Chapter 373 Out of the Division! Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka left!!

The strength of your incarnation also allows the two of them to have a clear understanding of your strength again. 】

[Even the avatar is so strong.] 】

Whether it is Xiao Zi or Yu Xiang, it is difficult to imagine how strong your own strength really is. 】

Their faces were blushing.] 】

[I understand how arrogant I was to protect you after I became stronger.] 】

[They tacitly agree not to talk about this matter, and at the same time they are afraid that you will laugh at them with this matter.] 】

Of course you don’t do that, and you don’t laugh at them. 】

You will only tease them and appreciate their reactions. 】

[In your eyes, the two little Lolitas are annoyed and angry, how cute and how cute they are.] 】

[For this reason, you have also successfully gained many titles such as bad guy, big bad guy, bad brother and so on from the two little Lolitas.] 】

But will you care? 】

[You don’t care at all.] 】

[I just think that from time to time to bully the two cute Lolita mood is still very happy]

[Face the power of the avatar.] 】

And your bad nature. 】

[Xiao Zi and Young Xiang are also full of strength, constantly pressing strong to become stronger.] 】

After being promoted to a high-level youkai, Xiao Zi also discovered another ability of her own, the ability of the realm. 】

Compared with the gap, the use of the power of the realm is undoubtedly much more difficult, and the consumption is huge. 】

After Yu Xiang was promoted to a high-level youkai, she also found that in addition to her own power, she could also use the power of the natural things around her. 】

[This is enough to make her naturally stand in a huge advantage.] 】

Compared to ordinary high-level youkai, Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang were undoubtedly much stronger. 】

[As before.] 】

Their strength is once again growing by leaps and bounds in front of you. 】

[From the beginning of the inability to resist in front of your avatar, slowly become able to pass two moves, and then become barely able to resist, to the final balance of power………]

[The growth of the two is undoubtedly shocking, and genius is not enough to describe the growth rate of the two.] 】

[You see it all in your eyes, and your face is full of smiles.] 】

[You originally planned to let the two of them go after they had won the battle against your avatar.] 】

It’s just that Xiao Zi and Xiao Xiang seem to sense something.] 】

Although his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, he has never really meant to defeat your avatar. 】

Or, not willing to defeat your avatar. 】

They have a vague sense of what it means to see if they defeat your avatar. 】

They don’t want to leave yet, they are nostalgic for time with you. 】

[You naturally chuckled at this and didn’t say anything.] 】

Until one day. 】

You didn’t ask them to challenge your avatars, but came directly to them and announced that they were out. 】

Xiao Zi and Yu Xiang’s faces were full of shock. 】

“Huh? Brother White Night, we haven’t defeated your avatar yet, why are we already out of the game? ”

Yakumo Zi’s face was anxious and couldn’t help but ask.

It’s been ten years since Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka came to Hakura Shrine.

Ten years of time.

Whether it is for Yakumo Purple or Kazemi Yuka.

Or the long life span of the white night, it is nothing.

But it is undoubtedly that the two cute little guys of that year have grown into beautiful girls.

The appearance of most monsters.

Except for a little relationship with age, it is basically related to strength.

Nowadays, Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka, who are only one step away from the big youkai, have naturally grown a lot.

“Why haven’t you beaten you yet, do you still want me to explain?”

Bai Ye laughed softly and couldn’t help but say.

His avatar strength was really only at the level of an ordinary demon.

Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka, who were already infinitely close to the Great Demon, undoubtedly possessed the strength to defeat his avatar.

The reason why they have not been defeated so far is entirely because the two do not want to defeat and are reluctant to leave.

“Oh, then we don’t care, if we don’t beat it, we haven’t beaten it, how can Brother White Night win when we win?” This is cheating! ”

The body of the Yakumo Purple Maiden hugged the tearing of the white night, and said skillfully and cutely.

After so many years of experience, she knew that this was the most useful for her white night brother

Kazemi Yuxiang was silent at the moment, just looking at the white night fixedly.

“Well, don’t make a fuss, didn’t we say that when you get stronger, you should go out and break in?”

Bai Ye touched Yakumo Zi’s head and said with a chuckle.

Hear the words of the White Night.

Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka were all quiet on their faces.

“Can we, can we not go…… White Night Brother. ”

At this moment, Kazemi Yuka also came to the front of the white night, and the beautiful girl looked up and said to the white night’s request.

