Chapter 247 Shakyamuni has arrived! Battle Two-Digit!!

“Come on, Master! Come on! Squash them! Squash them! “】

[When Alger saw the outbreak of the Great War, he also cheered on the sidelines.] 】

[This is the battle of the main gods.] 】

Today’s Agel has not restored his peak, and he naturally cannot intervene in this level of war, so he can only stand on the side and cheer for you. 】

[Athena glanced at Argel next to her, and her eyes were full of complexity]

At this moment, anyone can see it. 】

[This is no longer Alger’s problem, and Alger, once one of the three problematic children, seems so insignificant at this moment.] 】

[Today’s Argel is clearly not worthy of Zeus and others, but of the entire Greek god system.] 】

No doubt they’re there for you. 】

But… Athena couldn’t understand why things would turn out to be like this. 】

Although she also vaguely felt that you were not ordinary, seeing that your heart was full of touches, guessing that you might be related to her, guessing that you might be related to the Greek gods.] 】

But… She didn’t feel any threat, did she? On the contrary, there is a feeling of closeness, why did you come to the Greek god system, and then become like this? 】

At this moment, Athena’s heart was full of complexity, looking at the battlefield, she hesitated for a moment and did not choose to shoot, but stood with Argel and quietly watched the outbreak of these three battles. 】

[As one of the main gods of the Greek deity.] 】

[Athena’s disobedience to Zeus’s orders is undoubtedly a strange thing]

[But at this moment, the dangerous god has no flawless control over the world.] 】

[The great war that broke out in the Greek gods continued.] 】

In the entire Greek god system, there is not only Zeus who is a three-digit number.] 】

[In the siege of the three digits, there is Zeus, the ruler who is still above you in the real calendar.] 】

[You are undoubtedly at a disadvantage as well.] 】

However, as time goes on, the battle becomes more and more intense, and your strength also becomes stronger. 】

From the beginning of the complete inferiority, slowly began to become evenly matched, and in the end, in the face of the siege of the Greek gods, you even began to become more comfortable. 】

【Battle! 】

【Invincible! 】

【Because the strongest!】 So the strongest! 】

[This is undoubtedly the concept you captured in the God of War Artexiu!] 】

In the midst of the battle, the fusion of forces in your body is undoubtedly being completed at a terrifying speed. 】

“Damn! This guy! What’s going on? “】


As you grow stronger and stronger, the main gods of the Greek god system undoubtedly inhale a cool breath. 】

[Obviously, at first, it was in the ascendant, and even said that it was precarious, but through the battle, it was able to be so much stronger in a short period of time!] 】

[The gods of the Greek deity were completely unable to understand, and even cursed in their hearts.] 】

What kind of perversion is this!] 】

Even Zeus is looking at you with a dignified look at you at this moment. 】

[He can sigh that your strength is rapidly approaching him, and even faintly begins to have a feeling of surpassing him.] 】

This made Zeus simply incredible. 】

[You must know that after he was integrated into human history through that kind of feat, his strength was one of the top beings even among the many god kings!] 】

And now you have surpassed him so easily. 】

This made Zeus realize once again how much of a threat you posed to the Greek gods, and how great a threat you posed to him. 】

[This can’t go on!] 】

Zeus soon realized this. 】

[If you continue like this, the entire Greek theology may not be able to keep you.] 】

“Go to the West and ask Shakyamuni!!! “】

Ish shouted directly at Poseidon, the god of the sea. 】

[——Shakyamuni! 】

[One of the seventeen who stood at the peak of the two-digit number in the box court!] 】

In order to be able to solve you, Zeus decided to owe Shakyamuni a favor. 】

[Poseidon was shocked by the words, and without hesitation, he left the battlefield directly and headed west! 】

[The remaining Greek gods are the main gods, and they are ready to try their best to stop you from the full calendar.] 】

[You tried to organize Poseidon to leave but was stopped by Zeus, and under the gaze of many three-digit gods, it was not so easy for you to leave.] 】

[Since you can’t stop or leave, you don’t care, this is what you expected.] 】

[Feel the growing power in your body, your heart worm has only one word! 】

【First Edition】

【Tainyima is cool! 】 】

[This feeling of being able to deeply feel the surge in strength is simply full of admiration.] 】

[As for you, you understand the happiness of Artejo, the god of war.] 】

【Hahaha! 】

[So, with this method of getting stronger quickly, why choose the slow and leisurely way!] 】

The Great War continues. 】

[And now, the gods of the Greek god lineage are no longer thinking of sealing you and killing you.] 】

It is to stop you, or you will leave the shift.] 】

[Because under the concept of invincibility, your current strength has completely surpassed that of the god king Zeus.] 】

[Accompanied by the complete fusion of the last shred of power.] 】

【Three-digit invincible!】 】

[You have finally reached this realm completely!] 】

When you have completely reached this realm, many Greek gods and goddesses who are blocking you have vomited blood, and even Zeus is a muffled hum. 】

[They look into your eyes, full of strings.] 】

“Amitabha. “】

And just when you reach three-digit invincibility, a Buddha trumpet suddenly sounds, accompanied by a full-color Buddha’s light descending from the sky. 】

