Chapter Ninety-Six Coddling Two Women! The arrival of Kasumigaoka Shiba!!

“Three o’clock direction! One more goal! over! ”

Hestia’s eyes were sharp, and from time to time there was a glint of essence, as if she were a warrior on a military mission.

However, in fact, she was looking excitedly at the computer screen in front of her at the moment, clutching the gamepad with both hands and constantly manipulating.

“The goal has been solved, over!”

Next to Hestia, Fallen Ji also holds a gamepad to operate, and her face is full of seriousness.

“The hostile reaction disappears, and the initial judgment is that the threat is lifted.”

Hestia nodded thoughtfully, “Beautiful victory, soldier! ”

“Don’t call me a soldier, call me a princess!”

Fallen Ji heard the words and retorted with full momentum.

“Huh? But according to the setting, our identity in the game is the soldier. ”

“Then I don’t care, anyway, I said I was a princess and I was a princess.”

Hestia thought about it, felt that what Fallen Ji said made sense, and replied, “Well, then I am a goddess, hehehehe, anyway, I am a goddess.” ”

“Do you want to keep playing?” Fallen. ”

“Uh… I want to play, but the owner seems to be coming back, right? He wouldn’t get angry to see us playing games in his room, right? ”

“It doesn’t matter! Never mind! Bai Qiujun would not be angry about this little thing! Also, he shouldn’t have come back so early…? Oops, rest assured! Rest assured! Another hundred million! Let’s do it again! ”

Fallen Ji was somewhat moved by what Hestia said.

After some hesitation.

In the end, he did not resist the temptation and said with difficulty: “Then… Then the last one, first say good, this time is really just the last ah. ”

“No problem! No problem! ”

Hestia replied confidently.

And the other side.

After sending Miko Yotsuya home.

Without a beautiful companion, Kitahara Baiqiu was naturally not willing to continue walking.

He simply used space magic to return directly to his home.

Then as soon as he came back, he saw the scene in front of him……… Princess? Goddess? Soldier?

Kitahara was disheveled in the white autumn wind, and he only felt as if he was a little speechless.

For a moment, I didn’t even know how to throw up.

“You guys… What are you doing? ”

Kitahara asked silently.

As soon as his voice came out, it directly made Hestia and Fallen Hime, who were addicted to the game world and had long been lost in the plaything.

The expression on his face suddenly froze, and his body froze in place.

“Lord, Lord, Lord?!!”

“White, white autumn…”

There is no doubt that the two were directly shocked.

He slid straight down from his chair and ran to Kitahara Baiqiu in a panic.

The expression on the face is how much heart is weak, how weak the heart is.

“Bai Qiu, don’t be angry! I confess! It’s the Fallen Ji who forcibly pulled me into your room and said she wanted to play with the computer, whoops, I was forced. ”

Hestia spoke first, with a look of pretending to cry and hiss, trying to win the sympathy of Kitahara Hakuaki.


Fallen’s eyes widened.

It is true that he did not expect Hestia to sue the wicked first! Is this still a goddess?!!

Although at first, it was indeed she who Lahstia had come.

But, but…

Addicted to play, but Hestia herself!

Obviously, she has always been saying that the master is coming back, the master is coming back, don’t play, don’t play.

Then Hestia kept saying that it was all right, let’s do it again.

It will become what it is now.

How could she carry the pot alone!

“I just wanted to try it out of curiosity, yes, out of curiosity, but this goddess didn’t leave herself afterwards, it didn’t matter to me at all, you can’t blame me, master~”

Fallen Ji looked at Kitahara Baiqiu pitifully, realizing that she was very cute and knew how to use her advantages.

Kitahara White Autumn Support.

I don’t know what to say.

He first checked his computer, but found that the two were really just playing games and did not touch his things.

Then he thought about it and subconsciously went to the refrigerator at home to look at it.

Sure enough.

After seeing Hestia and Fallen Ji’s lunch stripes untouched.

The corners of Kitahara’s mouth couldn’t help but cramp.

“Well, rest assured, I’m not angry, this is just a small thing in itself,” Kitahara said.

“Really? I knew Bai Qiu you wouldn’t be angry, I loved you to death! ”

Hestia’s eyes lit up when she heard the words, and excitedly went directly forward to hug Kitahara Baiqiu, pasted Kitahara Baiqiu with a foul body, and said intimately.

Fallen Ji’s face also showed a happy expression.

But she saw Hestia’s appearance, her face was red, and she hesitated to go up and hug her master too.

But after thinking about it, she still dispelled the idea.

No way, timidity is like this.

“If you like the computer, I’ll buy one for each of you in two days.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu touched Hestia in his arms and smiled.

