Chapter 328 Qi Tian Great Saint Sun Wukong! Kitahara Hakuaki’s identity!!

[You are groping for the road to double digits in the cave, your ability is many, and the first thing you choose to try is undoubtedly the sword you are best at.] 】

[The sword one way, the main kill, is very direct and very simple, but once you completely master this way, your strength will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced.] 】

After using this path to promote double figures, you can even try to master more power. 】

During the time you have been practicing, you have found that the perfect control of the golden talent has also helped you a lot. 】

[After a period of time, the White Night Fork naturally came to the door again as promised.] 】

[It’s just that she didn’t come alone this time, and she brought a young girl]

[The girl is lively and active, looks very cute, and after coming to you, she is also full of curiosity about everything you have here, and she keeps looking around. 】

[Although it is the first time to meet, but you are inexplicable, I feel that the girl has some familiar eyes:]

[And soon, you also understand the identity of the girl…]

“Hahaha, White Night, I’ve come to you, by the way to introduce you to an apprentice, how’s it going, don’t you feel interested?”

Bai Ye Fork brought the young girl to the front of Kitahara Bai Qiu, and he was also very excited.


Kitahara Baiqiu was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then looked at the cute petite girl with red hair on the side, with a speechless face.

“Hello Master!”

The red-haired girl saw Kitahara Baiqiu looking at her, and she also quickly stood up straight and bowed to Kitahara Baiqiu.

After saying hello, she also looked up at herself and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu curiously.


Kitahara Baiqiu was very speechless, and after responding slightly, he also looked at the White Night Fork with a headache and asked, “White Night Fork, what kind of ghost are you doing?” ”

“I found you an apprentice, I tell you, this guy is interesting, although it has not been long since he came to the box court.”

“But she said that she should worship the strongest person as a teacher, and I wonder if the strongest is not the strongest, but if you want to talk about invincibility, then aren’t you the most invincible person in the box?”

“So I brought her to you without even thinking about it.”

White Night’s face was full of excitement, pointing at the red-haired girl and continuing, “Don’t you feel like you’ve lost, do you know who she is?” She is a star spirit like me, the strongest star spirit! ”

“Moreover, I guarantee that you know her, and that she will be the most famous Qi Tian Grand Saint Sun Wukong in the future generations, the leader of the ‘Ten Heavenly Great Sages’ of the community.”

What the?

Qitian Great Saint Sun Wukong?!!

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned, and then he looked at the cute girl with red hair again.

He hadn’t thought about it for a moment before, but now that he looked closely, wasn’t this exactly that Sun Wukong?

In the box court.

The image of Sun Wukong is not the same as in traditional mythology, it is the appearance of the girl in front of you.

It’s just that today’s Sun Wukong is not yet as strong as in the future generations, and is still relatively weak.

It’s only about four or five digits on a level.

Realizing the identity of the young girl, Kitahara Baiqiu was indeed a little shocked.

Although it is different from the traditional mythology, the young girl is after all the legendary Qitian Grand Saint Sun Wukong.

“How’s that not interested?” I tell you, she is not only the strongest star spirit, but also related to the woman of Nuwa, and you will definitely make a profit by accepting her. ”

“I won’t say Nuwa, don’t you think that Sun Wukong is already very cute and beautiful?” With your nature, you shouldn’t refuse, right? Is this child not in line with your aesthetic? ”

The White Night Fork is not too big to see the hilarity, and she knows that she constantly instigated the Northern Plains White Autumn to harvest Sun Wukong’s memory.

Sun Wukong, who was supposed to be able to create a god system in the box court, finally failed, and was defeated by the Buddha Gate Supreme and joined the Buddha Gate.

But if Sun Wukong is allowed to worship under the door of Baiqiu of the Northern Plains, then the ending is not necessarily ah.

White Night Fork and Sun Wukong have a good relationship in the future.

After recovering her memory, she naturally didn’t mind helping Sun Wukong.

It’s just that the White Night Fork, who has already suffered two big losses, knows it well.

Even if she helps Sun Wukong, she may not have the Northern Plains White Autumn to help Sun Wukong.

Because the Northern Plains White Autumn itself represents many changes and endless possibilities.

A lot of things are not simply a matter of strength.

Instead, it must be Kitahara Hakuaki who is qualified to do it, or has the ability to change.

Also, isn’t it super fun to put Sun Wukong and Kitahara Baiqiu together? As a veritable problem child, how could White Night Fork let go of such a funny thing.

For the future of Sun Wukong becoming uncertain, she is simply full of excitement and expectation.

I only hated that she didn’t have the ability of Kitahara Baiqiu, otherwise she would have played it herself.

“Ah, don’t want my mother-in-law, you should help me, how about returning my affection?” No, I owe you a favor. ”

Bai Yecha looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, who was still thinking, and suddenly grinned in front of Kitahara Baiqiu and said.

The existence of Son Goku.

Not only does it represent great trouble.

In fact, it does involve another supreme goddess of the box, Nuwa.

Nuwa is a two-digit being with the White Night Fork, and is also the strongest of the two-digits.

Bai Yecha thought that Kitahara Bai Qiu was taking care of these things, so he hesitated, and immediately expressed his position.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked wordlessly at the White Night Fork that came to his eyes.

I have to say that this guy’s appearance as a royal sister is indeed quite beautiful, and it is really difficult to refuse the request in front of Kitahara Baiqiu.

It’s just that Kitahara Baiqiu is not taking care of those things, but is taking care of things.

Think about it.

In the original Hakage, the White Night Fork quit the list of the three problem children after three defeats, and then Sun Wukong took over the White Night Fork’s class.

Now that the White Night Fork has been defeated twice, it seems quite normal for Sun Wukong to appear.

There was no resistance to accepting Sun Wukong as a disciple of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

After all, when he realized the road to two-digits, fighting the strong was the fastest way he could reach the double-digits.

He was never afraid of any trouble.

Compared with this, on the contrary, Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Sun Wukong in front of him, vaguely as if he had guessed something.

He also asked directly to the White Night Fork, “It is okay to accept Sun Wukong as an apprentice, but before that, White Night Fork, I want to ask, do you know what the name of the mountain I am in now is?” ”

“What do you suddenly ask this for?”

Bai Ye was stunned, and then showed a painstaking and meditative expression, and finally said tangledly: “It seems to be, it seems to be called the Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain Oblique Moon Three-Star Cave?” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu scolded in his heart.

His identity as Nyima this time is really Bodhidharma!

Kitahara Bai Qiu took a deep breath, experienced to keep himself calm, and asked again: “Well, then let me ask another question, the last time Sun Wukong came to the box court, did she have a worshipper?” ”

“Huh? Of course not. ”

Bai Yecha looked at Beiyuan Baiqiu in surprise, not understanding why he suddenly asked such a question.

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

Good fellow, or Schrödinger’s Bodhi Ancestor.

This explains why it is so strange.

“Well, this apprentice, I took it.”

“You took Sun Wukong as an apprentice…”.

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