How could it be so strong?

How could it be so strong?

All the ghosts present couldn’t help but think of such a sentence in their minds at this moment.

Even mom and sister are no exception.

How could they not have imagined that the strength of the Northern Plains White Autumn would now be so strong.

Tired is easily solved!

You know, in their impressions, they can’t resist the tiredness at all, even the Northern Plains White Autumn is no exception.

You know, in their memories, even the Northern Plains White Autumn has been killed several times, and there is no resistance at all.


But they didn’t even see how Kitahara Baiqiu made a move, and how could they not be shocked.

“Ghost hunters! Are you a ghost hunter?!! ”

On the side, the spider brother saw that Tired was easily killed, and at this moment he also cried out in horror.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and fled directly into the forest.

Can’t win.

Since even the tiredness was easily eliminated, he certainly couldn’t win the battle.

The spider brother did not have the slightest resistance, but instead shuttled quickly in terror.


Papa Spider also roared, and without the slightest hesitation, turned around and fled.

There was no other reason why the two did not hesitate to escape.

Because the appearance of ghost hunters must be to hunt evil spirits.

Since it is impossible to fight, is it better to stay and wait for death?!!


Except for the spider brother and the spider father, the other ghosts stood in the same place with pale faces.

I was so scared that my whole body was trembling, and I didn’t even have the consciousness to run away, and I really had the meaning of waiting for death.

Even the sister who had betrayed Kitahara Hakuaki and her sister.

At this moment, he also stood in the same place with a pale face, but he had no intention of fleeing.

Kitahara Baiqiu just glanced at the fleeing spider brother and spider father.

On the surface it looked like it had only taken two steps, drawing the knife and swinging it gently.

The bodies of the spider brother and the spider father froze in place.

With a series of convulsions and disbelief on their faces, their necks were cut off so directly.

It’s like hunting and tiring.

No one could see clearly what he had done, and he couldn’t react at all.

Ghosts, they have been killed!


The sister covered her mouth, her face full of horror.

How can it be! How can it be! How can it be!

The three strongest people in the family were so easily solved?!!

In the past, how many ghost hunters broke into Spider Mountain were killed by these three people!

Now they died so easily at the hands of the same person?!!

My sister’s whole body was trembling.

Not only her, except for her mother and sister who were staring at Kitahara Baiqiu.

The other ghosts of Spider Mountain were all trembling, looking at the Northern Plains White Autumn in horror.

“You’re so clever that you didn’t escape.”

Kitahara Baiqiu walked slowly to his sister’s side and looked at her in a calm and frightening tone.

The younger sister didn’t know what this meant, but just smiled reluctantly at Kitahara Baiqiu.

The reason why she did not escape.

It’s just that unlike the stupid dad and the stupid brother, he never felt that he could escape.


Although the person in front of him is a ghost hunter.

However, she also knows her mother and sister.

In the case of being killed so easily, if you don’t escape, you will have the possibility of survival!

“But I’m sorry, but even if I don’t run away, I can’t let you go.”

Kitahara said so.

This sentence directly made the sister’s heart fall into a trough, and the whole ghost was terrified to the extreme.

The sister subconsciously took two steps back, and even fell to the ground, trembling and saying:

“No, wait, please, I…”

After the words, the sister did not have time to say it.

Because her neck had been cut off by Kitahara Hakuaki.

The last thing my sister saw was Kitahara Baiqiu’s incomparably indifferent eyes.

After killing Tired, Daddy, Brother, Sister.

Kitahara Baiqiu glanced at the remaining ghosts, but did not continue to shoot again.

Instead, he put away the knife and came back to his mother and sister.

Except for Mom and Sister.

The remaining three ghosts, seeing that Kitahara Baiqiu did not kill themselves, also looked at each other and did not understand what was going on.

However, they were also trembling at this moment, and they did not dare to act rashly at all, and they were terrified.

“Brother… Is your identity originally a ghost hunter? ”

The sister watched Kitahara Baiqiu walking towards her, and there was some confusion in her eyes.

Things got so fast that she didn’t even react.

Stretching out his hand, he couldn’t help but ask subconsciously.

Kitahara grabbed his sister’s hand, nodded, and said softly, “Well, I’m a ghost hunter.” ”

Ah, yes, yes.

It turned out that there were still natural enemies between them.

Seeing that Kitahara Baiqiu knew that he was a ghost and was willing to grab his hand, his sister couldn’t help but think of it while her heart was warm.

She didn’t say anything.

Instead, he leaned into the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu and quietly wanted to continue to enjoy it for a while.

Maybe that’s okay, at least to die at the hands of his admittedly brother, than to stay at Spider Mountain to play the painful game of the house, or to be killed by exhaustion.

She only wished.

Her brother should not be anxious, so that she can rely on Kitahara Baiqiu for a little longer now.

“That… That…”

At this moment, my mother finally plucked up the courage to come over.

However, from the outside, my mother is obviously the appearance of a royal sister.

But the mother of the moment.

But his whole body was trembling, his face was full of fear, and there was even a cry in his voice.

There is no look of one’s own appearance at all.

“Are you, are you here to kill us?” Bai Qiu… Uh-huh…”

Perhaps the sister can accept that she was killed by Kitahara Hakuaki.


Mom couldn’t accept that she had been killed by Kitahara Hakuaki!

Even if she was killed by someone else, she didn’t want to be killed by Kitahara Hakuaki!

Obviously, he is the person he relies on the most.

Obviously, he is the closest person to him.

But he was a ghost hunter, and he was the evil ghost that was to be destroyed!


Mom couldn’t accept it at all.

Even in front of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Directly changed back to the appearance of his former child, and cried out on the spot.

The Northern Plains White Autumn was stunned.

I couldn’t help but knock on my mother’s head in disgust and scolded with a smile:

“Stupid, who said I was going to kill you?”

This sentence came out.

My sister’s face was stunned.

Mom subconsciously stopped crying.

Slowly, incredulously, at the same time, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

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