“Good fellow, Ganlu Temple honey glass confession, You bean confession.”

“Other people also have obvious good feelings for me, and I have netted all the characters in the ghost annihilation.”

Looking at the contents of the simulator, the smile on Kitahara’s face never stopped.

Sleeper, I have to say, this is also too cool.

But to be honest, this is also the result of Kitahara Baiqiu’s several efforts to simulate.

He was not surprised by this, and he did not intend to spare anyone.

The key is also that.

If you open a harem in another world you may encounter some obstacles.

But in the era of the death of the ghost, no one had the concept of monogamy in all evils.

Even if everyone wants to compete, the most they can do is to compete for a succession and a big or small.

There is no such thing as marrying one person and having to give up the other.

Harem, he can open it open!

“I have to say, it’s heaven.” Kitahara sighed.

Watching You Bean walk in front of everyone in the simulator also smiled.

Well, keep simulating!


[Zhu Shi’s words, you naturally know, even if she doesn’t say it, you can’t let this potion fall into the hands of Oni Mai Tsuji. 】

[The news that you made the medicine that can turn the ghost back into a human being caused a shock to the entire ghost killing team, and everyone was incredulous, and finally understood why the lord Yashiki Yaoya would say that you were the hope of eliminating no misery.] 】

There is no doubt that the appearance of this potion is undoubtedly revolutionary for the world of ghost annihilation. 】

[After you take out the potion, someone has developed a prop that will be automatically injected as long as it is shot.] 】

[Therefore, a new shooting squad has appeared in the ghost killing squad, and this squad does not need to go forward to fight, but only needs to put a cold gun in the back and be responsible for turning the ghost back into a human.] 】

[Due to the appearance of the potion, the situation of the entire ghost annihilation world is very good, and the ghost Mai Tsuji has to integrate all the evil ghosts in the world and prepare to fight the ghost killing team to the death, and when he learns that the potion comes from your hand, the hatred in his heart for you is no longer tolerable.] 】



Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at the contents of the simulator, and his expression was somewhat subtle.

Good guys, shooter wars?

This reminded him of the X-Men, there is also a movie that the military has developed a potion that can turn mutants back into humans, and Lao Wang has led countless mutants to fight with the X-Men and the military.

The potion inside is really a shot and a target, as long as the shot is minutes to turn the mutant back into a human, and the current simulated ghost annihilation world is somewhat similar to the meaning.

It’s just that the X-Men are mutants in it, and the ghosts in the world are ghosts.

I really didn’t expect that this simulation, he actually became the background version of this kind of great merit, but there was no appearance.


In the following days, you began to concentrate on practicing the breath of the day, and at first, your strength really increased by leaps and bounds. 】

[But with the increase in strength, slowly it starts to become slow, as if you have encountered a bottleneck, you know, this is the bottleneck that you can reach so far.] 】

[This makes you very distressed, because you feel that your strength has not yet surpassed Oni Maitsuji.] 】

[You Douzi sees your troubles, often comes to comfort you softly, and you are touched by Your Douzi’s tenderness, and often communicate with her in depth.] 】

[Your relationship with You Douzi has not been announced, and the relationship between you has not been discovered because of the reason for the mission, Butterfly Shinobu, Butterfly Kanae, and Kanroji Miri. 】

[However, Aoi Kanzaki, who does not need to go out on a mission, and who often stays in the butterfly house, discovers your relationship one day, and as an untrained girl, this inadvertent discovery makes her flushed, her heart beats faster, and she is shy. 】

[That night, Aoi Kanzaki plucked up her courage and expressed her heart to you, and you responded to the shy girl.] 】

[Not long after you and Aoi Kanzaki confirmed their relationship, Karihana Raini Kanahu also returned, and she also discovered the relationship between you and Aoi Kanzaki.] 】

[The three maidens covered her chest, only to feel her heart beating faster, not knowing what kind of mood it was, which made her very confused.] 】

[Kanzaki Aoi was discovered by Kanahu, who she regarded as her sister, and she was even more shy, feeling helpless.] 】

After taking a look at you, he got dressed and ran out to catch up with Chanahu. 】

[Aoi Kanzaki came to sit down in front of the confused Chanahu, looked at the night sky with her, and whispered to ask Kanahu if she liked you too.] 】

[Chanato is confused, she doesn’t understand what liking is, she tells Aoi Kanzaki that since you came back, she seems to have become a little abnormal.] 】

[Kanzaki Aoi smiled, touched Kanahu’s head, and asked her if she wanted to stay by your side all the time, and if she wanted to never leave you.] 】

[Chanato thought about it carefully and gave Aoi Kanzaki a positive answer, and she looked serious.] 】

[Aoi Kanzaki told Kanahu that he liked it.] 】

[That night, Kanzaki Aoi pulled Kanahu to you, and Kanehu confessed to you, Kanzaki Aoi looked at you with a shy face, and said with a blank look:].

“If you are cheap, you must be good to us in the future.”] “】

[Immediately …].


Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the simulated content of the mouth twitching slightly, and his heart beat faster.

Good guys, really good guys.

It’s so enviable… No, it hurts.

You haven’t destroyed Onimai Tsuji no Misery, and even your strength has not surpassed Oni Mai Tsuji No Misery, how can you immerse yourself in the gentle countryside?

Proud soldiers will lose.

Gentle Township, Hero Tomb.

Don’t you know these truths?

Kitahara Baiqiu was very distressed about himself, and some hated iron not steel.

“However, then again, my strength in the simulation has reached a bottleneck, and I haven’t surpassed Oni Mai Tsuji yet?”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the screen and secretly thought.

However, he did not have too many surprises.

After all, Oni Mai Tsuji has survived for a thousand years, and in other respects you can insult him as much as you want, but in terms of strength, he is indeed not to be underestimated in the Ghost Annihilation World.

On the human side, over the years, there has been a succession of national one.

The so-called breaking through the limit, and that is so easy to do.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not brush out a strong talent, and it was still too difficult to rely on himself.

“But it’s not easy for you to try!” How can you immerse yourself in the gentle countryside! Well, enjoy what you should enjoy, and you can cheer up! ”

Kitahara Baiqiu hated iron not steel.

However, he knows himself.

Although Gentle Township is very tempting, he is not the kind of person who will forget the right thing because of Gentle Township!

If the simulator simulates him as such a person, it is pure slander!

Thinking like this, Kitahara Baiqiu also continued to look at the simulation with anticipation.


But there was no turning point.

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

Slander! Absolutely defamatory!

Do you see it! The emulator slandered me! It slanders me!


PS: Ah, sorry, this chapter has been reviewed several times, I had to directly delete the illegal paragraph, should not affect the reading, but after deletion and found that the number of words is not enough to bb two sentences, everyone who reads my book should know that I am never at the end of bb, is afraid of affecting everyone to read.

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