[The simulation of this crossing is over, and the settlement is in progress…].

After Beiyuan Baiqiu read the content of the simulation, he did not return to his mind for a long time, and his heart was full of emotions.

Although it is not a good ending, the ending is also expected, right?

“Can I, who have no memory, only be able to do this?”

Kitahara Baiqiu rubbed his eyebrows, subconsciously murmuring to himself, and a thinking expression appeared on his face.

How to say it, although the ending is not unexpected, but to say that there is definitely not willing.

After all, he had not been able to leave the novice village of Spider Mountain until his death, and as a crosser, this misery simply made Kitahara Baiqiu have some toothache.

From his point of view, this simulation is exactly the beginning of Spider Mountain, and then accompanied by the string of Wu tired of playing a family game that ended in death, and then it was gone.

The only estimate worth mentioning is that the system has given him the blue talent to pair up.

I have to say that this talent is somewhat unexpected by Kitahara Baiqiu.

Not only did every ghost in Spider Mountain be friendly to him.

Even in the simulation, he died to the point of stopping the tired of teaching other ghosts, preaching tired, and tired did not show anything.

It wasn’t until the end that he accompanied his ghost sister and tried to escape did he completely break out.

Although he died in the end, the effect during the period was not weak.

[Ding, the settlement is successful, your evaluation of this crossing simulation is D, and the following rewards can choose one of the three.]

1. Bloodline of Ghosts.

2. The physical strength of the ghost host.

3. The special ability of spider ghosts. 】

And just as Kitahara Baiqiu was thinking, the translucent screen in front of him was also once again a large string of fonts.

The appearance of the reward made the Northern Plains White Autumn also come back to God.

“Bloodline, physique, ability… Is that the reward for simulation, and it looks really good. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at the three options in front of him and thought darkly.

The first bloodline needless to say, directly pass, after all, Kitahara Baiqiu has no intention of becoming a ghost.

And to tell the truth, the ghost king Ghost Mai Tsuji inside the ghost annihilation is just like that.

The second physique and the third ability looked good, and Kitahara Bai Qiu was a little impressed.

You must know that the body of the ghost is definitely not what he can compare now, if he can have that kind of body, it is estimated that he must be a small superman in the real world.

As for the ability, the ability he obtained in the spider ghost, is not it easy to understand the superhero Spider-Man in the American comics?

Who wouldn’t have a heroic dream?

“Forget it, let’s choose two first, first lay a solid foundation and then say, as for ability, there will definitely be better in the future.”

Kitahara thought about it and quickly made a decision.

As Kitahara Bai Qiu made a choice, a brilliant force merged into his body on the translucent screen in front of him.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s body crackled and crackled, and within a few breaths, he felt an amazing power emerge from his body.

“Maa… This is also too strong, is this the feeling of opening and hanging? It’s so cool to fly. ”

Kitahara shook his fist in surprise.

Feel the power that is several times stronger than before and talk excitedly to yourself.

After moving his body bones, Kitahara Baiqiu got up, squeezed the corner of the bed with one hand, and then in one move, it was obviously a thick and heavy bed, and it was directly lifted up by Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was very satisfied, this was his physical strength now.

[The simulator enters the cooldown, this time the cooldown time: 2 hours.] 】

[You can choose to inherit a talent, and the inherited talent must appear in the next simulation, is it inherited?] 】

“Inheriting talent? Born to be good? Inherit inheritance! ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words and said without hesitation.

This talent may not be the strongest, but it is not surprising that it is still quite useful at this stage.

Seeing that the simulator was going to cool down for two hours on the screen, Kitahara Bai Qiugang wanted to study his own strength now to pass the time.

Just then, his phone suddenly rang.

Kasumi Shiko: How’s it going? Teacher White Night, the world you talked to me about last time may have ghosts and monsters or something, is the problem solved now? 】

Kitahara Baiqiu picked up the mobile phone, saw the above content, and couldn’t help but smile on his face, and replied without hesitation.

[White Night: Teacher Kasumi Shiko, I found that in the face of non-human beings, the power of mortals has a limit, so I decided not to be a mortal! 】


Lying on his bed, Kasumigaoka’s body was unobstructed but unappreciated.

Seeing the news of Kitahara Baiqiu, the beautiful face was also stunned.

White Night Teacher… Is this the onset of the disease again?

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