Chapter 315: Drunken Hirazuka Shizuka! It’s not the same as the quiet cuteness!!

Kato’s problem has been solved.

Then there is only the Ying Pear pear.

But this kind of thing is not in a hurry.

Kitahara Hakuaki told Eiri that he would go to Kato’s house today and their house tomorrow.

It’s just the nature of that little girl with the pear pear.

I’m afraid I’m still nervous.

Kitahara Bai Qiu couldn’t help but think about it, and his face couldn’t help but smile when he talked about Ying Lili’s parents.

Kitahara Shiraaki thought of Sawamura Koyuri.

The mother who was as young and beautiful as a sister was like a girl.

Unlike Hiromi Kato.

Kitahara Hakuaki is actually quite familiar with Sawamura Koyuri.

I thought about it casually.

Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t care too much about this.

And at this very moment.

But the phone rang suddenly.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the caller ID, and the expression on his face was also a bit surprised.

Shizuka Hiratsuka!

As a teacher of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Shizuka Hiratsuka naturally had a telephone call from Kitahara Hakuaki.

Today, after school, I saw that Hirakuka was not in a very good mood.

Didn’t expect to call him so soon.

“Hey, what’s the matter with Shizuka?”

“Don’t call me quiet cute, burp~”

Hiratsuka’s voice came from the obedient side, but it was completely drunk.

One last sound.

It sounds like a wine burp.

“Hey, little devil, do you have anything to do now?”

Hirakuka’s voice sounded again from that side.

“It’s nothing…”

Kitahara replied.

“That’s just right, are you interested in coming out and drinking with me?”

Hiratsuka asked, and there was a silly feeling in his voice.

“Jing cute, you kind of behavior… It is a kind of instigation of minors to drink. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu supported his forehead, weakly spitting out the road.

This woman was really drunk.

Although it is really calculated, Kitahara Hakuaki’s age is not small, much older than Hiratsuka Shizuka.

However, Amine illuminates the worldview of the world.

He was still only a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

Shizuka Hiratsuka This is definitely instigating minors to drink.

And it’s the kind of teacher who instigates students.

Although Shizuka Hiratsuka usually grinned widely, it was absolutely impossible for her to do such a thing.

All Kitahara Baiqiu was sure that this woman was really drunk, and drunk was not light.

“They all said don’t call me quiet and cute, you disobedient bad student!”

Hirazuka’s drunken voice rang over the phone.

But it didn’t feel terrible.

On the contrary, it made Kitahara Hakuaki feel that Hiratsuka Shizuka in this state was a little cute.

“Do you bad students who call teachers what they love to call this?” You say you can’t come, right? ”

The drunken Shizuka Hiratsuka unexpectedly stirs up trouble.

“Jing is cute, you are drunk.”

Kitahara White Autumn Road.

“It’s not quiet cute, it’s not quiet cute, I’m not drunk, I’m not drunk.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka began to play drunk, saying all the classic lines of drunks.

Even unleash skills for this.

Do not listen to or listen to the Eight Prayers of the King.

Kitahara Bai Qiu couldn’t help but smile.

What a cute kid, take it back.

Oh, it’s my family’s, so I’ll take it.

“You are just drunk, otherwise how could you do something that instigates minors to drink, although I am not a minor.”

Kitahara Baiqiu said as he also got up and prepared to go out: “By the way, if a woman is drunk and alone outside, it will be very dangerous, there is a word called picking up corpses, and very beautiful women like Jing Cute You are inevitable victims.” ”


Hira Tsukasa on the other end of the phone seemed to take another sip of wine, and then laughed.

“I’m not drunk, and I don’t have to worry about even meeting bad guys!”

“I’m an empty means!” No matter what the bad guys, all will not be my opponents, all will be beaten by me! ”

This is true.

If you really dare to take a shot at Hirakuka Shizuka, it is estimated that you have eaten some bear heart leopard bile.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is confident about this.

Otherwise she wouldn’t have come to the bar alone for a drink.

And at this very moment.

“This young lady, do you want to have a drink together?”

A voice sounded nearby.

Hiratsuka was confused to see that the man dared to shoot at him, and his hand slowly reached out to him.

Hirazuka’s eyes froze.

The wine suddenly sobered up a lot.

She had never imagined that someone would dare to take a shot at her.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Shizuka Hiratsuka directly punched the figure.

