Chapter 300 All Members Rebel! Born loveless Gilgamesh!!

Whether it’s Artoria or Rin Tosaka.

Both of them are really very beautiful and lovely, very attractive girls.

Let people see.

I just don’t want people to let them go.

Kitahara Baiqiu was naturally no exception, smelling the different fragrances emitted by the two girls, and his face was full of smiles.

To be able to get the love of the girls, why is it not a kind of happiness for Kitahara Baiqiu?

In Kitahara’s view, it is more than the love of girls.

His little effort is also nothing at all.

“Bai Qiu, it’s great to meet you.”

Artoria spoke at this moment, too.

“Well, so do I, Leah.”

Kitahara smiled softly, and naturally replied in this way.

Tosaka blushed and snorted coldly.

Naturally, she did not express herself as calmly as Artoria.

But her actions are undoubtedly proving this all the time.

Suddenly something came to mind.

Tosaka suddenly asked, “By the way, Bai Qiu, then again, the Holy Grail has been summoned by you, doesn’t that mean that this Holy Grail War is over?” ”

Before, in the Kitahara White Autumn just came to the type moon world.

After summoning Saber Artoria.

Kitahara Bai Qiu directly summoned the Holy Grail as well.

And Artoria and Tosaka will make a wish to the Holy Grail.

Now the two people’s wishes have also been fulfilled.

Wouldn’t that represent?

The Holy Grail War is over before it even begins? After all, the Holy Grail is gone.

What other Holy Grail war is being fought? Isn’t that kidding?

“Yes, it’s over, and now outside your house, all the heroic spirits are still around, ready to break into your house.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly and nodded his head.

It’s really over?!!

Getting this answer, Tosaka was a little dizzy.

This is probably the most bizarre holy grail war.

Tosaka felt that he hadn’t done anything yet, and then the Holy Grail War was over, summoning heroic spirits, summoning heroic spirits, summoning holy grails.

And then…… Come to an end.

Well, what is a fight?

What the? Did the Holy Grail War still need to be fought? Tosaka was shocked.

At the same time, there are some crying and laughing in my heart.

Thanks to how long she had been preparing for this Holy Grail War.

But look at Kitahara White Autumn.

Tosaka’s heart was not too surprised.

After all, what other Imperial Lord, like her, could summon such a being as Kitahara Baiqiu and fight such a rich battle?

“Are all the heroes outside my house now?”

Hearing this news, Tosaka Rin was actually a little shocked in his heart, and he was also a little stunned.

“Then why, we must not be able to hear it.”

“Because I blocked them completely, and I couldn’t get in even the sound.”

Kitahara smiled and explained.

The sound also blocked OK.

However, it was not surprising that Tosaka felt the power in his body.

“Don’t you need to solve it?”

Tosaka asked.

“Nature needs to be solved.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled, then looked outside and said.

Kitahara White Autumn summons the Holy Grail.

It is not the power of the heroes who use it.

So even if the Holy Grail War is over, the Holy Grail disappears.

Those heroic spirits did not disappear so easily in a short time.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Kitahara Hakuaki said a word to Tosaka Rin and Artoria, and then disappeared directly into the same place.

This time, he naturally didn’t need the help of the two of them.

“Miscellaneous! Miscellaneous! Miscellaneous! ”

Gilgamesh was also furious at this moment.

The EA release treasure had no effect, which made Gilgamesh can’t help but think back to ten years ago.

The Fourth Holy Grail War ten years ago was simply Gilgamesh’s most humiliating battle.

The most critical thing is.

Afterwards, he found that he was not dead, but threw it out like he threw garbage.

This made Gilgamesh feel insulted even more, and thus even more furious.

When the figure of Kitahara Hakuaki appeared in front of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh also burst into flames and roared, “Sure enough, it’s you!” King Arthur’s master! ”

“I already know your identity, you guy, the husband of King Arthur in the British era, the legendary holy master!”

Gilgamesh already knew the identity of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The great strength that Kitahara Baiqiu once showed.