This is the life they dream of.

With White Night, they felt very satisfied.

Compared with today’s life, fame and fortune and so on, they are not at all peaceful.

Bai Ye heard the words and shook his head slightly, “The outside world is very wonderful, you should go for a walk and have a look, you should not live in my shelter all the time.” ”

Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka undoubtedly have their own legends.

White Night had no intention of stopping it.

What is it to stay with him all day long at a young age?

You know, he can’t always accompany Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka, and sooner or later he will disappear.

If it was just to become stronger, White Night had a way, and why did it need to be as troublesome as it is now?

White Night didn’t want the two of them to rely too much on him.

But as always, in the future it will still be the famous youkai sage, the tyrant of flowers.

Yakumo Purple and Wind saw the fragrance and heard the words, and they were somewhat silent.

They knew that they were somewhat dependent on the White Night.

After all, after being taken in by White Night, they had never left the Hakuri Shrine.

However, a dependency is a dependency.

They don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, and what will happen………

“Well, don’t look frustrated, since you are now a teacher, I will give you a gift.”

Bai Ye laughed softly, touched the heads of the two young girls and said.

Although he was nominally the brother of the two maidens, how could he not be their master?


Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka were equally stunned.

Then he looked into the white night.

Only to see White Night’s casual move, two things appeared in White Night’s hands out of thin air.

“Okay, so pretty.”

When Yakumo Zi saw this, she couldn’t help but say.

Kazemi Yuka was also attracted to the eye, looking at the thing fixedly, and also nodded in approval.

And what White Night took out was not anything else, but two parasols.

Since these two umbrellas were taken out in the white night, they are naturally not ordinary things.

Just from the point of view of the appearance, it is already very beautiful.

The tattoo on the handle of the umbrella is extremely delicate.

The pattern on the umbrella surface is even more beautiful and dazzling.

After all, when it comes to Yakumo Purple and the Wind See the Fragrance.

The umbrella is also standard for the two.

That’s why White Night would take out this gift.

“These two umbrellas, one is a foreign umbrella, the other is a sun umbrella, can be taken out by me, naturally it will not be an ordinary umbrella, as for what is the specific use, let me sell a pass, wait for you to dig it yourself.”

Bai Ye laughed softly and said that he also handed two umbrellas to the two people.

“Now these two umbrellas will be given to you, and one of you will choose one.”

“I want an umbrella!”

“I want a sun umbrella!”

The two girls spoke almost in unison.

White Night was not surprised by this.

It was because he knew the two young girls that he would take out different umbrellas.

Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka took the umbrella from Bai Ye’s hand, and her face was full of excitement.

Looking at the wind and seeing Yuxiang holding the sun umbrella, Yakumo Purple holding up the umbrella.

White Night’s face was full of smiles.

The two girls already have the unique temperament of the future.

The girls who took the umbrella were undoubtedly no longer full of reluctance as before, but full of fighting spirit.

“Since it was Brother White Night who wanted us to go out for a walk, let’s go out for a walk!”

Yakumo Purple spoke.

“Well, we’re not the little monster we used to be.”

Kazemi Yuka nodded.

Bai Ye laughed lightly, but still did not forget to say: “Yes, it is to have this kind of momentum, but go out, but don’t come back often, otherwise what is the point?” ”

“Of course!”

“That’s for sure!”

Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka are so confident that they open their mouths to ensure it.

[Yakumo Purple and Kazemi Yuka were finally moved by you and decided to go out for a walk.] 】

[This is what you originally agreed upon.] 】

At the same time, they are actually a little curious, what kind of degree they can achieve in this world today, and what kind of place they can break through. 】

[Before leaving.] 】

The two of them also challenged your avatar again, and after defeating your avatar again, they drifted away. 】

The reason why they want to do this, in addition to wanting to reassure you, is also to tell you that the little girl has grown to this point now. 】

Kazemi Yuka looked at you before leaving, blushing and wanting to say something, as if he wanted to say something but didn’t dare to say it, and finally he didn’t say anything and covered his face and fled. 】

Yakumo Purple also has a slight reddish face, but more is a bad smile, and after blinking at you, he catches up with the wind and the fragrance. 】

[You look at the figure of the two people leaving, and smile softly.] 】

[After the two disappeared, they also returned to the Hakuri Shrine.] 】

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