Chapter 311 See Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law! Please leave your daughter to me!!

“Please sit, please sit, Kitahara classmate.”

“It turns out that you are the classmate of Kitahara that Xiao Hui often mentions, and Xiao Hui has received a lot of attention from you in her daily life.”

“I heard that Xiao Hui’s illness was also cured by you, ah, thank you so much, you don’t know, how long have we been suffering for Xiao Hui’s illness.”

“In the past, Xiao Hui always said, Kitahara classmate, you are a very good or the most handsome person in the world.”

“I still had some disbelief before, but now when I see Kitahara classmates, I really don’t believe it, and to be honest, even we haven’t seen anything as good-looking as Kitahara’s classmates.”

“What stars are on TV, I’m afraid they can’t compare to Kitahara’s classmates.”

“It is really her honor for Xiao Hui to have a friend like you.”


Kato and his wife after seeing Kitahara Hakuaki.

It is also a change of normal, enthusiastic Zhao called up. Kitahara White Autumn.

After all, Kitahara White Autumn is special.

It’s really hard to make people feel bad about him at a glance.

For the average parent.

If you want to choose a son-in-law.

There is no doubt that after seeing Kitahara White Autumn.

You will instantly feel that this is simply the most perfect son-in-law.

They could not find a son-in-law in this world who was more perfect than Kitahara Hakuaki.

Women are going to marry after all.

Even if it is no longer reluctant, but, if the son-in-law Kitahara Baiqiu exists.

Maybe it won’t work?

After all, as a parent, everything is for the sake of the daughter, but also for the sake of the happiness of the daughter.

If only the son-in-law of Kitahara Baiqiu had been accidentally forced away.

Then are they not sinners?

Kei Kato: “…”

Kato listened to her parents.

Moving his head to the side, he did not dare to look at Kitahara Baiqiu at all.


It’s a slur.

Although she did mention to her parents that Kitahara Baiqiu cured her of the problem of her low sense of existence.

But, besides that, she definitely didn’t say anything more about Kitahara Baiqiu in front of her parents.

After all, it was a young girl.

More in her daily life, she couldn’t help but think of Kitahara Baiqiu, rather than saying it.

How can there be such an exaggeration as his parents.

His own parents behaved.

It’s an exaggeration.


Kato sighed.

After all, she couldn’t help but look back at Kitahara Baiqiu.

She knew that Shi Yu always liked to call Kitahara Bai Qiu Junjun Jun.

In the past, Kato Kei didn’t feel anything.

After all, Kitahara Baiqiu is indeed quite crumby in some aspects, but he still likes such a crumb.

But now.

Kato Kei really wanted to call Kitahara Hakuaki a foul on Jun in his heart.

After all, it is too foul to look at it no matter how you look at it.

Where is this.

Sitting next to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kato Kei, who thinks like this.

Then I heard my parents continue to speak.

“I don’t know why Kitahara came to our house today?”

“In fact, we have always been very grateful to Kitahara for being able to cure Xiaohui’s problems.”

“I always wanted to have time to visit the door, but I didn’t expect that it was Kitahara’s classmates who came to our house first.”

Mr. Kato looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and sighed.

Mrs. Kato also nodded her head and looked gratefully at Kitahara Hakuaki.

For the problem of Kato Kei.

The Kato couple had actually been distressed for a long time.

After all.

Not to mention the others, even if they were, sometimes they didn’t consciously ignore Kato.

For example, sometimes I forget to make Kato’s share when cooking, and I forget to prepare it for Kato Kei when I buy something and buy clothes.

Although Kato Kei has become accustomed to it, he did not say it every time, and the Kato couple will quickly make up for it after remembering it.

But…… This kind of experience that even parents sometimes ignore their own feelings, what an experience.

Even the daughter is very sensible.

But look at Kato Kei like this.

Mr. and Mrs. Kato couldn’t help but feel pain and guilt every time.

It is better to say that the daughter is too sensible.

If you really rebel a little, complain to them, cry to them, they may be able to feel better.

On the contrary, the daughter endured all this alone.

This is true at home.

Outside… Does that still need to be said?

But every time they came home, the Kato couple never heard their daughter complain about things outside.

They are simply unimaginable.

How much wronged her daughter has suffered over the years.

But they are also helpless and powerless.

Because there’s nothing they can do about it.

