Chapter 320 Guardian! Yokai Sage Yakumo Purple!!

“What’s that……”

I saw this pillar of light soaring into the sky.

The many people from the other world who had finally arrived at the scene were also full of surprise at this moment.

They could feel the trembling power on this pillar of light. Even facing this pillar of light makes people feel suffocated.

Can’t help it.

Everyone also slowed down one by one.

There was shock in his eyes.

Someone has realized something and slapped himself hard.

Yes, Jenyima is a fool herself.

These two little princesses.

Since it is related to the One.

How could that one not have left his back hand to protect them?!! What the hell are they worried about?

To worry about.

It should be the one who is so good to die that he dares to take a shot at those two little princesses.

Inoue Takina fell to the ground.

It looked very awkward, a voice was gray-headed, a little gasping, but also a shyness to look at the pillar of light in front of him.

He himself was saved by Lord Bai Qiu again.

Inoue Takina knew exactly where the strength in her body came from.

This is the blessing that Lord Bai Qiu gave her and Senshu to be able to protect them in times of crisis.

After the pillar of light that soars into the sky has dissipated.

A golden figure also appeared in front of Inoue Takina.

Above this figure, you can still faintly see the appearance of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

“Lord Bai Qiu?”

Inoue Takina looked at the golden figure in front of her and asked uncertainly.

The golden figure heard Inoue’s words and nodded at her.

Inoue’s face was full of redness, and she knew that ‘Eight Ninety’ was definitely the power of Lord Bai Qiu.


At this time, Nishiki Senshu also rushed over.

Nervously, she hugged Tsuna Inoue and kept asking, “How’s it going?” Is there anything that hurts and is there something that is uncomfortable? Are you okay! ”

Nishiki Chishu’s face was full of nervousness.

Inoue Takina looked embarrassed by the Chiho that had been pasted on her face, and looked like a headache.

And at this very moment.

A small stone also rose out of thin air and attacked directly towards the Jinmu Thousand Beams, right in the middle of the eyebrow.


Nishiki covered his forehead, and his eyes were full of tears.

Her eyebrows were red.

She looked at the golden figure with grievance, and finally became honest, and said cutely: “White, Lord Bai Qiu.” ”

The golden figure nodded again.

That’s what spared her.

Looking around, the golden figure finally turned its gaze to the body of the party passing.

“What are you?!!”

One side’s heart was full of vibrations at this moment.

He had never imagined that in the bodies of these two young girls, there was such a powerful force guarding them.

The most critical thing is.

This force, just by the face, actually had a feeling of suffocation?!!

One side of the passer’s face was incredulous.

He had never been in this situation before.

Just facing it makes people resist.

The golden figure looked at the passing side as if to take care of him, and did not say “Hum! Pretend to be a ghost! ”

One side’s face was full of fierceness, and he did not believe in evil.

Moreover, they have already fought evil anyway, even if they are really strong? Do you still want him to be able to catch it if he passes through the hand!

See the golden figure does not speak.

Naturally, one side of the pass is also the first to shoot! Rumble!

A thunderous sonic boom erupted from the foot of a passing party.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye swept away on its own.

The ground under his feet also directly stepped into an irregular shape and rolled towards the golden figure!


None of these things had even regained their composure before they could get close to the golden figure.


One passer’s face was filled with tremors, and he took two steps back in disbelief.

At this moment, the golden figure also moved.

He held out a hand to the side of the pass.

This action seems to be very casual and slow.


In the eyes of one passerby.

But it was as if the whole heaven and earth were shrouded.

Feeling the terrifying power above, the heart of one party passing, but also kept ringing the alarm bell.

Despair, terror, suffocation.

This is a party pass after the promotion to lv5, a long time has not experienced the party pass directly in place.


“If you want me to tie my hands!” It’s a dream! ”

One side let out a loud roar, his face was red, and there was no slightest flinching from the vicious expression on his face.

Running his superpowers with full force, he roared straight up to him.


This does not do the slightest thing.

Under the touch of the two sides, the face of one side of the passage changed from time to time.

Because he felt as if his power had not produced the slightest effect.

When the golden figure attack landed on the body of the passerby.

One side of the passage is directly the whole person flying backwards.

When the muffled hum resounded in mid-air, the impact was also like an explosion, violently shaking in all directions.

Under this blow, most of the body of one side was also hammered into the ground, and the blood flowed from the broken bluestone slab and the uncovered soil.

One side of the passage lay there, unable to move, and the whole person’s consciousness was also plunged into darkness, and life and death were unknown.

After doing it all.

The golden figure glanced around again.

Only then did he re-enter Inoue Takina’s body and merge into Igami Tsuna’s body.

Inoue’s face was also slightly red as she watched the golden figure turn into light and merge with herself.

After the golden light is all integrated into it.

Inoue Takina couldn’t help but touch her body.

Well, it just doesn’t feel like it.

It’s just that Inoue’s heart is also full of warmth.

This is the warmth of being guarded.

From the appearance of the golden light to the settlement of one side of the pass.

Everything is fleeting and an understatement.

Everyone saw this scene with their pupils constricted and their faces full of shock.

These otherworldly people.

I didn’t know how strong Kitahara White Autumn really was.

Can’t see through the strength of Kitahara Baiqiu.

It was as if Kitahara Baiqiu’s strength was endless.

No one could stop Kitahara Baiqiu from even one blow.

But they didn’t think of it.

Nowadays, it is only a small part of the power that Kitahara Baiqiu uses to protect others.

It was so powerful.

One side of the passage is not weak, but the force is too strong.

Even if it’s just that power.

They couldn’t see how strong they really were.

