Chapter 403: World Fusion! Ghost Destroy the World!!

The next day, early in the morning.

Yakumo Purple woke up from her sleep.

After feeling the familiar breath around her, she breathed a sigh of relief and slowly calmed down again.

Yakumo Zi’s beautiful face was full of redness and shame at the moment. But beyond that, there was joy and joy in her heart.

Because of this, she is not behind anyone.

What could be happier than giving your most precious things to the people you love the most?

Yakumo Zi looked at the sleeping face of the white night and thought happily in his heart.


But what Yakumo Purple did not expect.

Not long after she had just gazed at White Night, White Night’s eyes opened and she looked at herself with a smile.


Yakumo Zi was suddenly flustered, and his red face couldn’t help but ask, “White Night Deputy Brother, when did you wake up?” ”

“Me? I had woken up a long time ago, but someone was a little lazy pig, and I squinted again. ”

White Night said with a chuckle.

Yakumo Zi arched his nose in dissatisfaction and snorted cutely, “Hmm, we’re not little lazy pigs.” ”

Isn’t that more like?

When Bai Ye heard the words, his heart was also dumbfounded.

“Yes and yes, after all, where is the purple how cute little lazy pig ah, but just now I don’t know who it is, staring at me has been smirking, I also know Oh.”

White Night said sarcastically.

Yakumo Purple heard the words, and his face was full of redness.

Then how did she know that the white night had woken up?

Yakumo Zi was powerless to refute it, so he slapped White Night with his own hand to show his dissatisfaction.

After all, unreasonable making trouble is also the privilege of girls.

White Night laughed a few times, and the number of natural spoils followed, after all, if someone has too much movement, it will only be someone who suffers.

After a fight with Yakumo Zi.

She also slowly stopped, smiled and lay in the arms of the white night.

“Brother White Night, when our Gensokyo world merges into this world, will it also wait a month later?”

Yakumo Zi looked at the white night and asked curiously.

She had been at White Night’s house these days, and White Night had also told her about the integration of the world, so naturally she knew that it would take a month for a world to completely merge.


White Night nodded.

“I really didn’t expect it, since the truth is like this.”

Yakumo Zi sighed a little in the arms of the white night, and then she laughed dumbly, “So, we are the first person in Gensokyo to know the truth, and we are really lucky.” ”

White Night’s words were all unbearable.

A girl who likes to express her love for you with a small comparison.

How can you not love?

Yakumo Purple is undoubtedly a very cute and beautiful girl.

“But then again, what we also didn’t expect was that Brother White Night, in addition to us, you have so many young girls who have a great relationship with you, and so many young girls from other worlds.”

“It doesn’t matter to us, after all, Brother White Night likes us, and we also like Brother White Night, that’s enough, but if it’s Yu Youzi, Hui Ye, Yu Xiang them.”

“Brother White Night, we think you might have to coax them when the time comes.”

Yakumo Purple had a smile on her face and said slyly.

“Of course I know this, and after a month, I’ll definitely coax them.”

For Yakumo Purple’s reminder, Bai Ye also said with a smile.

Seeing that White Night was completely unmoved, Yakumo Purple knew that White Night already had a way to solve it.

She sighed and said happily, “Alas, I really don’t know how attractive Brother White Night really is, fortunately we are all immortal species.” ”

Indeed, thankfully, all people are long-lived.

In a long time, they will never be without companionship.

Yakumo Purple even felt.

With the nature of the White Night, if you return to today’s Gensokyo, how many people will fall in Gensokyo.

After all, White Night is a person who will not refuse when he is touched, how many people in Gensokyo can resist?

Of course.

Although Yakumo Zi thought so, she did not say it.

“The world merges……… I really don’t know what the world is like to merge. ”

Yakumo Purple said with emotion.

“You want to know? Then you will probably see it soon. ”

White Night heard the words and said with a chuckle.

Yakumo Purple was stunned. I didn’t wait for her to ask.

The whole world!

Undoubtedly it began to vibrate!

As long as they are strong, at this moment, they can feel the vibration of this world.

Of course.

Ordinary people’s words are naturally undetectable.

At this moment, all the girls of the White Night Family looked up, looked up at the sky, and felt that the world was beginning to change.

And soon.

One by one, they also showed a clear expression on their faces.

Because they know.

It is that the time of the ghost annihilation world has passed a month and has begun to merge with the comprehensive world.

The rest of the strong people around the world felt this shock, although they did not know what was happening.

But obviously, they also feel that the world is beginning to undergo some unknown changes.

“Brother White Night, this is…?”

Yakumo Zi’s face was full of vibration, and he subconsciously asked.

“Well, that’s right, the world of ghost annihilation has come in.”

Bai Ye’s eyes were glowing, and with some anticipation on his face, he also said affirmatively to Yakumo Zi.

Immediately, after he kissed Yakumo Zi, he also went to deal with the matter of the ghost destroying the world.

Yakumo Zi’s words, naturally she could not force her to get up and stay in the room to rest.

……… Ghosts destroy the world.

Disc House.

All the maidens who had intersected with the white night were naturally gathered together at this moment.

Butterfly Shinobi, Butterfly Kanae, Stove Gate You Bean, Chestnut Flower Fall Kanahu……… And so many girls.

At this moment, his face was undoubtedly full of tension and anticipation.

Because today is what White Night said, the last day of the one-month deadline.

After today.

They are undoubtedly able to be with the White Night forever! Signed a contract with White Night.

Now they are all in the four figures.

Nature is able to feel the changes in the world.

I knew that I was getting closer and closer to the white night.

But that’s exactly what happened.

They were even more nervous.

After all, the day they had been looking forward to, and now that it had really arrived, how could they not be nervous.

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