Whether it is playing with the computer and buying a computer, it is only a small thing in itself.

Since Hestia and Fallen Ji liked it, Kitahara Hakuaki would naturally meet their requirements.

“Oh well!”

Hestia and Fallen Hime’s eyes lit up, and they were even more surprised.

Is this what it feels like to be nurtured (with a master)? It’s so happy!

“I’ll buy you what I should buy, but there’s one thing I have to say about you.”

“I understand your excitement, but you can’t even eat to play games.”

Kitahara pointed to the refrigerator, which contained a bento box he had prepared for the two of them.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter, Bai Qiu, you forgot, I’m a goddess, it’s no problem not to eat!”

Hestia patted her chest and said confidently.

“Mm-hmm, it’s okay not to eat, master.”

Fallen Ji also nodded and began to answer.

None of them are ordinary people, and nature cannot be described according to common sense.

Kitahara shook his head and said, “Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t eat it, but in my opinion, enjoying the food is actually a kind of fun.” ”

“As an immortal species, you can’t just do one thing just because you are particularly interested in one thing, because that will soon get tired and lose a lot of fun in life.”

“If you want to do everything for a long time, you have to learn to control it properly while having fun, don’t you?”

Kitahara Hakuaki is happy to spoil Hestia and Fallen Hime, fulfilling some of their demands.

Because they are all immortal species, their life expectancy is unknown, and they cannot be described according to common sense, but in the same way, he also hopes that the two will be happy forever.

As he said, these are small things.

However, Hestia and Fallen Ji were also very well-behaved after listening to Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

Lian Lian promised that he would not forget to eat because of playing games in the future.

In fact, they really like food.

Today is just the first time to play the computer, some overly excited to forget.

After explaining the two little cutes.

Kitahara Hakuaki also directly ordered two computers with the highest configuration for the two people.

For Kitahara Hakuaki.

What money can solve, that’s not a thing. These two in the family, the pet is finished.

Fall is fall.

With him there, he is still afraid of what falls!

[Xia Shizi: Didi, Bai Qiujun, Bai Qiujun are there? And that’s when it happened.

Kitahara Hakuaki’s mobile phone also rang.

There is no doubt that it is still the familiar Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

[White Night: Yes, Shiba, are you in trouble? 】

Kasumi Shiko:??? 】

Kasumi Shiko: Is there something wrong…… Bai Qiujun, you won’t forget the last time I said I was going to move to your house, right? Tomorrow is the weekend, and I’m going to pass tomorrow, so I’ll tell you in advance. 】


Kitahara’s eyes widened.

Sleeper……… This, he almost forgot.

Mainly this thing is really a bit unbelievable.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also did not give an accurate time to move over, he was in a half-believing posture.

These days I have been diverted by other things… For a moment, he really didn’t think about it.

[Kasumi Shiko: Bai Qiujun, you won’t really forget…? 】

[White Night: How can it be!] For Shi Yu’s arrival, I have been looking forward to it for a long time, and I have even been wondering these days, whether you were joking with me that day, what can I do if you don’t come, and now that you say that my heart is finally relieved, a big stone has fallen. 】

Kitahara Bai Qiu opened his mouth and said nice words.

Moreover, for the arrival of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, his heart was indeed very much looking forward to it, and there was no half a lie.

On the other side of the Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Seeing Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, his face was also very red.

For living with Kitahara Hakuaki.

She also plucked up a lot of courage.

Anyway, she can’t escape anymore, then it’s cheap Bai Qiujun!

Kasumi Shiko: Hmm, who knows if it’s true? Bai Qiujun’s words could not be believed at all. 】

[White Night: Huh? Am I already mixed up so badly? I can’t believe a word, but that’s my truth. 】

[Xia Shizi: Haha, since it is a piece of Bai Qiujun’s heart, then I will believe it. 】

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled slightly when he saw this.

After thinking about it, I immediately continued to speak.

[White Night: Shi Yu, since you have decided to move in, there is one thing I need to tell you in advance. 】

Kasumi Shiko: What? 】

[White Night: That is, in addition to you, our family now has two tenants:]

Kasumi Shiko:…? Female? 】

[White Night: Hmm. 】

[Kasumi Shizi: Could it be Bai Qiujun’s relatives or something? 】

White Night: No, a god and a perfect creature from another world. 】

[Kasumi Shiko: Go to die die die die die die die 】

[White Nights:…? Shi Yu what happened to you? 】

[Kasumi Shizi: Nothing, I’m sorry I don’t know why the phone was suddenly garbled just now. 】

[White Night: Oh, that Shiyu, are you going to come tomorrow?] 】

Kasumi Shiko: Of course you have to come! Crumb Jun, you are waiting for me! Kasumigaoka Shiba said…

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