"The Sail trial has begun, Ding, let's go over and see!"

"Really? I heard that the Sail Trial is very, very terrifying, and if you are not careful, it will turn into scrap iron inside! "

Underneath the Sayre spacecraft, robots from all sides were away, not far away, next to a garbage dump.

"Eh, friend, don't rush to leave!"

Yuan Xiaoguang watched an orange robot running towards him, with a pair of diving goggles on his head.

Of course, Yuan Xiaoguang knew who this person was, but he didn't break this. Children of Destiny, Sai Xiaoxiao.

Watching the orange robot running over, Yuan Xiaoguang pretended to be puzzled.

"Is there something going on?"

"This friend, would you like to come to our Universe Rag Company to see, there are a lot of good things here."

The black robot shook his head to indicate that he was not interested, and looked at Sai Xiaoxiao and wanted to recommend, and the robot directly interrupted him.

"Say whatever you want, don't do it."

Through the expression on Sai Xiaoxiao's face, as well as the recent incident, of course he knew what this kid wanted to do.

Sai Xiaoxiao showed a flattering face and rubbed his hands. Wait until there is no one to quietly lean in my ear.

"Are you going to participate in the trials of the Sail Interstellar Explorer?"

I nodded, looking at the fire in the depths of his eyes, also secretly amused.

"I also want to participate in the Trials of Sail and become a great intergalactic explorer, but I heard that most of the robots participating in the Trials have become scrap metal."

Looking at the way he looked, I knew he was trying to get news about the trial from me.

"Today is the last time for the Purcell to sign up. It's just outside Laiyang District, follow here and then..." After

roughly saying the location, Sai Xiaoxiao nodded gratefully, I patted him on the shoulder, flashed him a smile, and then turned around and prepared to leave for the trial.

"Hey, you still haven't told me what your name is!"

As if remembering something, he asked behind him.

"Yuan Xiaoguang!"

On the way to the point of trial, my mind entered the space of consciousness. But it didn't affect the speed at which I walked.

"Cultivation Road!"

"Mission: Participate in the Sayre assessment and successfully enter the Sayre."

"Reward: Cayi."

"Is this my first elf? Cayi? "

Of course, Cain understands that in his previous life, he used Cain to fight through many bosses in the game of Sail, which is a very rare elf, and in this world, Cain is actually very rare, rare is not necessarily strong, but powerful must be rare. Moreover, Caiyi's final evolution of Cairosith has a race value of as high as 725, and if it is cultivated well, it is not inferior to those T0-level elves. Rey Gaia who fights T1 simply has a hand, and in this world he also learned about elves, who are known as the strongest shields.

"Although the final body should be powerful Losis, it is really difficult to say whether this world has this form, and the super evolved Shadow Gem should not be as easy to obtain as in the game."

Yuan Xiaoguang has been traveling into this world for a month, and he was very unaccustomed to it when he first came, after all, there is no experience as a robot, and there is no need to eat and go to the toilet, just need to consume gasoline or energy.

As I walked, I had already arrived at the assessment point of the Sail. There are already a lot of robots gathered here, and there are some similar-looking robots busy assessing what they need.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the trial officially began. There are already a bunch of robots around here, and party registration is required to participate in the trial.

As a red light swept across my electronic pupils at the registration desk, my information appeared on their computers.

"Name: Yuan Xiaoguang."

"Model: 1st generation combat robot."

When Sail was manufactured, it was divided into one generation and two generations and three generations, but these do not mean anything, such as Roger Justin and those research robots belong to a generation of robots, and the second and third generations of the latter are actually produced according to one generation, but those top robots are too difficult to produce so there is no second generation, and the generation of the same model scale can be said to be the same as the father of the second generation, so many people wonder why robots and parents?

When the information of Yuan Xiaoguang came out. The staff couldn't help but look at him.

A generation of robots, that is synonymous with elite powerhouses, you can know it from Justin! He is also a combat robot belonging to a generation.

"Welcome to the Purcell who came to sign up, go in and test it on board immediately."

A blue-and-white robot walked up to a small mechanical room and pressed a button next to it.

The door opened, and inside was a corridor, and a bunch of fist mechanisms were constantly stretching and stretching inside.

The standard robot threw a shuttlecock in and opened the door. It became a pile of feathers.

The robots in the hall all made terrified sounds.

"Only those who pass the trials of the boxing corridor qualify."

Hearing this, everyone was at a loss. Then, a bunch of robots fled the scene in fear.

"Brothers, I'm in a hurry, I'm going first!"

A green robot ran in, and then followed by a few who didn't know how many pounds and taels. I knew at a glance that these estimates were those tricks.

Sure enough, after a loud noise, several people were beaten out beyond recognition, and then they were carried away.

Although it felt a little scary, there were still four people at the scene.

Sai Xiaoxiao held his head, his legs soft. His eyes couldn't help but look around, hoping to get a little comfort from others.

Suddenly, the green-skinned robot in front of him rushed out, and then a pink robot behind him also slowly walked over.

I walked over from behind Sai Xiaoxiao and patted him on the shoulder, and he looked at me and I smiled.

"Come on! You can do it. Then

he walked over without looking back.

Compared with the violent demolition of Ah Tieda and the flexible position of Kalulu, it is different. I just glanced at it, and then walked through it. It feels like it's really easy!

"It is worthy of a generation of robots, and its strength is unfathomable."

The trialist next to him couldn't help but marvel.

Just as I walked inside the Sail, there was a hoarse explanation (quibbling) from behind Say.

"I'm not inferior!"

I didn't look back, but muttered.

"Everything is like being arranged, there are losses to gains!"

If it weren't for the failure of the assessment, Sai Xiaoxi would not have met that light!

Entering the Sail Hall, the trialist arranged the room of the person who had just passed the examination. Then they all distributed Nono.

Walking into the room, I couldn't wait to look at the conscious space.

"Mission completed and reward issued."

Then I stretched out my palm, and a capsule appeared in my hand.

I threw it on the ground, but Cai Yi didn't come out.

What's going on, why didn't it come out?

After thinking about it for a while, I'm sure there are elves inside, why didn't it come out, didn't it?

I walked over and picked it up and threw it out again.

"Come out, Cay!"

A black light appeared.


What is this middle two setting?

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