Chapter 294: Heroic Spirits Gather! Einz Belém!!

Under a bridge in Winterwood City.

Two figures, one large and one small, looked at the terrifying pillar of light that soared into the sky, and the expression on their faces was also stunned.

“RRRider! That one……… What is that! It looks and feels so scary! ”

Webb Velvet’s face was full of fear, and he looked at the pillar of light with a look of horror and said in disbelief.

“Of course it’s horrible, even I feel palpitations.”

Iskandar, the king of conquest, looked at the pillar of light and took a deep breath, and said solemnly, “This should be the Servant who destroyed Caster before, it is really incredible, how powerful she is, which great hero in history she really is.” ”

“The one who destroyed Caster?” You mean Saber? ”

Webb Villett’s pupils narrowed as he heard this, and his face was full of fear.

One blow destroyed a heroic spirit.

This caused a sensation among everyone.

Naturally, it also makes everyone wary of Saber.

In the past few days, many people have exchanged hands.

Even the Rider conquered the king and had a brief encounter with Lancer Diellmde Audi several times.

Have to admit, Lancer is a very tricky existence.

Archer’s hero King Gilgamesh also had several hand-to-hand deals with the mysterious Berserker.

But there are undoubtedly exceptions, they have not been able to quickly take down each other.

Now Saber is here.

Just easily eliminate Caster.

It’s like a wolf suddenly breaking into a flock of sheep, and how it doesn’t attract the attention of others.

“Saber, what do you want to do…?”

Webb Velvet looked at the overwhelming attention and swallowed and asked.

“Invitation, is this an invitation to come to his place as a guest, or is it a provocation?”

King of Conquest Iskandar laughed and explained to Weber Vervet “What?!! ”

Webb Wellwitt’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Unexpectedly……… So arrogant.

Webb Velvet punched a direct nerve and said, “Rider, let’s not get together for this hilarity, Saber.” ”

It’s so strong that we should hide from the point…


Webb Ververt’s words were not finished.

Iskandar, the king of conquests, slapped Webb on the head.

Then he laughed and said, “Hahaha, what are you talking about!” Little Master, the other party is invited, where is the reason not to go! Naturally, we were going! I would like to see which famous hero in history this saber is! ”

“Huh? Rider!!! ”

Webb Villett’s voice suddenly resounded throughout the sky.


In the mansion of the Tosaka family.

Yan Fengqili’s eyes were also suddenly stunned at this moment, and then he said, “Teacher, Assassin has been destroyed.” ”

“If you are destroyed, you will be destroyed, and send another one to the past.”

Tosaka didn’t care, didn’t even ask where it was destroyed, and said directly.

Because he knew that what had been wiped out was nothing more than the Assassin’s doppelganger.

“No, teacher, it’s Assassin who has really been completely wiped out.”

Yan Fengqili shook his head and spoke again.


Tosaka was stunned, and his face was full of shock.

It was really wiped out.

How is this possible?!!

Assassin shouldn’t be able to be wiped out so easily.

“It seems that some kind of causal law or something like an attack that is eliminated from the root cause, Assassin did not block it, and after being eliminated one, the rest is completely destroyed.”

Yan Fengqili shook his head and spoke.

Tosaka Shimoto was full of consternation, and his heart was turbulent, and he could not calm down at all.

Is it such a powerful heroic spirit again?

Tosaka Shichen, who had drawn the hero king Gilgamesh, thought that this Holy Grail War was all stable.

As a result, I didn’t expect one problem after another.

First, a mysterious Berserker appears that is so powerful that the hero king can’t take it.

Then there was the terrifying Saber.

This Holy Grail War is simply more intense than ever before.


Gilgamesh, who was sitting on the sofa drinking, heard Yan Fengqi’s words and showed an expression of interest on his face.

“The law of causality? That’s really interesting. ”


A pillar of light soared into the sky outside.

Jean Gilgamesh stopped shaking the wine glass, and his face darkened.

“Hahaha, I really didn’t put Ben King in my eyes!”

“Shichen! I’m going to deal with the miscellaneous practices that dare to be unbridled in the territory of this king! Don’t get in the way of the king! ”

After saying that, there was no opinion on Tosaka Tomotomi at all.

Gilgamesh finished and disappeared in place.

Tosaka looked solemnly at the place where the pillar of light was raised.

Understand that it is the Einz Belen family.


A deserted street.

Lancer Di Lumudo Audi also walked up the street with a bitter smile.

He felt late.

The fiancée of the Lord, Sola Nazelle Sofiari.

Looking at his eyes a little more and more wrong.

This made Lancer very distressed.

For this is not his own will, but a curse. Lancer possesses a curse that can make women fall in love with him unconditionally.

He didn’t know if it was the curse or something else.

But there was no doubt that Lancer could not accept and could not respond to Sora’s feelings.

Naturally, he also came out to relax.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Lancer’s heart was also a rare calm.


No doubt with a look of disbelief in his eyes, he looked in the direction of the Einz Belen family.

Without the slightest hesitation.

The figure of Dilumudo also rushed out in an instant.


The summoning of Berserker this time is undoubtedly the night of the Tong Goose.

He summoned Berserker for a purpose.

Nature is to find the missing Sakura Tosaka.

When he heard that Sakura Tosaka was missing, Kirito almost went crazy.

The hatred for Tosaka Toho was simply hard to suppress.

King Arthur Artoria has become a veritable king of perfection.

The Berserker summoned by the Night of the Wild Goose will naturally not be Lancelot.

Rather, this Berserker is stronger and more special than Lancelot.

Every battle basically does not use the magic power of the Tong Yan Night.

It’s unbelievably powerful.

If it weren’t for Tosaka Shishō, it was the heroic king Gilgamesh who summoned him.

Kirito had already killed Tosaka Shichen in the night.

The pillar of light of Einz Belen soared into the sky.

Berserker looked at the pillar of light and was also full of vibrations at this moment.

“Berserker, are you going?” Then go for it. ”

Jian Tong Yan Ye also looked at the pillar of light and said with difficulty.

Berserker nodded toward the night of the goose.

And then directly soaring into the sky.

In this moment.

No doubt.

All the heroes left over from the Holy Grail War.

Undoubtedly all came to the Einz Belen family!

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