There was also the unconditional trust and closeness of King Arthur Altoria to Kitahara Baiqiu, and this identity is not difficult to guess.

Gilgamesh naturally understood this very quickly.

The couple had toyed with his heroic king so much, and Gilgamesh could never have forgiven them.

“This time I absolutely…”

Gilgamesh held his sword in his hand and was preparing to speak harshly.

And at this very moment.

“White Autumn!”

“Brother Bai Qiu!”


Several surprised voices also came out suddenly.

And then.

Alice Phil took Ilya with her, and Sakura Tosaka also appeared on the battlefield at this moment.

As Alice Phil, who has signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

She was actually the strongest existence on the scene besides Kitahara Baiqiu.

When the third daughter saw Kitahara Baiqiu, she was undoubtedly not full of surprise on her face and directly pounced on it.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally smiled and opened his hands to embrace the three maidens.

Ten years on.

Neither Alice Phil nor Ilia looked like much of a change.

But Sakura Tosaka is clearly growing up.

From a little girl in the past, now she looks beautiful and beautiful.

“Finally, I met Brother Bai Qiu again.”

Tosaka Sakura was naturally very excited, hugging and looking at Kitahara Hakuaki said.

“Daddy! Father! ”

Ilia was undoubtedly very happy too.

“Ten years, Bai Qiu, we see each other again.”

Alice Phil’s body trembled a little, and her voice even choked a little.

All three of them are talking about their thoughts about Kitahara Baiqiu…

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally touched the head of the third daughter in his arms, and the expression on his face was full of smiles.

Although it was only for a moment, he could fully understand the mood of the three daughters.

Berserker Hercules and Rider Medusa were no doubt stunned to see this.

Your own lord.

Is it so familiar with the one who summoned the Holy Grail? Is it still necessary to fight?

Especially Rider Medusa, she looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu with a look of doubt in her eyes.

Because she feels… His relationship with Kitahara Baiqiu seemed to be very close, as if the two had once been the most intimate relationship.

This was brought by Athena, the world of the God Killer.

As a Trinity, it is also the Athena of Heaven.

She actually represents Medusa.

Kitahara Hakuaki and Medusa of the God Killer World were once the closest relationships plus Athena.

However, it is an exaggeration to say that Rider Medusa will feel more close to Kitahara than others.

Medea and Medusa are the same.

In the world of the God Killer.

Medea is actually a noble goddess.

Moreover, there is a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu – the moment the Elegant Divine Mother of the Divine System sees Kitahara Baiqiu.

Medea even felt her closeness to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Unlike Medusa.

Medea, who is completely in love with the brain, does not care why she feels that Kitahara Baiqiu is so close.

She only felt that she was in love with Kitahara Baiqiu at first sight.

Suddenly, I couldn’t suppress the excitement in my heart, and my eyes lit up as I looked at the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Different from the original book.

The person who saved Medea during Medea’s crisis was actually Alice Phil, who is now the lord of Caster Medea.

It was because of Alice Phil’s help.

She had a way to bring her summoned Assassin, Sasaki Kojiro, here.

For his love at first sight, Kitahara Hakuaki.

Caster Medea naturally didn’t have any concerns.

No, no, it seems that there is still a little scruple…

Medea looked at Alice Phil, who was extremely close to Kitahara Hakuaki, and also had some headaches.

After the appearance of Kitahara White Autumn.

Lord and hero of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

It was as if everything had been reversed at this moment.

Gilgamesh saw this huge change, and the corners of his mouth were also crazy cramps.

What about playing him?

Originally, he couldn’t beat the couple of Baiqiu Kitahara.

Caster, Rider, Assassin, Berserker, who had just fought alongside him.

Is it all being rebelled now?

Plus Archer, Kitahara Hakuaki’s own representative.

And he definitely summoned, and most likely Saber of Arthur King Artoria.

One person… Dealing with six rides? What the hell are you kidding!!!

Gilgamesh couldn’t help but explode a foul mouth in his heart at this moment…

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