Daughters are too sensible to say anything, and they can’t do anything but care more about their daughters.

Therefore, for Kitahara Hakuaki to cure Katoe.

In this matter, the Kato couple is full of gratitude to Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Uncle Kato is very kind.”

Kitahara White Autumn was naturally a polite response.

Then under Kato’s stunned and stunned expression.

Kitahara Baiqiu also shook Kato’s soft and somewhat cold little hand and said softly, “After all, I am Xiao Hui’s boyfriend, and I also like Xiao Hui very much, so it is right to do this.” ”

Kato glanced at Kitahara Hakuaki, his face was slightly red, and he did foul it.

When did you fall in love with Kitahara Hakuaki?

Kato thought to herself and then came to a conclusion.

Well, I probably liked it the first time we met.

After all, it was the person who showed love to her the first time they met and said that they would never let her go.

Teenagers fall in love at first sight because of the beauty and cuteness of a young girl.

Kato Kei undeniably herself was also attracted to Kitahara’s handsomeness

But what really made her slowly fall.

In fact, it was Kitahara Baiqiu who helped her solve the problem of low sense of existence.

If you can, who will really like to have a low sense of existence and live under the neglect of others?

When she was young, someone laughed at her.

People like her are suitable to be Assassins or something when they grow up.

But she was just an ordinary girl.

How could you like that kind of thing, how could you want to be that kind of thing?

Maybe that’s a good fit for her.

But fits… Not for a reason.

On the contrary, for Kato Kei, who lives in a neglected world, this kind of statement is actually a little hurtful.

Kitahara Hakuaki, who helped her solve the problem of low sense of existence, is actually her hero to Kato.

Another thing that Kato likes about Kitahara Hakuaki is that it is.

Kitahara White Autumn is bad though.

But he will always respect her choices and consider her feelings.

Kitahara Hakuaki had never said such a thing in front of Kato.

Not to mention the person who can be called a god like Kitahara Baiqiu.

Even if it’s a different person.

In Kato’s view, it is also rare to be able to achieve the level of Kitahara Hakuaki to say that Kitahara Hakuaki fouled.

But this foul.

In addition to the appearance advantage of Kitahara Hakuaki.

And why not bring about by Kitahara Hakuaki’s character that will always be considered by people?

Kato is fascinated by this.

If Bai Qiujun only likes himself.

Kei Kato thinks.

I must be the happiest person in the world.

It’s just that Kato also knows that this kind of thinking is that she is a little greedy.

Because that’s unfair to other people.

Kitahara Hakuaki is not an ordinary person.

And…… Nor was she the first person to meet Kitahara Hakuaki.

If Kitahara Bai Qiuzhen only likes one person, he may not even be able to take her turn, but it may be Shi Yu.

So, that’s fine.

Bai Qiujun is not the kind of person who will ignore her.

“Xiao Hui’s boyfriend?”

Mr. and Mrs. Kato watched Kitahara Shiraaki hold their daughter’s hand.

Her own daughter was also very obedient, and even shook Kitahara Baiqiu’s hand, looking very reassuring.

Mr. and Mrs. Kato looked at each other, and their faces were somewhat complicated.

“Regarding this, my father and I will not object, Kitahara classmates you can rest assured.”

Mrs. Kato looked at Kitahara and said.

If it were someone else, they might still be against it.

But Kitahara Baiqiu, they really have no reason to oppose.

“Thank you very much uncle and aunt, in fact, in addition, I hope that you can allow Xiaohui to come to my side and live with me.”

Hihara continued with a smile.

Although willing to do that kind of thing, Kato Kei did not give Kitahara an accurate answer.

However, for moving past and living with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kato agreed.

Naturally, Kitahara Baiqiu also mentioned it.

“What?!!” x3

Hear the words of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kato and his wife.

Hiromi Kato on the other side also widened his eyes.

Hiromi Kato’s face was full of shock.

Today’s high school students are really bold.

He dared to ask the woman to live with him in front of the woman’s parents.

You know, this is only high school.

Hiromi Kato felt a little dizzy.

For his parents will agree to Kato Kei to fall in love, Kato Hiromi is not surprised

After all, Kitahara Hakuaki is really good enough to make these two stubborn guys compromise but… This is the case now.

Hiromi Kato really didn’t expect it.

Is it that she has not kept up with the times and has begun to fall behind.

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