Chapter 277 Maiden Gui Ni Wei’er! Knights of the Round Table!!


was supposed to be Queen Arthur.

The girl who ends up in the same tragic end in the story.

But now.

Artoria begins by confessing her female identity to everyone.

Naturally, it was impossible for Guillaude to be her queen again.

As the wife of the original King Arthur.

Guilnifer is naturally an extremely beautiful young girl.

Now she is still young, and her face is full of innocence.

A light breeze blows slightly, and the hem of Gui Nivie’s skirt is also like a butterfly, fluttering with the wind…

“Hello, my name is Gui Ni Wei’er, are you the legendary one, the King’s Holy Master?”

Gui Niweier’s face was full of curiosity and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu.

She grew up listening to the legend of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Originally, she thought that Kitahara Baiqiu was the kind of old man who stayed in a long white beard and a wrinkled face.

The result was not expected.

The legendary Saint Master, from the outside, was not much older than her.

It was all the appearance of a handsome teenager.

Short hair is slightly messy, fair skin, handsome appearance, bright pupils, soft eyes, calm expression, looks like a very good personality.

Gui Niwei Er had never seen a person handsome to the point of the Northern Plains White Autumn, even if it was once known as a handsome knight.

“Holy Master?” Yes, but this is just the name of the outside world, my name is Kitahara Baiqiu. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu heard Gui Niweier’s question and also replied with a chuckle.

“So handsome.”

Guillaume said without hesitation.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn’t help but laugh: “Thank you, you are also very beautiful.” ”

Guinifer’s face was slightly red.

Only then did I realize that I had accidentally spoken out of my heart.


There’s no way around it.

Because Gui Niwei Er felt as if she and Kitahara Baiqiu had known each other a long time ago.

I haven’t seen it.

But there is a very close feeling with it.

Artoria is also in an explanation at this moment.

It is said that King Yu Dekuan entrusted Gui Ni Wei Er to her, so at this moment she also brought Gui Ni Wei Er to her own master.

Artoria also blushed slightly as she said this.

Because according to King Liao Dekuan.

Guillaume was originally going to marry her.

Until Artoria pulled out the sword in the stone and announced the identity of her maiden

King Raiden had to dispel this idea.

This undoubtedly made Artoria feel fortunate in her heart.

If only she hadn’t announced her gender.

Wouldn’t that delay the life of a beautiful young girl? There is one more lovely and beautiful girl in the house.

Undoubtedly it is also a lot more lively again.

Gui Ni Wei Er is a very curious character.

After feeling inexplicably close to Kitahara Baiqiu, and Kitahara Baiqiu’s temperament is really super mild.

She also ran to the front of the Northern Plains White Autumn and asked what father said that you can do anything, no matter what is difficult for you, once you saved a lot of people is not true.

Why do I feel so close to you, I have never seen anything like you.

As if she really was a carefree little princess.

Look at Gui Ni Wei Er in front of her.

You also think of the Gnavia of the God Killer World.

It feels like the two are really very different existences.

However, the two are also cute and beautiful with their own.

As for why Guillaude feels close to you. That is, of course, because you have a contract with Gnavia in your body.

Existence as the same person in different worlds.

Naturally, Guinerville will be affected to a certain extent.


Altoria made Camelot a piece of iron.

King Arthur’s territory of power naturally began to expand outward.

Artoria used a tribe as a base and began to march directly outward.

Morgan Lefey watched the departure of the army, and also looked at you with some concern, asking you if it was okay for Artoria to go on the expedition, right?

Don’t look at Morgan Lefey’s sister who usually likes to tease and bully himself.

But she also likes to cherish herself as the sister of the king.

You hold Morgan Lefey’s hand and smile at her to indicate that there is no problem

Now that Artoria’s tragic end and fate are on your shoulders, if she really failed on her own, you will naturally not stop it.

But……… As the king of legends.

How could King Arthur fail?

Soon, the news of the first victory reached the country.

All the people were boiling over, cheering for Artoria.

It didn’t take long.

The news of the second, third, and fourth victories also kept coming back to the country.

Artoria was like a bamboo, and also captured several city-states and expanded many territories.

Everyone remembered the rumor that pulling out the sword in the stone would rule all of Britain.

And the choices you make as a parish teacher.

Artoria was not only a maiden at this moment, but also a king.

A great king who will rule all of Britain in the future.

During the expedition.

King Arthur also organized many cavalry, established the Round Table Hall, and established the Knights of the Round Table.

Many famous knights began to follow Artoria and voluntarily joined the Knights of the Round Table.

It’s just that you Morgan Lefey didn’t choose to create a life-creating relationship that led to the fact that she didn’t have a child today.

Compared to the Knights of the Round Table in the original book.

Today’s Knights of the Round Table are naturally numbered fewer.

But that doesn’t mean that no one has made it up.

Although in terms of strength, they may not be as good as those in the original book, and they will be weaker.

But today’s Knights of the Round Table.

Compared with the one that once was, it is undoubtedly only strong and not weak.

And the real reason is also.

It’s because.

Artoria under your guidance.

Her swordplay, the strength is much stronger than the original, I don’t know much.

She alone can fill the gap of countless people.

Naturally, today’s Knights of the Round Table will only be stronger than ever.

War is undoubtedly very tiring.

Not to mention that Artoria was at the forefront of every battle.

It also made her even more tired.

Of course, on the outside she won’t show it.

But every time after returning to the king’s capital.

Find you.

Without any scruples, the whole person is lying on your body and relying on you.

It makes you cry and laugh.

But it’s also true as the girl said.

No matter what she becomes, in front of you, she wants to be the girl you remember.

Through a long time.

Under the leadership of Artoria.

Countless knights have also established countless feats.

The king’s fighting posture seems to be a work of art carefully created by the god of war.

Deep in the hearts of all people.

The kingdom had lost its imperial protection and was gradually falling apart in decline.

It also began to become more powerful than ever, and Britain’s prosperity reached an unprecedented peak.


Everyone respects Artoria as much as they honor you.

Her prestige is also like a god, reaching the same level of existence as you.

Only when the whole of Britain reached its peak.


It also began to come out of nowhere…

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