She wanted to let this person who didn’t know whether she was alive or dead know that the old woman was not so good at bullying.

However, a punch with wind was thrown.

Hiratsuka was shocked to find that the man had caught his fist steadily.

“Poof, karate eight dan, quiet and cute, that’s it?”

The sound of laughter in the shadow of the figure sounded in Hirakuka Shizuka’s ears.

Coincidentally, on her phone.

It also has such a voice.

Seeing the comer, Hirakuka quietly relaxed for an instant, and his body slowly softened again.

“You’re here.”

Kitahara Baiqiu hurriedly hugged the drunken beauty, and the beauty also asked in his arms.

But don’t wait for Kitahara Hakuaki to answer.

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked dazed and asked herself.

“Could it be that it just happened to be nearby?” Nor is it right… Even if it’s nearby, how do you know I’m in this shop? ”

“Uh… Forget it, this doesn’t matter, Kitahara, it’s good to see you. ”

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked lazy and lay down in Kitahara’s arms and took a deep breath.

Kitahara Bai Qiu cried and laughed.

I have to say that such quiet cuteness is really too rare.

As for how he got here, how he knew that Jing Cute was in this shop, there were many ways.

Kitahara Bai Qiu hugged Jing Cute, also sat down on the sofa, and gently sorted out the already messy hair for Jing Cute…

Shizuka frowned at this, symbolically struggling twice before moving.

It wasn’t that she was a little embarrassed to lie in Kitahara’s white autumn arms.

Now her head was empty, and she didn’t think about it at all.

Mainly because of a little itchy.

“Come all come, then I will accompany Jing cute you to have a drink.”

Kitahara said softly.

He didn’t rush to ask Shizuka what was wrong with Hiratsuka, but first accompanied her for a drink.

“Also, don’t do it, Bai Qiu, you are not yet an adult.”

At this moment, Hiratsuka was confused but shook his head in refusal

On the phone, she was just talking about it, and how could she really let Kitahara Baiqiu drink.

“Juvenile? Hahaha, I’m already an adult, Xiao Jing. ”

Kitahara laughed and said to Shizuka Kan Hirazuka.

This adult is not an adult, and it is really Kitahara Baiqiu who has the final say.

If he said he was an adult, he must have become an adult.

But if he says he will always be seventeen, then he will always be ten years old.

Hiratsuka was stunned.

I don’t understand what Kitahara White Autumn means.

However, there were too many mysterious places for her as a student, and after she only stopped it with a loud voice, she did not continue to stop Kitahara Baiqiu when she was drunk.

Just drink.

Kitahara Hakuaki wants to make the hotel when he is an adult and there is no problem at all.

Naturally, someone immediately sent the wine of the North Plains White Autumn Spot.

Kitahara Bai Qiu took a sip and put it down.

Well, in general.

Hiratsuka struggled, and also climbed up from Hihara Hakuaki.

Pick up the wine glass and continue drinking.

“Then again, Xiao Jing, how come you’re drinking here alone, didn’t you call anyone else?”

Kitahara touched Hirazuka’s hair and looked at the girl with a charming red halo on her face and asked.

For Xiao Jing this kind of title.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was not as resistant as Shizuka was.

It may be that Xiao Jing seems to be relatively young, so Hiratsuka Jing likes it more, right?

“Oh, I wanted Yang Nai to accompany me out to drink, and she used to accompany me.”

After Shizuka finished drinking, she comfortably leaned on Kitahara Hakuaki and replied.

“But this time she said she couldn’t come to something, told me to look for you, and then I will look for you.”

“Hmm, I don’t believe she has a problem, she just won’t come, I’m not rare her.”

Hiratsuka’s humming was completely different from usual, and it was completely cute.

In fact, after Yukishita Yono learned about Shizuka Hiratsuka, he told Shizuka that this was a good opportunity.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was hesitant at first.

But after getting drunk, she couldn’t manage so much, so she called Kitahara Baiqiu directly.

Hirakuka Shizuka’s face was flushed with redness at the moment.

I don’t know if it’s a drunken relationship or a little shyness in my heart.

And Kitahara Baiqiu understood the beginning and end of the matter.

After learning that it was the snow under the sun that did the good thing behind the scenes.

All he could say was that.

Nice work!

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