It is enough to prove how unfathomable Bihara Baiqiu himself really is.

Standing in place and being silent for a long time.

These otherworldly beings who had come to support Chishu Nishiki and Tsuna Inoue all silently receded.

He did not appear in front of Chishu Nishiki and Takina Inoue.

Of course, they are not in vain.

After all, one side of the passage and the golden figure made a lot of noise.

They just happened to take care of the aftermath for the two of them………

“Takina, Takina, are you all right?”

Seeing the golden figure disappear, Chishu hugged Imagami Tsuna again and said, “It’s all right.” ”

Inoue Takina said helplessly.

What could she do?

After the golden figure melted into her body again, the slightest scrape on her body was healed.

“That’s fine, hehehe.”

Nishiki Chishu was relieved at first, and then his eyes lit up and said, “Is this the power that Lord Bai Qiu uses to protect us?” It’s awesome. ”

“Takina, you have a White Autumn Lord in your body, so I must have one in my body.”

“What was it like when Lord Bai Qiu came out?” Takina! ”

Chishu Nishiki looked at his body, then at Inoue Takina, and asked with curiosity on his face.

Inoue Takina: “…”

Inoue’s expression was subtle, although she knew that there was nothing wrong with what Chiaki Nishiki said, but……… It feels so weird.

“I don’t feel anything, it’s just a very reassuring feeling, as if Lord Bai Qiu has always been by my side and has been guarding and watching me.”

Inoue Takina first answered with a sigh.

Then slowly, I couldn’t help but show a beautiful smile on my face and said happily.

This is no longer a hero saving beauty.

It’s almost as if you’re always guarding the princess’s riding ten.

Inoue Takina’s face was a little red.

She felt a little embarrassed to compare herself to a princess.

“It’s so good…”

Chishu Nishiki looked at the happy look on Inoue’s face and muttered to himself…

However, as soon as she thought that she also had such a protection, her face could not help but send Lu Bawang’s “crow kiss.”

“Ah! By the way, Lord Bai Qiu wouldn’t kill that person, right? ”

Nishiki Chishu suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly began to walk in the direction of passing unconscious.

“If you kill, you kill, that kind of unreasonable person, even if he survives, will definitely have an impact on our world.” 」

Inoue Takina heard this and said indignantly.

“You can’t say that…”

Chishu first said a casual word, and then she came to the side of the party passing.

Immediately he was relieved.

“Not dead, it seems that Lord Bai Qiu did not intend to directly eliminate him.”

“Oh, but if you look like this, you won’t die soon…… Is this putting the decision in our hands? Takina, what do you think? ”

“Well, since that’s the case, let’s take him to the hospital and leave, but if he wakes up like this, I suggest killing him, Senju.”

“Yes yes yes, I see, Princess Takina…”


And just above Chiboki Nishiki and Igami Takina.

A gap is also watching this scene from beginning to end.

“Is there such a strong person in this world?”

Yakumo Zi blinked, remembering the golden light that had just soared into the sky, and also sighed and said.

She has been in this world for a few days.

It’s just that she wasn’t discovered by anyone.

There are always all kinds of people who come to the world of composure.

As soon as someone appeared, they were found and then agreed to the solicitation of the relevant departments.

There are people who are like a party who does not believe in any other world and directly starts to make a big fuss and then is subdued.

Many things nowadays, in fact, do not need Kitahara Baiqiu to come forward, the world itself can resist.

Yakumo Purple is different from the first two.

After she came to this strange world without her knowledge.

The first time I hid myself and understood the situation in this world.

She didn’t know why she was in this world.

But there was no doubt that she was ready to understand the world before she could say anything.

“This should be the supreme being that guards the world in the legend, right?”

Yakumo Zi muttered to herself, also thinking.

Through these few days of understanding.

She also learned about the existence of Kitahara Baiqiu and knew the rules established by Kitahara Baiqiu.

She knew that Kitahara Bai Qiu must be very strong, after all, not strong would not let everyone be honest in his world.

But Yakumo Purple really didn’t think about it.

Kitahara Baiqiu was actually strong to this point.

The power of the guardian maiden alone made Yakumo Purple incomparably dignified, as if there was a faint feeling of facing the Dragon God.

I also didn’t know that the power in the girl’s body was a few percent of the strength in Kitahara Baiqiu’s body.

Originally, Igami Takina was in distress.

Yakumo Purple is actually ready to strike.

Then take this opportunity to make contact with the official of this world, and try to contact with Kitahara Baiqiu.

After all, she also learned through the gap that these two girls were important.

But I didn’t expect to be able to wait for her to shoot, and the pillar of light had already appeared.


Yakumo Zi sighed.

Kitahara Baiqiu was really too strong, a little beyond her expectations.

She felt it was time to change her plans.

But at this very moment………

“Yokai Sage Yakumo Zi, I really didn’t expect such an unexpected discovery.”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed softly.

At Yakumo Zi’s side, it sounded.

Yakumo’s purple pupils shrank and he turned back violently to see Kitahara Baiqiu.

The golden figure had just dissipated.

Kitahara Baiqiu and that figure were exactly the same.

Coupled with the silent appearance of her side………

Yakumo Purple naturally realized who the person in front of him was.

There is supreme existence in this world.

And……… It’s me?!! How can it be……?!!

How did he find her?

Could it be that there was a gap to peek and was just discovered? But how did you find yourself!

Yakumo’s purple brain spun wildly, thinking about how to deal with it.

The sudden appearance of Kitahara White Autumn.

It was true that she was caught off guard.

Of course, these are secondary.

The most important thing is………

“Do you know us?!!”

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