don’t know what to say about this, but is this what the goddesses really think?

“Hestia told the king, although I know that she is well-intentioned, but she is really nosy, we were going to surprise the king, don’t we really think that we will not tell the king?”

Aphrodite crossed her hands at her waist.

The tone of his voice changed, and he made a cute expression and began to accuse Hestia.

This beautiful god is really beautiful and lovely no matter what he does.

When Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, he immediately cried and laughed.

Without waiting, he also directly kissed the cute Aphrodite.

Aphrodite was stunned and slowly closed her eyes…

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