Chapter Ninety-Two The Simulation Ends! Huge bonus!!

You’re dead. 】

[The end of this crossing simulation, the settlement of…] is another ending that makes people have myocardial infarction.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the ending in this simulation, and his eyelids couldn’t help but jump straight to thought.

Sleeper, all dead.

Athena, Alice, Lady Aisha, Pandora…

Kitahara Hakuaki was glad more than once, glad that this was just a simulation, and he still had a changed ending.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t dare imagine what he would become.


Sometimes it is also something that can make people lose their minds and lose their minds completely.

“Didn’t expect…… Just completely turning his physique into a god-killer caused such a big movement. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu muttered to himself.

Didn’t expect that? He really didn’t expect it!

The world had even rioted because of this, if he could think of it.

He will definitely be more prepared!

Instead of thinking about it now…

If you think about it, what you did this time may not be simple.

Combining the forces of him, Alice, Athena, and Pandora, it took nearly a decade to succeed.

“Fortunately, in the end, it was a success, otherwise, everyone’s efforts for so many years would have been in vain.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu sighed.

This is the only misfortune of luck.

At the beginning, his collection of world power, the wisdom of mankind from ancient times to the present, combined with the goal of killing the gods, can also be regarded as completed.

In the end, he died easily at the hands of the ‘Last King’.

In fact, it was mainly because he was really too badly injured in the previous battle and could not do anything.

Otherwise even now he is still invincible to the ‘Last King’.

The Last King wanted to kill him, and he would never feel easy.

[Ding, the settlement is successful, your simulation evaluation is A-+, and the following rewards can choose two of the five.]

1, Purple Talent • Heart of the Strong.

2, Blue Talent · I am also a person with an identity.

3. Blue Talent Plot! Curing!

4, you have all the magic of this research and……… The foundation of the gods’ final trials.

5. This time you killed all the divine powers! 】


Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at the reward in the simulator, and the whole person was already frozen, and his heart was full of unrest.

Jinni……… The final trial?

Does this kind of thing really exist?

Kitahara Baiqiu couldn’t help but tremble in his heart, and only felt the absurdity.

He had only heard of the final human trials before, but had never heard of any divine final trials.

But think about it.

His physique once the fusion is successful.

Isn’t it true that human beings, on the basis of acknowledging the history of mythology, analyze and use it, and finally use the human body, the power of the gods of imperial history?

It is no exaggeration to say that in front of his physique, all the gods will only be his nourishment.

The more gods he kills, the faster he grows.

On this basis, he is undoubtedly able to transcend mythological history and rise above it.

For the gods, this is undoubtedly very frightening.

Those who are godkillers in the world of godkillers.

It is said that killing gods gains power.

But in fact, this right is always in the hands of the gods themselves.

That is, Pandora’s hand.

It did not escape the control of the gods.

Without Pandora’s help, the people of the God Killer World, even if they succeed in killing God, will not be able to become the Demon King.

But he’s different, he’s completely different.

He has completely escaped the control of the gods and has become an independent being.

No wonder!

No wonder this stuff is so hard to study!

No wonder those gods were terrified when they saw him! No wonder the gods rioted and said they were going to kill him!

Kitahara Baiqiu finally understood.


He is to the gods!

No doubt the real monster!

Who can really allow a person to kill himself and still rob himself of his own divine power and divine power?

This is why he did not have the [absolute evil] Azi Dakahad immortality in the final human trial.

Otherwise, he was definitely a desperate existence for the world of the God Slayer, and countless gods were desperate.

The basis of the final trial of the gods shows that it is still only the foundation, or even the foundation of the foundation, and it is not complete.

However, if Kitahara Hakuaki had the heart to truly become that kind of being, was it really completely impossible?

Now, of course.

These are still far away from the Northern Plains White Autumn.

But it was also enough to shock Kitahara Baiqiu.

I understood what kind of feat I had achieved.

“System, I choose one and four.”

Kitahara said with difficulty.

The Heart of the Strong can no longer be inherited from the simulation.

Kitahara didn’t want to miss it, it was something he had already decided last time.

And the fourth……… There is no doubt that it needs to be chosen, and this is the biggest gain of his simulation.

The fifth one is a pity.

After all, he didn’t know how many gods he had killed this time, and he certainly had a lot of power.

However, this stuff is replicable.

As long as he found a suitable simulation again, he would also be able to obtain the power of countless gods, so there was not much need.

[Select Success.] 】

After Kitahara Hakuaki made a choice.

Kitahara Baiqiu quickly felt the changes in his body.

To tell the truth, although he felt that he had become a lot stronger, he did not have the horror he imagined.

The most important thing is the change in nature.

Of course, he was not a god’s final trial now, and even far worse.

But, no doubt.

Kitahara Hakuaki was already talking about being a natural enemy of the gods.

This laid the deepest foundation for him in the future.

“I always feel that after arriving in the world of the God Killer, every death is a big scene.”

Kitahara Shiraaki jokingly sighed.

Not really.

The first time he died before becoming a god and fighting with two gods.

In the Second God Killer War, the limit was exchanged for three and died.

The third time is now……… Become a natural enemy of the gods, and kill the gods to death with all their might.

In contrast, the Ghost Blade is a bit of a fight, but……… After all, the god killer is the world of the gods, and this situation is understandable.

And! The scene is big! Relative to each harvest is also huge!

【Rewards have been issued.】 】

[Simulator into the cooldown, this simulation cooldown: 12 hours.] 】

[Ding, detected that the host had a blue talent plot in the last simulation, solidified!] The host can now solidify a plot! 】

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked, “What does this solidification mean, to make a simulation become something that happened?” ”

[That’s right, talent” plot! Curing! “】

[This is to solidify what has happened in a simulation, but it will fade the existence of the host, for example, people will only remember that someone did it, but they do not remember who that person is.] 】

“Remember someone did it, but don’t remember who it was, little black?”

Kitahara White Autumn spits badly.

After thinking about it for a moment, he said, “Then solidify until I saved Wanli Gu Yuri and Liliana, as well as many little witches, as long as I save people, then the god king Nuada and the Marquis of Woban don’t have to care.” ”

That’s right!

Kitahara Hakuaki felt that as long as it solidified there, it would be fine! After all, if you go a little further.

Then Salvatore Tonicco really can’t become a god-killer, can’t become a king of swords.

Although this guy is a bit arbitrary.

But look at the first simulation of this guy after all to send him a sword.

Kitahara Baiqiu was not good enough for him to become even a god killer.

It was enough to save the witch.

Kitahara Hakuaki felt that there was nothing else to solidify.

Alas, no way.

He has a noble sentiment in Kitahara Baiqiu, a person who repays the fountain of the grace of the dripping water.

[Ding, selection successful, curing is complete.] 】

[You can choose to inherit a talent, and the inherited talent will inevitably appear in the next simulation, do you choose to inherit?] 】

[Note: The Heart of Talent and the Strong has been inherited three times and cannot be inherited.] 】


Kitahara Baiqiu thought for a moment and then said, “Inheriting me is also a person with an identity.” ”

[Ding, I have successfully inherited the talent, I am also a person with an identity, and this talent will inevitably appear in the next simulation! 】 】

Kitahara Bai Qiu also nodded.

Although this time I was also a person with an identity and did not give him too much surprise, it was also good to have the identity of the Wanli Gu family.

Kitahara Baiqiu was so satisfied with his harvest this time! Next!

He just has to wait for the emulator to end, and then the next time the simulation goes in to avenge his feelings………

Yourself is far from defeating the ‘Last King’.

It’s not far off…

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