[The ninth of the “Sun King Group” – the Venerable Buddha.] 】

[Shakyamuni, one of the two digits representing the peak of the box, also appeared in the figure.] 】

[The pure and fierce light of the Buddha once illuminated the earth.] 】

[The advent of His Holiness made the whole earth seem to be spoken like Buddhas.] 】

“Despicable! It’s despicable! Can’t beat my master! It’s called human! “】

[Alger saw that Shakyamuni’s pupils were also constricted, and he directly shouted.] 】

Athena was also shaking beside her. 】


At this moment, no one paid any attention to this child who was no longer in the past three troubled children. 】

“Shakya! Help me solve the person in front of me! Our entire Greek god system owes you a favor! “】

Zeus shouted at Shakyamuni and said without hesitation. 】

“Yes. “】

Shakyamuni’s whole body of ten thousand Buddhas also nodded in agreement at this moment. 】

“Hey! Buddha? Am I Son Goku? “】

[Obviously, you are enjoying the treatment of Sun Wukong, the difference is that Sun Wukong is making a big fuss in the Heavenly Garden, and you are making a big fuss about the Greek god system.] 】

[Looking at the huge Buddha-Buddha in front of you, you laughed loudly and rushed up without hesitation.] 】

[You should see how many days away you are now a three-digit invincible and how many days are there between you and Shakyamuni, who can be called a strong man even in the two-digit all-power realm!] 】

The Great War soon broke out again. 】

[The main gods of the other Greek gods have consciously withdrawn from the battlefield, and only Zeus, who is also a three-digit exception, can still join the battlefield now.] 】

【Pressure! 【Huge pressure! 】 】

[As soon as you hand it over, you feel an unprecedented sense of room under the siege of Shakyamuni and Zeus.] 】

[No doubt. 】

[Shakyamuni is the strongest enemy you have ever faced!] 】

The concept of invincibility vibrates at this moment, but in the end it doesn’t make you break through the double digits. 】

[You sigh in your heart, sighing that the double digit is indeed not so easy to break through.] 】

Shakyamuni was also full of surprise at your strength, and he shook his head and asked:

“It is worthy of the person who can make Zeus ask me for help, and there is a three-digit strength, Boxing, when did a strong person like you appear?” “】

[You don’t answer, just keep fighting it.] 】

[Shakyamuni saw that you did not answer or care, and continued:]

“Three-digit breakers can be compared to two-digits, but they are only shoulder to shoulder, not two-digit after all.”] “】

“Three-digit breakers can maneuver with both digits, and it is not so easy to win two-digits, so it has such a reputation.”] “】

“In your strength, you really outnumber all the three-digit breakers, even the Halloween Queen.”] “】

“In three digits, you really reach the two-digit level.”] “】

“But, that’s just two digits ten times out of the top two digits, and I, after all, am different.” “】

[In the box court, even if it is the same double digits.] 】

[There is indeed a huge gap between two-digit and two-digit numbers.] 】

[Like the Taoist master, the Buddhist master… These powerful two-digits are much more powerful than the average two-digit. 】

[The top ten and ten in the double digits are one level, and the gap between the top ten is not very small.] 】

[The decadent wind that ranked first is already far superior to the other two figures and has reached another level.] 】

Of course. 】

[You have really reached the two-digit level in the three-digit realm, even if the two-digit ranking is low, which is enough to shock Shakyamuni’s heart.] 】

[This is a feat that no one in the box court has ever achieved.] 】

And now, you have undoubtedly attained it. 】

Shakyamuni sighed and felt that he might not have come to mix this muddy water today, but now that the arrow was on the string, he had to send it. 】

[Just suppress you completely, and exploit your spirit.” 】

[Then, even if you are perverted, it will be nothing more than that, just like Alger today.] 】

[Shakyamuni began to exert his strength, and Zeus was already desperate.] 】

[They’re going to solve you completely here!] 】

[Face the strongest of the two-digit numbers at the same time, and the breaker of the three-digit daily position.] 】

At this moment, even you are powerless to return to heaven. 】

“Hahaha, this time I lost!” “】

[You laughed and said under the eyes of the two wrong. 】

[However, it is also impossible for you to tie your hands and obediently accept the weakening of the spirit.] 】

[You directly exploded all your divine power, squeezed out all your strength and even life, and launched your strongest blow.] 】

Shakyamuni’s face was full of surprise. 】

[Under this blow, the Buddha’s whole body was undoubtedly shattered.] 】

Shakyamuni’s face was full of trepidation. 】

Zeus’s face was even more incredulous. 】

[And you look at this scene with a dying breath, but your heart is very dissatisfied.] 】

If Esther is here, even if it is Shakyamuni, who wins and who loses is not certain.] 】

With this thought, you slowly close your eyes. 】

[Under everyone’s incredulous expressions.] 】

[Your figure accompanied the Buddha’s whole body, turned into a little starlight, and dissipated in the heavens and the earth.] 】

You’re dead. 】。

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