Chapter 417 Purify the World! One hundred does not save one!!


It’s ridiculous!

Tiantong Ju Zhicheng listened from the sidelines, only to feel that the person in front of him was a crazy person Tiantong Juzhi’s heart had begun to tremble, and his heart was full of solemnity.

Because in this world, crazy people are the most difficult to deal with.

Not to mention comparing himself to God’s madman.

Saint Tianzi’s face was also full of shock, and his voice even began to tremble a little, and he asked, “Is Your Excellency the White Night comparing himself to a god, to a god, and is killing in this world?” ”

“God? Do you mean Jehovah? ”

White Night heard the words of Saint Tianzi and said with a chuckle, “He is not as good as me in many worlds now.” ”

The so-called God, whether in terms of ability or strength, is inferior to the white night, not as good as the white night.

So White Night is just stating a fact.

“As for comparing oneself to God, to a deity… I don’t need it because I am God. ”

Saying that, the white night also slowly separated the divinity in his body.

The majestic shore breath that belonged to the gods undoubtedly erupted as a god at this moment, and the white night did not mean that there was no great shore without gods.

Instead, on weekdays, he hid his divinity.

White Night prefers to be approachable as a human being rather than the so-called superiority of the gods.

Hear the words of the White Night.

Looking at the brilliance of the white night that is as noble as a god that people can’t see directly.

In this moment.

Everyone was stunned.

After the reaction, their hearts were full of vibrations.


Is it really a god!!! Everyone present was in an uproar.

No one thought that in this world, there really was a god to see.

If White Night is a man, he says to clean up the ground of corruption, rape and wrongful evil acts as arrogant.

But if the White Night is a god, or even God Himself, then why does he say to clean up the world?

Take it for granted!

Everyone was panicked at this moment.

They all know that the person in front of them, no, it should be said that this god is not joking!

No one thought that there were really gods in this world, and they would actually face the purge of the gods.

Countless ministers could not hold back at this moment, and one by one they fell to their knees on the ground, and tears and snot flowed out.

“Lord God! Lord Gods! I repent! I repent! I shouldn’t have treated those kids that way before, I regret it, I’ll make amends! Please give me another chance”! ”

“Lord Divine Providence, in the past, it was all the oppression of the Tendo Ministers, so we had no way to protect those children, it was all persecuted by His Excellency Tenno, and it had nothing to do with us.”

“Believe us, from today onwards, we will do everything in our power to protect those children and improve their lives!”

At this moment, all the ministers are ugly in order to survive.

Saint Tianzi’s head was blank in the white night when he was shocked by the identity of the gods, but after seeing the ugliness of these people in front of him, his eyes were full of responsibility.

Tendo Kikuyuki could no longer remain calm, only to feel that his whole being had fallen to the ground, and his mouth was still muttering in disbelief: “It is a god…”

Gods or something, isn’t that what legends and human beings have imagined?

The appearance of a god in a godless world.

The shock is unimaginable………

White Night, as always, ignored anyone other than the Holy Heavenly Son.

After the outbreak of the White Night’s divinity, no one could look directly at the White Night.

Only the Holy Son of God.

Under the permission of the White Night, she was a special case.

Bai Ye looked at the young girl with a light smile and said, “In the end, I am more willing to call it purification than killing.” ”

Saint Tianzi stared at the figure of Bai Ye Wei’an, and when he heard his words, he only felt a little trance in front of his eyes, and then there was a radiance in front of him.

God Jehovah cleansed the whole world with light, and only Noah’s family survived carrying the ark.

Today, the white night purifies the whole world with endless light.

Purification destroys corruption, rape and lawlessness throughout the world.

Children will always grow, do not do it at this time, but when to stay? In this moment.

All over the world.

There is no doubt that they all burst out of endless light.

No matter where you are, which country.

Everyone looked up in amazement, looking at this unusual light, not understanding what was going on.

It was directly wrapped in light, and the whole person was submerged in the light, and the whole world was submerged in the light.

There is good and evil in the world.

But there is no absolute good or absolute evil.

Good and evil are extremely difficult to judge in many cases.

But there is no doubt that White Night, who has the talent of a judge, can make the most objective judgment.

The wicked will always be punished, purified by the light and dissipated into a black smoke in the light.

And the good people will also get the good reward, the light will remove all the diseases in them, and the protozoan virus in the children will naturally not be mentioned.

White Night did not need to pay attention to the so-called ministers who begged for his forgiveness.

They just have to pray that they are a good man and that they will be safe and sound, and if they are a wicked man, then there is nothing to say.

The whole world is purified in the light.

The current strength and personality of the White Night are naturally able to do this.

Saint Tianzi stood in the light, looking at the white night in front of him, only to feel that the light was very warm and comfortable, and people could not help but immerse themselves in it.

After a few moments.

The light began to slowly dissipate.

With the dissipation of the light, it undoubtedly means that the world has been purified.

The divinity of the white night’s body was slowly hidden again as the light dissipated.

The White Night also sighed after closing the divinity.

As a god who purifies the world.

White Nights naturally knows.

It’s not that there are no good people in this world.

The Holy Son of Heaven is undoubtedly one of them.

Unfortunately, there are too few good people in this world, and it can be said that there is no one in the hundred.

No doubt.

White nights purifying the whole world seem like an understatement.

But the number of people who have died in this place is undoubtedly terrifying.

The impact on the world is undoubtedly enormous.

Compared to the story of Noah’s Ark, God’s Great Flood cleansed the world.

White Night’s move to purify the entire dark bullet world this time has not allowed the whole world to shake it.

Saint Tianzi looked around as the light dissipated, and he was also stunned.

Because she found that the whole conference room.

Except for her, including Tendo Kikuno, none of them survived.

All of them were as if they did not exist, silently and silently dissipated in place.

This made Saint Tianzi’s eyes full of complexity…

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